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 Will having 5 teeth removed under sedation hurt?And also will the needle hurt much?
Im pertrified of needles and need these teeth removed due to braces . Please please be honest.
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Aww I didn't realise how polite and kind people are.. You have all ...

 Why do I have teeth?

 I had my wisdom teeth pulled and stitched up. Am I going to have holes still?

 Wisdom tooth removed?
I had it taken out a few days ago
and I am feeling sick , cant stop going to the toilet and am very swollen and sore

have to add though that I have irritable bowels brought on by ...

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 How bad does it hurt to get Braces on?
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 Everyday I drink a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water, I was wondering if this could damage my enamel?
If so do you think swishing water in my mouth after each time is enough or should I brush my teeth?...

 Can you have silver fillings replaced with white?
I had a lot of cavities when I was young and they were all filled with silver fillings. Now that I am older I hate seeing them. Is it possible to have them replaced with white fillings and how much ...

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 Im getting braces tomorro and i want to kno why the pointments are so long? does it hurt when you put them on?

 White filmy stuff on teeth and gums in the morning.?
I brush my teeth in the morning and brush and floss at night before I go to bed. What is this white/clear filmy stuff that is on my teeth and gums in the morning? It's gross....

 For the past week or so ive had this thing on my gum and i need help with it?
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 Why do I still have 2 of my baby teeth at the age of 21?
It's so wierd because they are in the exact same place on the opposite side of my lower mouth....

 My braces are really hurting after being tightened today, is there anyway I can ease thew pain?
It's like a strange sore itchy type feeling, if you've had braces you'll understand, please help!...

 Is there anyway i could fix my teeth i hate them.
Haha sorry for the obnoxious smile.
http://i262.photobucket. Details
sorry i didn't tell u what i didn't like ...

OK, Im off to my dentist when my mum can get me a appointment to get mesured for braces. what do they do, Ive heard they put clay in ur mouth then have to wait a bit to get braces made.. is this true<...

How many fillings do you have?

Alyssa M
I think I have 6 or 7. My mom had a calcium deficciency while pregnant with me, so now I have bone and tooth problems >_<

i don't have any. and what is your obsession with fillings? you've asked 11 questions about fillings. do you really need to ask this many questions about them?

I work in a dental office and I would definately rather see alot of fillings in someones mouth than alot of decay . But if you dont like the fact that you have silver fillings and they are noticable then go see you dentist in most cases they can be replaced with tooth colored fills and noone will be able to tell if you have fillings or you dont . At least its only fillings it could be worse you could be asking how many people have dentures.

BOB DIED! my friends fish...�美晴
1 but soon it will be none cuz its gettin loose

Rob Bob
I have got 6 white ones in my molars


Evil J
2 nonmetallic ones. I used to have 1 metallic filling, but when they found my last cavity they upgraded the old filling at the same time as they did the new one.

Nonmetallic is way better - no increase in sensitivity - I can chew on aluminum foil (why would I want to?) now. It also looks better.

...after a lot of work..you can only see 1 molar with a filling.

one :) had it the other day

it was the smallest cavity, like a fisher seal or something, but my dentist didnt want it to cause me pain :)

i was a bit scared but it doesnt hurt at all
wel not when you have the local anesthetic, which didnt even hurt,!

Queen Bee

☮Beatle Bailey☮
I am proud to be 21 and have never had a cavity in my life.
Here's to hoping I can continue that!

none here

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