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 Best way to whiten your teeth?
Without having to take an uber expensive trip to a dentist?
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I'm aware brushing works, for the dumb f u c k s ...

 Trying to save some money on dental work, have any thoughts?
My neighbor Henry is real handy with tools and fixing things.
He said he could drill my bad tooth with his Black& Decker, and fill it with bondo. I am considering it, have any thoughts?...

 Would you smile if you had very bad-ly aligned teeth?

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well not everyone can affort treatments!!...

 How do U get a gap in your teeth fixed?
Not that I have one but my friend does... she wants to get fixed before we get into our senior year in High School. Her gap is like little in her two front teeth.
So does anyone know a solution ...

 Poll: How many of you actually floss your teeth daily?
be honest!...

 O.K. My brother and I were eating earlier and both of us burned our tongues. This got me thinking:

If you burn yourself badly enough on other parts of your body, you could loose all sensation on those parts.

My question is: Do your taste buds loose sensation if
a) they ...

 Help i have bad breath?
I have really bad breath and I've tried everything to get rid if it.

I brush my teeth up to 4 times a day, I floss twice and I use mouthwash as often as I can through out the day. I&#...

 White spot on my throat!??
Well its like.right above my tonsil. not on my tonsil. and it burns. and its all red around it. its been there a few days now. what could it be??
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 Throbbing toothache!!?
i have really bad toothache and can't get an appointment at the dentist until next week. what can i do to relieve the pain? it keeps me awake most of the night and is driving me mad.please help....

 Is going to the dentist really that bad and scary???

 How do i get my enamel back in my teeth?
I've used so many whitestrips already that my teeth look transparente! Is there any toothpaste, mouthwash, or treatment I can use?...

 My dad said i might need a brace, what do you think? (pic included)?
They look fine to ...

 What happens if I use a whole box of crest white strips at one time?

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I meant if i kept putting the strips on one after another not all of them on my teeth at one time....

 Do listerine whitening strips really work?
They are pretty expensive so I only want to pay money for them if they really do whiten. DO THEY REALLY NOTICEABLY WHITEN YOUR TEETH IN 2 WEEKS AS THE BOX STATES? thanks in advance!...

 When getting your wisdom teeth removed, do you have to go under Anesthesia or can they give you somthing else?
I'm a smoker and I'm afraid of what might happen.
I don't want to tell them im smoker because then my parents might find ...

 What can i do for a toothache painkillers aint workin!!!!?

 I cant afford to go to the dentist how do i get rid of a tooth pain?

 What will my dentist do if I have impacted wisdom teeth and no dental coverage till next year?
I am in a lot of pain. One of my impacted wisdom teeth is trying to erupt. My dental insurance will not cover anything until May of next year.

I am having a sharp, shooting pain in my head ...

 Are firm brissles on your toothbrush good for your gums?

 Anyone had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once?
my dentist wants to pull all 4 at the same time while me being asleep... and alot of people are telling me not to have all 4 done at once...im so tired of them b.c they are messing with my tmj and ...

Wisdom teeth help!?
I have to have my wisdom teeth cut out and iam scared as i keep hearing different stories! Do they dislocate your jaw? Do you get put to sleep?
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wisdom teeth still in my gums and pushing! so they cant just pull them out!

when i had mine out i looked like a hamster for at least 2 weeks.yes i think they stand on your jaw to get them out. but you will get over it dont worry

Christine H
Hi, I was terrified when I went to have two wisdom teeth removed last year. I was not sure if I would be put to sleep and I was worried, as like you I have heard contrasting stories. I was sedated and woke up feeling a bit drunk. I had a bit of discomfort through the rest of the day, but paracetamol was enough to reduce that. It is definitely worth having it done, I had put it off for a long while, because I was so scared, I had a lot of infections and eventually I gave in and had it done. No matter what, it will never be as bad as you are imagining. Get it done and I assure you within a week you will have put it behind you and realise it was the best thing you could have done.

Good Luck

And no they do NOT dislocate your jaw!

Emily L
I heard that it does hurt..but for some people it doesnt... and probably for a day it would be hard to eat (like,you cant eat solid food)..other then that nothing will happen...it does not dislocate your jaw..having your teeth pulled out sounds scarier then it really is

No, in normal cases they will not dislocate your jaw :-). I've been through it, and trust me- you will want to be asleep! It's much easier on you and them. Getting your wisdom teeth out is worse than it sounds. I had no real, constant pain. The feeling was mainly "annoying", if that makes sense. Good luck!

Simon t
if your wisdom teeth are normal it shouldn't be a problem and you might get away with a local anaesthetic , but if there impacted ( growing sideways into your other teeth and jaw ) you will need to go to hospital for a general anaesthetic please don't worry the dentist will know what to do ...........try arranging an apointment to have a chat with your dentist and ask him/her to explain everything to you ............mine were a horror story but i dont want to scare you

its sounds like there impacted like mine were , you probably have a trip to hospital and feel alittle sorry for your self for a day or two nothing more

trust me. your jaw does not get dis-located. Whoever told you that.!! You can choose wether to have a local or general anasthetic. If you got more than two to come out then have a general, you will be sore after and thats a fact and expect av couple of days off work.

Miss Terious
When i went to get braces done, i had 4 of my molars removed.

They inject something into your upper gum which numbs the whole area, then they take a tool (looks like a sort of plyer) and pull the tooth out.

you cant really feel much, mainly feels like they are pushing rather than pulling the tooth - does not hurt so dont worry.

Then they put some antiseptic stuff on the hole of where the tooth was and let it heal in about a week or two....when the injection thing runs out, thats when the pain comes, but if i can cope with it, im sure you can - it isnt that bad really.

They only put you to sleep in hospital as dentists are not qualified to do so due to safety purposes...they only put children to sleep too. And no, they dont dislocate the jaw lmao!

Good luck...happy chomping!

I had three removed at once. Admitted to day surgery first thing in morning, taken down to theatre, general, awake in aftn and home by tea time.
Wasnt that bad.
Yeah yeah I know only one left, thats why im stoooopid!

I promise you that you will not have a dislocated jaw, so put your mind at rest there. What I can say is when I had a tooth out my dentist gave me a local anaesthetic, which means that it turns off the pain signals along nerves, so no pain. So you will still be awake but your gum will fall asleep and you will feel nothing. When you get home after your tooth is out you may feel your gum and lip swell, don't worry their not its just the anaesthetic wearing out. Your dentist will ask you which you would prefer "Local or General" anaesthetic. General will make you fall asleep. I hope I have helped you in some way.

Ann Onn Emoose
I am not sure about the logistics of it, but i do know it hurts quite alot as my mother had hers out. You can be awake or asleep. And i am damn sure they don't dislocate your jaw.

little me
no...they will just give u a needle to numb the pain and then pull them out...u wont feel a thing.

You probably have was called impacted wisdom teeth and these are prone to cause infection in the jaw and this is why they need removing.

Firstly you ought to go back to your dentist or orthodontist and ask why you need this procedure and ask exactly how it will be performed. Asking the question will help to put your mind at rest and make you feel less scared.

I hadst his procedure performed many years ago because my wisdom were impacted and were causing me pain, so I was only too pleased to have them taken out I can tell you.

I had mine removed at my dentist surgery as he was a qualified surgeon. My jaw was not broken but was cut as for any operation and was left with 8 stitches in the gum. It was sore for and very swollen for about 10 days after the surgery. Also there was bruising. But it was bearable and not doubt things will have improved.

I had the option of a local anaesthetic (being put to sleep) or having two injections to numb the jaw. I opted for the injections as I'm not good with anaesthetics and would prefer to know what is going on.

It is purely your own choice and you must decide which you consider best for you. What ever you decide on you are going to feel a little sore after put you can always take painkillers. Afterward you will be free of pain from the wisdom teeth and also rich of infection from the impacted teeth.

All the best and try not to worry that much it will be over before you know it. And do not listen to other people but ask your dentist to explain to you what will happen.

I know just how you feel. I would be scared too. I hate going to the dentist, and I am the world's biggest coward. Anyway, my daughter had to have her wisdom teeth removed. They put her to sleep, right in the oral surgeons office. She was scared too, but it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. You find yourself a good oral surgeon, and you will be just fine. My daughter's were impacted (they never came through and were trying to grow downward). She had a real problem. She was fine during and after the surgery, but she was very sore and couldn't eat for several days, just liquids. I know you are scared but you will be just fine. Thinking about it is the worse thing, and your imagination will run away with you. I had to have some oral surgery, several times in the past three years, because I needed to have a biopsy. I have to go on a regular basis, I was scared every single time and will be scared when I have to go again. It is normal to be scared, but take it from the worlds biggest dental coward - you are going to be just fine. Good luck to you, and please, let me know how you make out. I will keep you in my prayers.

patty cake
I had all four wisdom teeth pulled in one visit using only local anesthia the two upper ones came out in one piece and the lower ones had to be cut into pieces in order for them to come out and it wasn't bad at all. I did get swollen cheeks and didn't go to school for one week but I had no pain just try following the instruction after you get your tooth pulled and you should be just fine.

First quetion, no. Second question yes.

If you don't have them taken out, you may very well have crocked teeth for the rest of your life.

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