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 Is it possible to pull out my wisdom teeth myself. and of so what tools do i need? thxs?

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well some numing stuff, a razer and pilers right?...

 Every body wants me to get braces but i dont and i admit that i have crocked teeth what should i do?

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well the 5th tooth from the left on bottom jaw is growin behind my 4th and 6th tooth and my bottom teeth are ...

 I’m having a wisdom tooth pulled out tomorrow, anything I can do to make the pain bearable?
Apart from enjoying a good meal before having the procedure because I might not be able to eat anything else for the whole day....

 Need tips keeping braces clean on long school days?
when i have afternoon studies i pack lunch to school but i always have food stuff in my braces which i cant get out.what can i do (other than bring a toothbrush ) to get the food out .something ...

 Grrrr i get braces on march 3rd?
what color do u think i should get because ...

 How often do you brush your teeth??

 My breath smells like fart?
ive been told my breath sometimes smells like fart
i brush twice a day for about 5 mins and gargle with listerine
i visit the dentist every 6 months
please help!
sometimes i never ...

 What is good for a toothache? I've used oragel and mouth wash, doen't work..any ideas?

 My DENTIST kissed me, "What should I do"?
I went to see my dentist because my wisdom tooth was bothering me. He told me that he would extract the tooth.
He froze my mouth and I was apprenhensive as to whether or not I would feel the ...

 Is it hard to talk with braces?
I'm just wondering whether it is hard to talk with braces on?

Like... will I talk funny? :S...

 I have a very bad tooth ace , i can not afford to go to the dentist right now, what can i use for the pain?
I took Motrin 800 .It kind of help....

 I accidentally swallowed the wax for my braces! HELP!!! I NEED ANSWERS QUICK!!?
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 Chewing gum with braces...?
What would happen if I chew gum with braces??Will anyone else notice I was chewing gum??
Thanks =]...

 How do you know if u need braces?

 Do braces hurt?
because my teeth r really messed up and i need them and i have been doing research on them


 What colors should i get for my braces?
ok i am going to the orthodontist soon for like the one millionth time and i need color suggestions!
the color combos i already used were:
pink and black
orange and green
red and ...

 When is the best time to brush your teeth?
Is it bad to brush them straight away after you've eaten?
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i brush them 6 times a day but will it ruin my gums ...

 Is this going to permanentley damage my teeth forever!?
I know it sound stupid, but I filed my front teeth down w/ a nail file. I didn't do it hard or for very long, but I looked in the mirror and the bumpy ridges on the bottom of my teeth (which ...

 How painful is getting wisdom teeth out?

 Are you afraid of going to the dentist?

How bad to root canals hurt?
I have a dentist appointment today in about an hour and a half for a root canal. I've never had one before and I'm a bit worried. How much does it hurt? How long will it hurt? Will it hurt bad enough to miss class?

It's really not that bad if they inject you with enough of that pain killing stuff. It is allitle weird when they inject it with a needle inside of your gums to put the pain medicine in but that's really the worst part. From one to ten...the overall experience of pain is about a 3/4....but omg YESSS miss class becasue once your done your lips will be HUGE and swollen it will look gross trust me plus after the medicine wears off your mouth might be allitle sore take ibuprofen. good luck!

i have had it done,after the initial numbing and injection,their is no pain at all,after the anaesthetic wears off,no pain either.it easy.im a wimp,and it did not hear me.

They are technically painless


Oh my goodness dont even worry about it! I had one and the worest part is sitting there keeping your mouth open! I feltlike i was going to fall asleep. There is like no pain at all. The worest part is the needle for novacaine wich is 2 seconds. You will not haveto miss school after the surgery.

It doesn't really hurt so much, if you get enough novocaine, and your dentist waits long enough for it to work. It does feel REALLY WEIRD, though. They're going into your teeth and digging out the nerves! It's definitely a strange sensation.

You might not get back to class the same day... and your teachers will probably excuse you for a root canal.

That depends. Some root canals are more complicated and the price varies depending on the type of tooth. Sometimes they hurt, sometimes not. But they usually don't hurt. Molars sometimes have more roots and take more time. The Novocaine injection is probably the worst part. I would suggest getting the tooth capped as soon as possible, because if the tooth gets damaged, the dentist won't be able to fix it again. The capping part is easy; they take an impression and two weeks later you're done.

Btw, the cap is porcelain and precious metal.

live happy and feel rich.
relax, i had that 4 times, it does not a hurt but feels refreshing. just be relax.

no they numb your mouth first

only the needle be fore the surgery hurts a little.

i can and it can not!!!

Root canals have a stigma attached to them that are not necessarily justified. Perhaps in the past they were nothing but pain and agony...? I had one about a year ago and was terrified going in but it turned out to be more pleasant than most visits to my own dentist! I had to go to a root canal specialist because of the way my tooth and nerve grew and his office was like a hotel! The technology they have today is amazing which I assume may contribute to the ease of this procedure. I was shocked for him to tell me I didn't need painkillers and that if it bothered me I should just take ibuprofen. I didn't have to take a thing! I would recommend him to ANYONE. Good luck!! =)

Modern dental surgery doesn't really hurt. It is uncomfortable, but rarely will you suffer any significant amount of pain if you follow all instructions given to you by the dentist. You should probably take a couple of pain killers as soon as you're able to drink liquids after the surgery, because once the numbing effect wears off, you may experience pain for a short while (I recently had an extraction and this is precisely what happened to me--trust me, don't take the chance, just take the pills).

Root canals do not intrude into the tissues of the mouth the way extractions do, so you're not likely to experience much, if any, discomfort. At worst you will have minor pain localized in that one tooth, but you will find yourself quite capable of moving on with your life almost as if nothing happened.

Just be sure to get a proper crown done within a few weeks. If you don't, your tooth may literally crumble inside your mouth.

If your dentist numbs your mouth well it should not hurt at all...it will take maybe one or two more visits before completion depending how many canals there are...some teeth have three canals...
best answer is not to let your teeth get to that point...use arm and hammer baking soda after eating and you will not get cavities: for real and it makes your teeth super white.

Edge Fan
Root canals actually don't hurt that much. But the full procedure will take about 4 separate visits, because they have to take out all of the stuff under the tooth.

Annie D
I've had a lot of root canals, unfortunately, and can say that they don't hurt any worse than other dental procedures. I think the punch line of ,"I'd rather have a root canal" came from the early days of root canals, about 40 years ago. Most people will have a little bit of tenderness in the gum, but no more than if you'd had shots followed by a filling.

The actual procedure only involves a little bit of pain since they will give you something to numb the area first. There is a brief jab when they first clean out the root, but after that, during the procedure, it's not too bad.

However, afterward it will be sore for a couple of days. Not horrible though. Advil will help alot.

They don't hurt that bad. I'm 14 now and I've had three since I was 12. I know I have bad teeth. I was scared at first too, but as long as you have a good dentist, you will be fine. Good luck!

If you have a good dentist, not so bad at all. I've had one. Didn't hurt during, hurt a little after, but he gave me pain meds, and I think I just used those the day after and then after that, just Ibuprofin instead, I was fine.

You'll be fine too!

it isnt as bad as it seems !!!! you will not feel anything and will get pain pills for the pain after so u will be fine@@!@@@@ take care and good luck !!!! you will be fine dont worry

Dave C
I had a root canal a few years ago.
They knocked me out with gas and was done before I knew it. I was extremely sleepy afterwards and slept the rest of the day.

My coworkers freaked me out about the pain they went through. However, I had no problems at all. A week later I went to a wedding and was eating with no pain. I just had to be careful not to take big bites for fear of opening up the extraction points in the back.

pink LOVES green
they hurt like really bad i was screaming when i had mine but i cant stand pain really that well so good luck i guess

i have had two. the first hurt after the numby stuff wore off. badly but i think it was dur to the dentist keeping my mouth held open for a half hour while he tended to a patient on the phone. yeah i was mad.
the second one was done in a flash and did not hurt at all.
different people have different tollerances of pain. i can handle pain pretty good but even the people i know that cannot handle pain did not experience much pain with a root canal either.
you'll be fine. just relax while they are doing it and take some tylenol afterwards or follow the dentist instructions to a T

I had one and it didn't hurt at all...now some of my fillings hurt and two extractions really hurt....but the root canal was like... ho hum...done yet?

Lilacs in Spring
Honestly, I've had two root canals and I didn't feel a thing. Usually, the dentist will numb you pretty well. You might feel a little sore tomorrow from where you had to hold your mouth at a certain angle or your gumline might be a little sensitive to extreme hot or cold for a couple of days, otherwise you should do fine.

no name
I've had nearly a dozen root canals, and I guarantee they're nothing. Be sure to take 800 mg of Ibuprofen afterward, and you'll be fine. There will be a slight throbbing, but nothing you won't be able to handle. The only reason I wouldn't go back to class is because half your mouth will still be numb. When you smile, everyone will tease you. (:

You'll be able to chew on that tooth by the next day. Be sure not to eat anything hard on that side until you have your crown, though, and don't wait longer than two weeks to have your crown placed.

NYC gal
No worries, they'll give you a shot and you won't feel a thing. I had at least 4 root canals, I've never understood why people make such a big deal out of it?
If you want to play hookie, it's a good excuse to miss class, though! ;) Good luck!

Helen L
Seriously, everyone talks about how horrible it is, I've had it done twice--the first time 3 hrs. in the chair and I fell asleep!! Not painful at all and afterward I had no pain but I got the prescription filled anyway in case. Usually you're having it for a reason so you feel better that it's done. I figure the way my luck is, I'll get hit by a bus AFTER the root canal instead of BEFORE it!! No, it's not bad at all. But I'd shoot for getting out of class if you want to--just say it hurts, lol.

it depends on the patient and the dr I had one done, no pain at all but other people say they hurt.

I took no pain medicine after wards or nothing just numb stuff when they did it.

I felt fine.

Root canals, themselves, are not really painful. The reason people think of them as painful is because their tooth was causing pain in the first place. It had an abcess and a root canal was needed to save the tooth. Years later, when they look back at the event, they remember.....root canal.....and pain......therefore: the root canal must of caused the pain. In reality, the root canal got rid of the pain!

I just had one done about 4 hours ago--and I am scared to death of dentist--thank god I have a good one--Anyway NO pain at all other then holding your mouth up for so long thats the worst part I thought--Took an hour or so to get it all done (root canal and post) But right now the numbing is almost completely gone and I still have NO PAIN--Im sure you will be the same and do fine

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