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 How do U get a gap in your teeth fixed?
Not that I have one but my friend does... she wants to get fixed before we get into our senior year in High School. Her gap is like little in her two front teeth.
So does anyone know a solution ...

 Poll: How many of you actually floss your teeth daily?
be honest!...

 O.K. My brother and I were eating earlier and both of us burned our tongues. This got me thinking:

If you burn yourself badly enough on other parts of your body, you could loose all sensation on those parts.

My question is: Do your taste buds loose sensation if
a) they ...

 Help i have bad breath?
I have really bad breath and I've tried everything to get rid if it.

I brush my teeth up to 4 times a day, I floss twice and I use mouthwash as often as I can through out the day. I&#...

 White spot on my throat!??
Well its like.right above my tonsil. not on my tonsil. and it burns. and its all red around it. its been there a few days now. what could it be??
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 Throbbing toothache!!?
i have really bad toothache and can't get an appointment at the dentist until next week. what can i do to relieve the pain? it keeps me awake most of the night and is driving me mad.please help....

 Is going to the dentist really that bad and scary???

 How do i get my enamel back in my teeth?
I've used so many whitestrips already that my teeth look transparente! Is there any toothpaste, mouthwash, or treatment I can use?...

 My dad said i might need a brace, what do you think? (pic included)?
They look fine to ...

 What happens if I use a whole box of crest white strips at one time?

Additional Details
I meant if i kept putting the strips on one after another not all of them on my teeth at one time....

 Do listerine whitening strips really work?
They are pretty expensive so I only want to pay money for them if they really do whiten. DO THEY REALLY NOTICEABLY WHITEN YOUR TEETH IN 2 WEEKS AS THE BOX STATES? thanks in advance!...

 When getting your wisdom teeth removed, do you have to go under Anesthesia or can they give you somthing else?
I'm a smoker and I'm afraid of what might happen.
I don't want to tell them im smoker because then my parents might find ...

 What can i do for a toothache painkillers aint workin!!!!?

 I cant afford to go to the dentist how do i get rid of a tooth pain?

 What will my dentist do if I have impacted wisdom teeth and no dental coverage till next year?
I am in a lot of pain. One of my impacted wisdom teeth is trying to erupt. My dental insurance will not cover anything until May of next year.

I am having a sharp, shooting pain in my head ...

 Are firm brissles on your toothbrush good for your gums?

 Anyone had 4 wisdom teeth pulled at once?
my dentist wants to pull all 4 at the same time while me being asleep... and alot of people are telling me not to have all 4 done at once...im so tired of them b.c they are messing with my tmj and ...

 Do you find hot dentists attractive ??
ok , i have like the cutest dentist ever. i do not know if he has a wedding ring , but i figure if i like him a lot. he will not think that.
i have always been scared to talk to him and ask ...

 What's the right sequence for flossing, brushing and mouthwash?
I'm wondering if there's a right or proper sequence for using dental floss, toothbrushing and using the mouthwash to get the most of them? Thanks!...

 An awful taste at the back of my throat and in my mouth?? how can i ge trid of this?
after a few beers on a saturday and sunday for the next 3-4 days i have a horrible taste in my mouth, what causes this and how do you get rid of this??...

I want to get tooth implants...?
I was in a car accident and lost my front side tooth and damaged other teeth (I had the braces wire on). I have been undergoing surgery after surgery to reconstruct all the damage to my mouth. Currently my dentist explained that his best plan of action is for me to get dentures. I'm only 24! I cry everytime I think of dentures. Is there any other alternative?

but your insurance from your car should pay for the reconstruct.

Susan L
Go with the dentures. My mom was younger than you when she had all her teeth pulled and has top and bottom dentures.

Do what he says or just 'gum' it.

get the dentures

If you have some of your teeth you can get refacing done.. where they put enamels over your existing teeth. If there's nothing to attach the tooth to, I don't think they can do anything. Go to a different dentist, perhaps a cosmetic one, if you aren't satisfied with what he is telling you.

If dentures are the best way, do it. But what happened to (sorry about spelling) venures? Ask about the options, if he's not open, go get another opinion.

well your dentist should be taking care of your questions if not i would suggest finding another one but heres something i found online about the situation http://1stdentalimplants.com/dental-implants-article37.shtml http://www.dentistryonbay.com/index_files/Page929.htm
good luck to you :)

NO no no! Do not just get dentures!

Read this site before you decide to do that!

I was in a situation where I faced either dentures or implants and chose implants. I was told that the bones in my jaws would begin to deteriorate without the roots of the teeth. So I got implants placed and couldn't be happier. My smile is amazing and know one would ever know I have artifical teeth. They are as secure as natural teeth. I do not remove them but clean them as one does natural teeth with floss, and a toothbrush.

I have a great friend who opted for dentures and today she went from a woman who could win a beauty contest in just 5 years she has aged and looks like she is in her early 60's and she is only 35. If the insurance will pay for implants since you had a car accident then do so.

Implants are the only alternative to replacement of teeth that is as close to natural teeth. Talking about stem cells to replace teeth, if that happens that is in the future (way in the future) What you need is help Now. I hope you get your dream smile back.

Also the link Dr. Sam posted is the link to my Doctor's who transformed my smile!

I had an implant about a year ago to replace my front right tooth. It was expensive (about 5 grand total) and a long process (waiting for the bone to grow around the implant), but I am happy with it. You should definately look into it. I have had crowns on that tooth since I was around 10 years old and I finally can bite into foods with no worries! I went to a prosthodonist who specializes in the work.

With out seeing xrays, it's hard to know what the condition of your mouth is. Did your dentist suggest dentures as a low cost alternative, or is there other factors at play here? Why not implants, or bridges? Time for a second or third opinion. Do you have any damage to the bone stucture? Gosh, I am truly dumbfounded that dentures are your only option. PLEASE go see someone else, see whats out there. Bring along a current set of x-rays with you, your dentist should give you a copy, all you have yo do is ask. I wish you all the best, and I hope that you are recovering from your accident.

Check this site also:


Prowl aroudn until you see something that applies to you.

If there was damage to the bone, the titanium screw that holds the replacement tooth won't anchor properly. Your dentist probably has good reason for suggesting the dentures, but if you want a second opinion, find a dentist in your area that does implants and schedule a consultation. A second opinion never hurts.

Good luck.

Yea, you yourself said it. Implants. Talk to your dentist about the cost. It's wonderful. It's pretty costly but, hopefully you have insurance. This is more than just for cosmetics....you were in an accident and your absolutely right! You are too young for dentures. Talk with your dentist about implants. At your age and considering how many implants you'll need, it really sounds like the best way to proceed with your reconstruction.

I say seek other options....
There are oral surgeons and Maxillofacial surgeons specialise in reconstruction of facial injuries, due to car accidents etc.
seek one of these people out the will have better options then pulling all your teeth out and shoving in some dentures, like you said you are only 24, they will have better answers for you and if not seek another, don't stop till you get a better answer!!!

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