I had a pap done about a week ago and the doctors office just called and said that it was showing me as having hpv(which is freaking me out cus ive been with my husband, and only him for 4 years) but ...
tonight i fingered my girlfriend and this wasnt the 1st time after i awhile i took my fingures out and noticed there was blood, i didnt know if that was her hymen or i just scratched her could ...
Ok for like the last half a year I've bin waking up with this whitish stuff on my lips like its fungus or something. Its not too bad i can just wipe it away but my lips are always really dry and ...
Is there any single blood test which could rule out the following diseases:-
1. Cancer
2. HIV
3. Hepatitis
5. Any other deadly disease.
Please let me know asap....
please help i really don't know.
no i don't have turberculosis i just really need to know or i'm gonna fail my science class!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
ok not really but i do need to know ...
I was wondering about AIDS and STDs- I am wondering if its possible for me to find out for sure if an Ex has anything- Am I able to call the clinic to ask them if he was diagnosed with anything??
how far am safe from getting Hep. B, knowing that I received only 2 Heptatis B vaccine shots so far (out of the 3 designated shots which gives total immunization). the other day I shared a mouth ...
i had a pap smear a couple years ago and it showed i had hsil. a few months ago i took another pap smear when i was pregnant and it showed i had lsil. what does this mean?...
Basically my friend just got chlamydia and i need some insults... anyone got any?
I know bit about Chlamydia anyway. Its Chlamydophila abortus, the one that causes women to go barren. i just wanted ...
I had cut my hair by one barber in his shop and may be he had use used blade ,may be blade was used 2 to 3 minutes before by someone ,can i get hiv by this way?How long virus live after come in ...
i have a friend that just found out she got HPV. is there any way to prevent the spreading of the virus like there is valtrex for herpes? also will she be able to have kids without spreading it to ...
Will this virus cause the lyph nodes to swell and stay swollen? or do they swell for a few months then go back down the swell again?...
Lady Janerty
Herpes protection. Can anybody help me?
I have read http://hubpages.com/hub/viral_protection and I'm afraid. Is it so dangerous? And can any drugs help, for example, this - http://1eu.su/viralprotect ?
Hi Lady - The piece is accurate in parts and vague in others. Very badly written piece with some truth. The pointer is just to an online pharm supplier who will likely rip you off. For information about herpes, see http://www.helium.com/items/1741093-what-is-herpes and for some ideas about treatments see http://www.best-herpes-treatments.com where I guarantee you won't be ripped off.