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 What else can i use for bad breath other then mouthwash, mints and toothpaste?

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 What is the best way to cure my bad breath?
My girlfriend is moaning at me and I think I need to do something about it.

I am only 26 and it has just started in the past few months!

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How can i tell a friend without offending her that she has badbreath? Please help...?
She is a sweet friend, we`ve been friends for years now but somehow i have no guts to tell her that she has bad breath, am afraid i might offended her... How can i tell her?

frank c
just tell her!

mat c
you should tell your freind as soon as possible,that is what freinds are for...if you know that your freind has bad breath just think of how many other people know also ,and are probably making fun of her or him...if you reallyare a good freind you would tell them right away.....whenever u see a person whit a bad hair do or a bad choice of clothes,you can bet they dont have any really close freinda at all...good luck


Eat a tic tac and offer her one...keep doing that-at some point she has to get the hint. Or, ask her if she remembered to brush her teeth. Or, ask her what she at for her last meal.

depends how closer friend u r i suppose but if my breath stunk i'd like to know!! it maybe she has some kinda infection of the mouth or stomache they can both cause bad breath but i think she'd like to know as she's prob not aware of her problem till its pointed out
nice bottle of mouth wash for her birthday may do the trick lol

If she is a true friend then you will be able to tell her straight.

I did tell a friend once and she was extremely offended. I suggest something more subtle like gum or a mint. Also, back away from her face when she talks so you dont have to smell it so much. I dont like people up in my face just for that reason.

Begin to carry mints with you. Offer them to her often. Not being obnoxious, just take out the mints, open them, pop one in your mouth and hand her one. If she says something about is my breath bad... smile and just shake your head yes, be sure to smile nicely not sarcastically. Hopefully you are good enough friends she will not be offended by this.

buy some breath freshner and tell her to use them if she has a date.. she'll know

If she is a secure and confident person, she will want to know and appreciate you telling her about it. But...... if not, time for plan B.

This will take a little effort on your part. If she is an insecure person like me it will offend her, just as it did me when I was told I had bad breath.
Carry extra breathmints, gum, listerine breath strips etc. in your purse. Use them often yourself and casually offer her a piece. 9 times out of 10 she will accept the mint, gum, etc. and voila, breath problem solved. (for the time being anyway)

If she is your friend, you should be able to tell her anything. But, I would make sure to tell her is a discreet, private way. Don't tell her in front of other people because that is just embarassing. Instead, I suggest that just one day when you are talking together, and she laughs, just mention something like 'Hey, um, would you like a tic tac? Your breath doesn't smell too good.' Trust me, I know that I would apprecriate it if my friend told me. I mean, how mortifying would it be to talk to someone you don't know with bad breath! AHHH!

Well, I hope that I was of some help. Good Luck! Just remember: She is your friend, and as long as you tell her with good intentions, it will be fine. ~

Chauncy Gardener
Just be gentle, say, "Hey, you know I love you and wouldnt dream of hurting you in any way, and I just want you to do for me the same I do for you. You have a problem and I feel I need to tell you about it. Please dont be offended but....................

also, keep in mind a couple of rotting teeth can cause this, and not brushing the back of the toungue.

Good luck!!

if thats my friend i would say you stink clean your mouth or what ever... you can say anything to friends

How can you tell your friend that she has bad breath? I once had the same problem not with a friend but, with a close relative, who was the nicest person you would want to meet in your lifetime. The only problem she had was her breath, I had to turn slightly away when she started a conversation, so one day I decided to tell her about her problem but, very subtle as not to offend her I started to tell her that if I ask her if I had bad breath would she tell me, and she said she would. I ask her if ever she had bad breath would she be offended if I told her, she said no, that she would be very grateful to me for it. So I said that today she really did have it, and we have been not relatives but best friends because of being truthful.There are ways to tell someone about a problem they may have just find the right moment to say it.

Carry some fun gum etc... fruit flavors, etc. and whenever she is around say... "Hey try some of this it is great!" Or a mint. Whatever. After a while she may ask why you are always offering her some. You can say - Oh I just always worry about MY Breath and I guess I am just obsessed with fresh breath. Isn't this great!" Maybe she will get the hint and you wont have to tell her about it at all. Also it will let her know that fresh breath is important to you and she may become more consious of her own breath.


Be creative and say let's try this product, it won't hurt if we both try it or something along these lines. Just be creative.

jordan n
just buy winterfresh gum it tastes good and makes breath minty and kills germs

REGIE! What kind of friend are you being?? every one that you know talks about her halaptosis behind her back, you have to help. Forget about whether it offends her.. get her a tooth brush, some toothpaste, some floss, a pack of gum , some chicklets, breath mints, breath spray, whatever ,, make a gift bag and give it to her.. Be sweat but be forward, and be a friend .. Go help her sugar...

* Flave' *
Give her some minty gum, but you take a piece too, so that she wont feel like you are only giving it too her for her breathe.

Penney S

just say look. you are my friend and that is why I am telling you this, you need to do something about your halatosis (aka bad breath) tell her that if you really didn't think her a friend then you wouldn't have told her at all.

Ron W
distract her- say by Christ your ugly, and by the way your breath smells

♣ My Brainhurts ♣
Have you considered that as her friend it is almost your duty to point out the fact that she might need to see her dentist. Consider everyday she is meeting potential new friends and what do they think? I am sure that you can fill in the blanks.

Sit down and have a talk with her, and suggest that she sees the dentist. Chronic halitosis (persistent bad breath) is caused by internal health issues, the most common being gum disease.

kevin ? gent
what have you been eating your breath smells
or get her to read the answers here

Just buy her a breathfreshner of her choice as gift after sharing one packet with her (just to know if she likes it or not).

wow! loadsa answers-well mints don't work for long so thats bollocks but there is special mouth wash that kills bacteria-Listerine is good-burns though! Just say "I really don't want u to be offended but i had bad breathe once and someone told me to use listerine and I don't get it anymore-I was scared to tell you so I even asked on Yahoo answers how to ask you and I thought I should just say" ..it's not your fault...anyway bet loads of people think it too and you will be doing her a favour-more dates and better jobs and more friends!!!

c g
It smells like bad breath in here and I just brushed my teeth... most tactful way to put it . Sometimes someone may have something wrong with their stomach or have gum disease and both of those cause bad breath.

put your hand over your mouth every time she speaks

simply offer her a mint or something like that

buy some toothpaste and a tooth brush say they were on offer bogof or something similar and then ask her if she wants them
its suttle and she should'nt take offence

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
>rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
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>the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the
>frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.
>The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a
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>by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas
>tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs rpsoet

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