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 Is 15 a little old to be getting braces?
Ok so i'm 15 years old and finishing my freshman year of high school. Most of my friends are getting their braces off now, but im just now getting mine on this summer. I feel kind of stupid not ...

 My teeth is gone yellow HELP!!!!!!1?
my teeth is gone yellow i dont smoke what wll i do to get them white ...

 How do you cure mouth odour?
What do I do to get rid odf bad mouth odour? Sometimes when other people speak to me I perceicve nothing, but when I open my mouth....I this strong alkaline breath rushes out. I'cve tried ...

 Wisdom teeth help!?
I have to have my wisdom teeth cut out and iam scared as i keep hearing different stories! Do they dislocate your jaw? Do you get put to sleep?
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 How long do i have to wait to start smoking again after getting my wisdom teeth removed???
idk if it will give me some type of infection or anything so yea...

i got my surgery on wed. and its now sat. can i smoke??...

 How many drinks would it take to fight a kangaroo?

 I want to get tooth implants...?
I was in a car accident and lost my front side tooth and damaged other teeth (I had the braces wire on). I have been undergoing surgery after surgery to reconstruct all the damage to my mouth. C...

 Why do some people not brush their teeth?

 How do i get the pain of braces to sooth?
I just got my braces on 3 hours ago and my teeth hurt! how do get the pain to sooth?!?!?...

 How does a dentist test for a cracked tooth?
How does the dentist know if a tooth is cracked or not?...

 Wisdom teeth pulling?
Ok I have a dentist appt tomarrow. I already know that I have to get my 2 wisdom teeth pulled. Which I am scared to death. But when they numb your gums before they give you the shot. Can you feel the ...

 My braces are cuting my inner cheeks what should i do??

 I have to get a root canal wed..any advice??
how's the pain..is it really bad?
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they told me 2 take 1 Valium the night before and 2 an hour before the ...

 I am having all 4 wisdom teeth extracted in 2 hours!?
Freaking out slightly... I dont do well with pain =(

I have soft foods to eat, and am off work for a couple days.

Any words of "wisdom" for me Teehee!...

 Best way to whiten your teeth?
Without having to take an uber expensive trip to a dentist?
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I'm aware brushing works, for the dumb f u c k s ...

 Trying to save some money on dental work, have any thoughts?
My neighbor Henry is real handy with tools and fixing things.
He said he could drill my bad tooth with his Black& Decker, and fill it with bondo. I am considering it, have any thoughts?...

 Would you smile if you had very bad-ly aligned teeth?

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well not everyone can affort treatments!!...

 How do U get a gap in your teeth fixed?
Not that I have one but my friend does... she wants to get fixed before we get into our senior year in High School. Her gap is like little in her two front teeth.
So does anyone know a solution ...

 Poll: How many of you actually floss your teeth daily?
be honest!...

 O.K. My brother and I were eating earlier and both of us burned our tongues. This got me thinking:

If you burn yourself badly enough on other parts of your body, you could loose all sensation on those parts.

My question is: Do your taste buds loose sensation if
a) they ...

Gums bleeding...why?
when i brush my teeth, after brushing, my gums is always bleeding, and i think it causes bad breath sometimes. is it true?
and what should i do?

You don't floss enough...do that every day, and the bleeding should go away.

Mike R
Yes it can cause bad breath.

Get more vitamin C into your system, and use a softer bristled brush.

Try putting one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide into a glass of water and rinsing your mouth. DO NOT SWALLOW.

may be you ahve inflammation of the gum, go to your dentist, to examine your gingiva

Bleeding is the first sign of gingivitis. I highly recommend you go to your dentist for Oral prophylaxis and besides it should be done every six months.

Christ Follower
bleeding gums can be a sign of gingivitus. or you could just be brushing too hard. sometimes a person is in a hurry and they brush fast and when you brush fast you are not only applying speed but you are also applying extra pressure. it does not cause bad breath, but it may cause a unpleasant taste. at any rate i highly suggest you try to see a dentist. if you cannot afford a dentist but you have insurance, talk to your insurance company and see where you can go for dental work.

GINGIVITIS!! Or your brushing and flossing to hard...

Thomas K
Go see a dentist. It can be food that has become embedded in the gums and rotted.

Nancy S
You have an infection under your gums. When was the last time you had your teeth cleaned? Healthy gums do not bleed when you brush or floss. I recommend you make an appointment for a cleaning and start flossing your teeth on a daily basis. Flossing is the only thing that will clear up infected gums ~ brushing alone will not do.

periodontal disease. it's an infectin in the gums and in the bone that hold the teeth in place. it's caused by plaque build up. and yes, it can cause bad breath. but that is likely more of an internal issue. go see an orthodontist, and maybe a gastroenterologist.

Sounds like an early stages of gingivitis. All you have to do to stop the bleeding is use dental floss every single day. The bleeding gums are a warning signal. It's not the blood that gives you bad breath, it's the food and gunk that is being left between your teeth.

You probably have mild gingivitis. This can be reduced/reversed by flossing regularly, and brushing regularly. I don't think it would cause bad breath. It is fine if they are just bleeding a little, but if it is a lot, you should go to the dentist. Just remember to floss--that is very important. Try rinsing with some peroxide after you brush and floss as well.

Jacob P
Maybe you're not flossing enough? Brush your teeth more softly, floss at least twice a week, and your gums should shape up.

It looks like you are having gingivitis. Otherwise, you might be brushing too hard. Bleeding does not cause bad breath. Bad breath is caused by the same microorganisms that cause your gums to bleed.
If the bleeding is caused by brushing too hard. Try using a soft or medium toothbrush. If it's because of gingivitis, visit your dentist for scaling. Brush 3 times a day and floss everyday. If you do it right, bleeding should stop within a week at most.

it most likely gingervitis
you should see a dentist right away.

You need to go to a gum specialist and have your teeth and GUMS cleaned. They go between the gum and tooth and do a proper clean, not like the dentist does. They just clean and polish, you need the needles and a proper one.

If you do not you may not control the gum disease that your mouth is telling you that is possibly manifesting itself. The gums bleed first. If you polish your gums for a month they may stop, otherwise definately see a gum specialist.

I lost all my top teeth, because I never went to have my gums cleaned at all. Yes the dentist visits were there and no advice from him. My girlfriend whom is a dental nurse told me.

It was too late...I was given 10 years...I got 5 as medication speed up the process. Now I am fighting to save my bottom teeth...

keep brushing. eventually it will stop bleeding. it does not couse bad breath you already have bad breath

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