Mercury's Effects On The Body
Following is a partial list of the effects mercury has on the body:
(1) Mercury aggressively binds to sulphur. Since many proteins have a sulphur binding site in the amino acid cysteine, mercury interferes with numerous phases of protein metabolism which in turn interferes with a massive number of chemical processes in the body.
(2) Mercury binds with iodine rendering it useless, causing thyroid starvation and low thyroid function. Symptoms can be low energy, "brain fog", depression, and weight gain.
(3) Mercury binds with selenium causing selenium depletion which can have many debilitating effects on the body including a weakened heart and cartilage degeneration.
(4) Mercury interferes with the methylation of B-12 causing a rise in homocysteine which in turn causes high cholesterol, heart attacks, and numerous other heart-related issues.
(5) Mercury binds to tubulin and actin which make up parts of nerve cells. This in turn causes the cells to quickly deteorate causing the failure of the nerve cell and Alzheimer's-like signatures.
(6) Mercury causes mutations to intestinal flora (friendly bacteria). These mutated bacteria eat the intestinal lining leading to IBS and eventually, allergies. This is why many autistic children have IBS and general digestive issues and eventually have to go on special allergy diets.
(7) Mercury has severe depressive effects on the immune system leading to candida (yeast) and frequent general illness.
(8) Mercury harbors itself in body tissues so conventional hospital tests are useless to detect it. In fact, these tests will show low mercury levels in hair, blood, and urine. You have to look for special patterns in blood work (called signatures) such has elevated calcium.
(9) Calcium is elevated because mercury displaces magnesium which is necessary for calcium utilization. When this happens, constipation results in some people, while diarrhea results in others. This also causes muscle twitching, cramps and other symptoms known to be associated with low calcium and magnesium. In the long term, this can lead to osteoperosis and arthritis. Other symptoms include migraines, frequent cramps, and achy joints and muscles.
(10) Mercury prevents the conversion of T4 thyroid hormone to T3 which causes low energy, "brain fog", depression, and numerous symptoms that are known to be associated with low T3. Again, hospital tests for thyroid conditions usually test T4 levels only and completely ignore T3 levels. This causes numerous false "You're OKs" when severe issues with T3 levels actually exist.
(11) Mercury interferes with the action of vitamin C causing numerous issues from weak bones to joint issues to circulatory issues and frequent bruising. This can even lead to spider veins and other health problems well-known to be associated with chronic low vitamin C levels.
(12) Mercury causes cell mutations which can lead to cancer and moles. When you see someone with numerous moles or "skin tags" around the lymph-drainage areas (neck, underarms, or inner thighs), they are likely to be in stage 3 mercury intoxication.
(13) Mercury is well-known to cause miscarriage, birth defects, and cancer. California dentists are required to post a notification in their office notifying patients about these dangers of mercury from amalgam ("silver") fillings.
(14) Mercury raises DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) levels which leads to oily skin and baldness. It can also lead to excessive facial hair on woman and increased muscularity in men and women.
(15) Mercury interferes with digestive enzyme production causing heartburn, gas, bloating, and other digestive issues.
(16) Mercury interferes with hormone production causing various emotional issues in both men and women. It migrates to several organs including the sulphur-rich brain and changes brain chemistry and behavior in children and adults.
(17) Mercury interferes with the circadian rhythm causing some people to lose sleep or have trouble getting to sleep while other people become "night owls".
(18) Mercury interferes with insulin production and metabolism causing hypoglycemia in some, diabetes in others.
You may also be interested to know... Mercury levels in unborn babies are much higher than in the mother. |
This question is very difficult. Mercury is metabolized very differently from person to person. Since this was a one time episode and quite a long time ago, and thermometers hold relatively small amounts of mercury, you are unlikely to have any repercussions of your youthful adventure.
If you are concerned, you can have a test to check for mercury levels at your MD. |
You need to get on a "heavy metal" detox program that has charcoal & milk thistle in it. Try Dr. James Chappell's tri action colon cleanse program. Its good for detoxing mercury in your system. My dad used to break open the thermometers as a kid and play with the Mercury also, hes been on detox off and on, and hes fine...60 years old and still going strong! |