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 Do you brush your teeth everyday?
common be honest. what make you skip brushing your teeth the day you didn't....

 Which is worse chewing or smoking?

 Wisdom Teeth?
The dentist wants to pull out my wisdom teeth. Is this a wise thing to do? What's gonna happen if I leave 'em in, anyway? Any advice?! Past experiences??? Thanks :)...

 What is the most annoying part of having braces?
I have braces for 2 months now and what annoys me the most is drooling all over my pillow at night. What's annoying you?...

 When you get braces do you get shots??

 Chipped tooth, can anything be done by dentist?
I have a chip in my front tooth, which I did when I was younger. It makes the tooth appear wonky and I hate it
My two front teeth are longer than the rest (yes,a biy like a rabbit)
Is ...

 Gums bleeding...why?
when i brush my teeth, after brushing, my gums is always bleeding, and i think it causes bad breath sometimes. is it true?
and what should i do?...

 17 years old, and still has 12 milk teeth. has anyone else got this? when should they fall out?
my daughters teeth wont align until the milk teeth are out, but theyre showing no signs of wobbling or aches. she has healthy teeth, just wants straight ones!! when should the milk teeth have fell ...

 Will my wisdom teeth push my teeth closer together and close my gaps?
A person told me that when my wisdom teeth grow in they'll fill in all the gaps in my teeth, so now I'm really curious. My teeth are like all straight in a line and I only have just a ...

 Is lemon juice god or bad for your teeth??

 What color braces should I get?

 Should I ask my dentist for a gown?
My dentist says I have a lot of dental work that needs to be done that would take too much time during regular office hours. So, I've been going late as he suggested. He's been doing a good ...

 How do I stop a toothache from hurting so much?

 Are you supposed to brush your teeth before you go to the dentist?

 Broken Tooth?
I'm back home for the holidays and a piece of my lower back tooth has broken off. It's very sharp and rubbing against my tongue, but I can't go to the dentist until Wednesday when I ...

 I keep having dreams of lossing my tooth. it happne 3-4 times a month. why is that? any specific reason?
is it due to stess? or any other reason. kikindly assist.
Additional Details
im 25. male. not a kid anymore obviously. an 'nope�...

 How many toothbrushes do you have ?

 Is 15 a little old to be getting braces?
Ok so i'm 15 years old and finishing my freshman year of high school. Most of my friends are getting their braces off now, but im just now getting mine on this summer. I feel kind of stupid not ...

 My teeth is gone yellow HELP!!!!!!1?
my teeth is gone yellow i dont smoke what wll i do to get them white ...

 How do you cure mouth odour?
What do I do to get rid odf bad mouth odour? Sometimes when other people speak to me I perceicve nothing, but when I open my mouth....I this strong alkaline breath rushes out. I'cve tried ...

debbie b
Please help..very very bad toothache?
i have had toothache since saturday so i rang the dentist yesterday,but they couldnt fit me in til today.so ive been taking painkillers,clove oil on it.nothing has even eased the pain.so i went to the dentist this morning,he did an xray.shouts me in and says the xray doesnt show anything.asked me if its worse when i have something cold.so i told him that it hurts al the time,its like a throbbing pain.also,if i touch my neck or cheek,that also hurts me.i am in so much pain i cannot explain it.dentist has gave me antibiotics and told me to go back when ive completed the course if it still hurts.i cant cope with another 5 days of agony.i have tried every painkiller.i am washing my mouth with salt water,applying clove oil,and taking painkillers.

Pinky and THE BRAIN
So whats the question?

And you expect us to solve the problem the dentist is trying to?

Has the pain spread to your brain or are you just dumb?

Vinegar. Put in on a Q-tip and hold it on the tooth.

Hello Debbie, from your symptoms,it seems either your are having acute inflammation of the pulp or something called Crack Tooth syndrome . In case of crack tooth syndrome , nothing is visible in x -rays, very difficult to diagnose ! Only optical fiber trans illumination method can detect it. In this case enamel of tooth has fracture lines, which are not visible in x -rays! For this the only treatment is removal of tooth.Second cause may be pulp damage which could be due to sudden blow to tooth, high heat,etc without the presence of dental caries! It seems the pain is severe,so you can try some anesthetic gel such as Benzocaine gel(Trade name- BENZOCAN ) If it is crack tooth syndrome,there is no use using warmsalt water! Visit another dentist and tell him the details. You can ask me with details, on email. Take care.

No name
cloves or a dentist???!!!

I do not wish toothaches on my worst enemy!! What always helps me is of course painkillers. Vicadin, Percocet, etc. The heavy ones. My dentist would always prescribe me good drugs. But it does sound like an infection that your dentist can't see. You maiy need to see your regular physician and tell him everything you have been going through. Good luck with this agony.

Go to a different dentist, sounds like you need a root canal

I should say Dentists know best,,but since your toelrance is really poor, there is nothing you can do about it, maybe to ease the pain, sleep more and just lie your pained cheek on a soft cushion and just slowly massage it..as you go to sleep, and if the xtray didn't show anyhting it can also mean infection somewhere, so he wants to be sure first before he can go further to the medication............don't irritate the tooth so much, maybe the pain really comes from somewhere........hold on, you will be fine!!!

Dr. O'Pinion
Do exactly what your dentist told you. Sometimes pain can come from different areas. The pain is radiant that is why the dentist did not see it in the xray. You may have sinus infection or something else. Go to your regular medical practitioner if you feel it's something else other than a dental issue.

have u try too pull any tooth on ur own?
this may ruin the root beneath. u may try to use martell or martini which is the liquor. dab the liquor by using cotton wool and bite the wool between ur tooth or teeth. endure it. i think it might helps. it works on me.
good luck in trying.

you have probably got an abcess on you root ,this is why you are given antibiotics as the tooth cannot be taken out untill the infection has gone..take the course and ibrufen is one of the best pain killers for this type of pain.it will ease in a day or so as the presure is relieved.dont make the mistake of thinking that you dont need to go back because it feels better.an abcess can cause blood clots to the brain and the only course to take is the removal of the infected tooth,be brave ,,good luck,,,ps hope you have a nice dentist

Well it could be an infection treatable with anti-biotics but I would have expected the X-Ray to show something. It is of course possible it's not your tooth that's causing the pain but again the X-ray should have shown anything abnormal. I don't see why he's giving you ani-biotics if an infection or abscess doesn't show. But - what else can you do other than try and get through the course of anti-biotics? It it is an infection, it should ease over the days. If it still hurts when you return to him - get a referral to an endodontist.

Toby dog
Just getting over the same thing!! Spent past week living on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen taken every three hours. I had it diagnosed as a blocked salivary gland that had become infected. Bottom jaw swelled up like a tennis ball and intense pain in jaw and up the side of my face. Been on antibiotics since last wednesday to kill off the infection. Pain killers barely touched it!! Finally, in desparation, covered my gum in Bonjela and squeezed until the abcess burst, then rinsed with salt water while massageing all the pus and blood out!! Disgusting experience, but two days later I'm left with just a dull ache and the piercing "toothache" pain has gone. Good Luck

i was always told and i do my self to relive toothache is gargle yr mouth with warm salt water and take a percetamol it works for me

Honey, i'm home!!
It sounds like you have an abscess, pretty nasty and painful things. Go to the doctors for some antibiotics.

I had an excruciatingly pain full tooth for ages, so i pulled it out myself, i do not advise doing this!!!!!!!!!!!

Well i found holding a small mouthful of whiskey in your mouth over the area helps me. As you are taking antibiotics and pain killers don,t swallow the whiskey but spit it out. (Great shame but better to be safe) hope it works for you.

I love New York
Oh god i feel so sorry for you =( toothache has to be the worst pain ever. This is going to sound really weird but i know 2 things that work for me, and another which should definitely work for you.

1) after you've made a brew, put the teabag in your mouth! near where the sore tooth is, god i no it sounds stupid but it does work for me! You must think im mad!
2) This ones a little odd too but still helps in my opinion.
Get something out of your freezer e.g a bag of peas and place it in between your thumb and first finger, the coldness goes into your nerves and straight up to the nerves in your mouth! Strange i no!
3) Right this one has to work! Put an ice cube in your mouth!! Works a treat!

Good luck love ! Hope you feel better soon x

i had the same toothache a few years ago, all the dentist can do before starting to treat it is to give you antibiotics for the infection which causes the pain. when you go to your booked appointement he'll have to open to see the tooth, you might need a root canal or the nerve to be taken or god knows what.
in my situation, the pain was so strong, and I was away and my dentist appointment wasn't until 2 weeks after... so I went to an emergency cabinet and the dentist said that the tooth needs to come out, as it was not much left to do a root canal or put a crown, he could offer me antibiotics and make me wait till my appointment or take the tooth out, so I decided on the latter one...(it's a back tooth, no one can see it)

You have tried clove, salt and water, then try ambesol you can get it at most pharmacy or corner stores.
or you can try pouring alcohol on a cotton ball an biting on it.
if that fails you can rinse your mouth with your urine (i know it sounds nasty but i got that remedy for a herdalist).

or you can just go to the emergency room at your local hospital, they can prescribe something that won't interact with the medication your dentist has prescribe (usually they might prescribe you penicillin)


well now thtt u hv tried so many remedies tryin one more wont harm u.
so this is wht i do n it works for me - give it a shot
take a cotton swab n dip it in alcohol (whisky) - then put it on the aching tooth and let it be there
might help - cmon try once!
get well soon :-)

Unfortunately you just have to bare the pain....as it taking antibiotics takes time ect...

Clove oil should help...but its not for you for some reason..
make sure you put clove oil on the gums too...just little bit.. really should help...eally wish i could help you....

as i feel your pain...
I just had a tooth pain 2 weeks ago...(i had severe swollen gums which was giving me bad toothache)

It was throbbing like cazy..(tooth had its own pulse)
I was on the floor crying and screaming..i was in agony for a week...
the stupid antiobiotics didnt work after 5 days
and dentist coudlnt give me anything else....she said i was on right medication...and told me to just cope with it....my xray was all clear....she said its just germs under the gums
..i didnt sleep for days...nothing worked...even salt water...

clove oil did work slightly but not much...it did keep me quiet for a bit though..

hang in there...you have to be strong...

if i can do it, anyone can

Marie C
a hot or cold compress can work wonders and try and stop poking or touching the painfull area as this can just aggravate it making it worse

have you got any wisdom teeth coming? i have got 2 coming and they are making most of my teeth hurt and painkillers dont take all the pain away for them. go to the doctor and ask them to prescribe stronger pain medicine you cant get over the counter.

susie x ♥♥♥
Sounds like neuralgia might be the problem if your face and neck hurts too. Either that or tri geminal neuralgia. Both very painful and can be undetected by a dentist (personal experience) Go and see your GP.

If you had a root problem or an abscess it would have shown up on the ex ray.

find another dentst. you might need the tooth puled or a root canal/ it does sound like it might be abcesssed in which case the antibiotics would clear it right up

Desperate for internet
ditch this dentist and seek second opinion. if the x-ray shows nothing, why did he prescribed antibiotics? is there redness and swelling at the site of your pain? redness and swelling usually indicate infection and therefore may cause pain. if painkiller doesn't help seek second opinion FAST!

Mildred S
go to walgreens pharmacy .. there is a little tiny tiny bottle of medicine OTC that is called RED CROSS emergency tooth relief ? you apply it with a q tip directly to tooth. just a tiny tiny bit is needed the whole thing goes numb.

ambesol teething gel is basically same thing .. ambesol can be applied to the gum ... numbs the area

call the dentists office and have them also to call pharmacy and give you soemthing for serious pain releif for a couple of days or let you take a last minute cancellation on short notice . ask to be PLEASE seen earlier. rearrange your schedule if needed to get to dentist !

tooth pain hurts terribly .. i feel for you .

take care ...feel better!

Have you tried letting an asprin dissolve on the tooth?

if ur taking antibiotics they will take a day or two to take effect but should start working. if ur in uk u can buy the strongest painkiller over the counter called Paramol. take 2 4 x a day and if ur able to take ibuprofen as well 3 x a day. this is the max u can take. ask pharmacist for advice and to check they are suitable for you. dentist cant do anything with the tooth while its infected thats why told u to go back when antibiotics finished. hopefully they will settle it down for u fairly quickly.

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