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 Does everyone have to get braces on the bottom?
Because my bottom teeth is already straight. Are you do need them because they are gonna shift your jaw in the right spot right..???
But it would look kinda silly without bottom braces lol

 Does getting teeth pulled hurt?
I am slow at getting my teeth to come out, and I still have 2 left and I need to get them pulled. I am terrified of the thought of things going in my mouth and I even thought it hurt when I got my ...

 No offence, but why do so many British people have bad (buck) teeth?

 Best cure for a sore throat?
It's so sore :(...

 One of the front teeth is just a bit broken, will it grow back?

 Does getting a filling hurt?
I think I need to get a filling in one of my teeth, but Iā€™ve never had one before and Iā€™m a bit worried about it. I donā€™t want to ask any of my mates about it because theyā€™ll take the mickey ...

 Do you brush your teeth....?
with cold or warm water?...

 What does NHS stands for?

 Do you brush your teeth in the shower?

Additional Details
In the morning I brush my teeth over the sink but at night I shower just before bed, so I brush my teeth in the ...

 I am getting braces in august is it true that when the orthodontist tightens them it can cause u to pass out?
i am only 14 and scared to death cause 1 of my front teeth ore fake will that effect anything with my braces and wil i have to use alot of care for that one specific ...

 Which is most unattractive - crooked teeth or yellow & stained teeth?
Heya, just wondering which do you dislike more - teeth that are crooked/crowded or teeth which are yellowy or stained. And I don't just mean in a potential partner, just people in general. P...

 A dentist farts in your face--what do you say?
I was at the dentist today and he turned around and bent down to get something for my fillings out of a cabinet and farted in my face. What should I have said?...

 Braces HELP!!?
Does it hurt when they put braces on???
And what can you not eat when you have braces on??
Can you eat Fast food?
I am getting braces~...

 Omfg braces =[?
yea well today i found out i need braces. Thats no shock at all since my teeth are a mess. I am totally freaked out. So can people give me adivce on anything and also if i have to get teeth pulled ...

 Anyone got any tips on getting my 8 yr old to brush his teeth...?

 Beside toothpaste name something sold in a tube?

 I don't think this is particularly odd, do you?
Every morning I clean my teeth in the shower, it's the last thing I do before getting out.

It makes perfect sense to me as you can rinse off all traces of the paste properly, and you ...

 How bad are braces ????
i am getting spreaders tommorow then after that i am getting braces how ba dit the pain for the spreaders??
and braces ????...

 You talking to me?
or are you chewing a ...

 I always have bad breath!?
I just brushed my teeth 2 hours ago and It already smells bad and I haven't ate yet. I have been to the dentist recently and they said nothing about any bad tooth. What could this be?...

Any tips for a person being scared of the dentist?

The DoomsdayClock
Brush yo teeth lots.

lots of dentists now offer solutions to that problem.........call first and explain

Dude, I'm scared too...I'm serious, I don't like having people poke around in there with knife-like objects...wish i could offer some help 2 ya

LN has3 zjc
Ask friends and family if they have a Good Dentist. Find one that is supportive of fears. Most Dentists will try to comfort an apprehensive patient in any way they can. After 30 years in the business I can appreciate your concern. You just have to find the right Doctor and take care of your teeth and gums! You will be much happier and healthier when you do!

The only thing you can do is to talk to your dentist first. Tell your dentist how you feel and they will try there best to comfort you. I used to be afraid of the dentist too. If you tell your dentist what you are afraid of they will show you what is going to happen and talk you through it. I find that if you are more informed you will not be as afraid. Overtime it will not even bother you anymore to visit them.

Lynn K
Go to a dentist who specializes dentistry for children. They are used to having to be very gentle and to explaining things so the kids feel more comfortable. So will you.

I know your feeling, Dude. I go through it every 6 month. Ask your Dentist about anti anxiety medication. Mine is willing to do it, but requires someone to drive me. Therefore I haven't taken anything yet. The thing that keeps me going back is that I had an infected tooth before and that hurts way more than the dentist proding around. But I usually take some over the counter painkiller, cause my teeth are just way sensitive. If that is also your problem, that tooth desensitizer from Ora Gel really works.

Altaf M
Well first of all there is no reason to be scared of a dentist. Just talk to him about what he will be conducting in your mouth and if you are still scared tell to put u on laughing gas or you can bring some musical equiment to help u get your mind of the dentist

Personally I want to be a dentist one day so
Man no reason to be scared of dentist ok
Have fun hope it goes well

I, too, am terrified of dentists. Check you local paper or phone book for dentists who specialize in patients afraid of dentistry. They will put you to sleep and do the work while you are "out". Check the reputations by asking for referrals from former patients.

I used to be terrified!!! I out grew my fear. Now I go in all by myself.

Just make sure the dentist can give you nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and you will go from fearing the dentist to looking forward to it.

Smell a lot of fruit smells before you walk in. Its not the dentist that scares you, its that nauseating smell.

Before you get in the chair, have a frank talk with the dentist. He won't be offended. He can offer a valium, or some laughing gas, or a bunch of other possibilities.

And you don't have to feel wierd about it, either. "Doctor, I'm a little apprehensive about being in the chair. What can you suggest to make me more comfortable?" That's all it takes.

The dentist WANTS you comfortable. That way, there's a lot less chance he'll get bitten.

Good luck! - Stuart

don't look at the scary tools lying there, don't watch the needle going in your gum, and use some meditation techniques to keep your mind away from that place.

Cher Chez (Red Sox movin on!!!!)
yeah. get over it!

I recently had my wisdom teeth removed... and I was terrified of having it done. Then my dentist showed me the x-ray, and told me what would happen if I DIDN'T have it done. Basically my wisdom teeth would have pushed my others forward until the front rows collapsed... very attractive. In the face of that prospect, a little bit of pain didn't seem like a big deal.

take a friend with you

Sure, drink a gallon of vodka, have your best friend pull all of your teeth out of your mouth and never worry about it again :) that's what I did :)

Do some research and find a pain free Dentist. Look up or ask for Sedation Dentistry, pain free.
1-800-503-3682 Dentail Referral Service 24-7

Don't drink pop, you won't have to go.

Smoke some left handed ciggarettes before you go, and only go to a dentist that uses gas. This will relax you.

You will find that the best way to conquer your fears is to face them. As a member of the United States military, I know this from experience.
Some types of anxiety are difficult if not impossible to control. You may want to see a psychiatrist until you are able to cope with these fears on your own.

Be a man?

run like whoa
Bring an ipod or discman with some music on it. Most dentists will allow you to listen to them while you are getting your teeth cleaned/ cavities filled because it is relaxing and helps you focus on something other than what is going on inside your mouth.

dont be afraid! the dentist cant hurt you! all he may do to cause discomfort is put bad tasting floride in your mouth! but if you like minty stuff they came out with a new floride that tastes just like a mint or toothpaste! i just got it like last week!

Daniel L
Certainly. I had many negative dental experiences growing up so I often dread the thought of going to a dentist.

Most dentists these days are trained in techniques to minimize concern in their patients. Don't hesitate to comment if you are concerned over a procedure.

If you don't like your dentist then shop around. Ask for referrals from friends and coworkers. Ask them WHY they like their dentist. If you like what you hear then give him or her a try.

I found that for me the concern goes away once I get to know the dentist and develop a mutual respect. Ask if you are able to schedule a short (2 or 3) minute talk with the dentist before progressing.

Here is a dentist joke to help put you at ease:
Q: Why do dentists seem so depressed?
A: They're always looking down in the mouth.

find a good dentist

went u go look at the wall ..

Find a dentist that specializes in gentle dentistry. They often said that in their phone book ads.

Or try a teaching college dentist lab as they are often up-to-date on the latest techniques. Just tell them the problem so they will accomadate you.

Work out a thing with the dentist that you will tap or whatever if it hurts and for them to stop a minute or give more painkiller. Be sure they use a number they can apply before they give you a shot of novacaine.

Practice slow, deep breathing or Lamaze type breathing while there. Concentrate on relaxing or visualizing being on a beach o in a forest. .

Take rescue remedy flower essense (good for trauma, upset,etc.). Buy it at health food stoe like Wild Oats, Whole Foods, or Trader Joes or a coop.

Take Kava Kava (tincture best absorbed instantly when they call you to go back). It is a calming herb and tinctures go right into the bloodstram via mouth absorption.

Bring lavendar essential oil and breathe it from bottle or put on tissue. It is a fantastic calmer downer. Be sure it is real essential oil from a health food store and not the fake stuff from department store which has no therapeutic effect. This is one I would definitely use. You can also use the rest of the bottle to help you sleep especially effective if you are worried about a problem and can't stop thinking about it. Just shake some on your pillow or a tissue and breathe deeply.

Remember this visit will help you in the long run.

Use affirmations like "I am relaxed" "I am becoming less and less afraid of the dentist" "I can and will handle this." repeatedly. Think positive.

Good luck!

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