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 How many drinks would it take to fight a kangaroo?

 I want to get tooth implants...?
I was in a car accident and lost my front side tooth and damaged other teeth (I had the braces wire on). I have been undergoing surgery after surgery to reconstruct all the damage to my mouth. C...

 Why do some people not brush their teeth?

 How do i get the pain of braces to sooth?
I just got my braces on 3 hours ago and my teeth hurt! how do get the pain to sooth?!?!?...

 How does a dentist test for a cracked tooth?
How does the dentist know if a tooth is cracked or not?...

 Wisdom teeth pulling?
Ok I have a dentist appt tomarrow. I already know that I have to get my 2 wisdom teeth pulled. Which I am scared to death. But when they numb your gums before they give you the shot. Can you feel the ...

 My braces are cuting my inner cheeks what should i do??

 I have to get a root canal wed..any advice??
how's the pain..is it really bad?
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they told me 2 take 1 Valium the night before and 2 an hour before the ...

 I am having all 4 wisdom teeth extracted in 2 hours!?
Freaking out slightly... I dont do well with pain =(

I have soft foods to eat, and am off work for a couple days.

Any words of "wisdom" for me Teehee!...

 Best way to whiten your teeth?
Without having to take an uber expensive trip to a dentist?
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I'm aware brushing works, for the dumb f u c k s ...

 Trying to save some money on dental work, have any thoughts?
My neighbor Henry is real handy with tools and fixing things.
He said he could drill my bad tooth with his Black& Decker, and fill it with bondo. I am considering it, have any thoughts?...

 Would you smile if you had very bad-ly aligned teeth?

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well not everyone can affort treatments!!...

 How do U get a gap in your teeth fixed?
Not that I have one but my friend does... she wants to get fixed before we get into our senior year in High School. Her gap is like little in her two front teeth.
So does anyone know a solution ...

 Poll: How many of you actually floss your teeth daily?
be honest!...

 O.K. My brother and I were eating earlier and both of us burned our tongues. This got me thinking:

If you burn yourself badly enough on other parts of your body, you could loose all sensation on those parts.

My question is: Do your taste buds loose sensation if
a) they ...

 Help i have bad breath?
I have really bad breath and I've tried everything to get rid if it.

I brush my teeth up to 4 times a day, I floss twice and I use mouthwash as often as I can through out the day. I&#...

 White spot on my throat!??
Well its like.right above my tonsil. not on my tonsil. and it burns. and its all red around it. its been there a few days now. what could it be??
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 Throbbing toothache!!?
i have really bad toothache and can't get an appointment at the dentist until next week. what can i do to relieve the pain? it keeps me awake most of the night and is driving me mad.please help....

 Is going to the dentist really that bad and scary???

 How do i get my enamel back in my teeth?
I've used so many whitestrips already that my teeth look transparente! Is there any toothpaste, mouthwash, or treatment I can use?...

tawaen, (((beautifulmind)))
Should I ask my dentist for a gown?
My dentist says I have a lot of dental work that needs to be done that would take too much time during regular office hours. So, I've been going late as he suggested. He's been doing a good job fixing my teeth, but I find that the leather seat is really cold on my back. When I remove my clothing as instructed, he doesn't have a gown for me to wear. Do you think I should ask for a gown? He also seems to be very clumsy holding his instruments, he drops them on my chest a lot, that gets kind of cold too. Should I say anything about this?

The Wizard's Baker!!!
The wizard's baker thinks you should ask him if he heard about massaging patients as a pain relief technique, while you are at it.

thanks for the imagary.

bad tim, corgy of honor
sounds like your dentist has roaming hands. i'm sorry i've missed the fun.

Hilary Clintonâ„¢
OMG!!!!!!!! gimmie his info, I want another dentist!!!!!!
and yeah, ask for a gown!

#1 Due 5/3/09
Hold on I'm sorry Dentist makes you remove your clothing to work on your mouth. There is NO way I'd be taking off my shirt and the dropping things on your chest. I'm not to sure about your dentist and I hope that isn't something all dentist make you do theres no way. I would really say something. Oh yeah and I hope all your dental work is free since your giving him a free peep show. Sorry

NAN babycake
Yeah, ask for a gown and then make him wear one too....heck you might as well make it an allnighter. Mix the (tooth) paste for him while your at it.

Major Brazilian (((ALL
If you're warm enough, don't mention it. If you need something to warm up, ask him to adjust the thermostat.

Major Trouble
I know what you mean, my dentist does the same thing. Also, everytime he leans in to work on my teeth, something keeps poking me in the side. When I get up there's some kind of sticky hand lotion or something on me.

Ũniνέгsäl Рiraтe™
I enjoy those visits with my dentist so much, that I'm running out of teeth... he seems to think toothless would be a good thing...

Just ask him to give you enough gas so you pass out for awhile. That's what I do, and I don't even notice his cold instruments on my naked body!

I think your dentist is a bit of a perv.

The real question here is......

Does he let you rinse and spit?

Sophia all i hear is blah blah
OMG I'm so glad I'm not the only one this happens to! It's even more embarrassing when I leave moisture on the seat when I get up...

Nah, saying anything would be rude. Let him do his job!!

Sips With A Fist
My wife always says she holds them between her clenched thighs in order to warm them up. Mutters something about killing two birds with one stone, but I don't understand it. Skip the gown and ask the dentist to turn up the heat.

Wow, a troll that managed to be a top contributor.

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