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 Am I fat/overweight?
I'm a teenager and I'm about..meh..4"11 to 5"0 tall. I weigh (my weight changes often) to 102-106 pounds.
I feel fat =( honestly.
Am I fat or overweight or anything?...

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so yea can u give me some ideas on how i can loose 90 lbs.<...

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Additional Details
To those you say it's called drowning: I said DRINK water, not inhale it! LOL....

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 Am i considered overweight?
im 14 and 5'8 and i weigh about 149-150?...

 How Much Do You Think I Weigh??
Im 5'9
Additional Details
I Weigh 112 ...

 Am i overweight? fat???
im 5 foot 8 and 121 pounds. im 13 years old. and i feel like im kinda fat but everybody tells me im not. HELP....

AM i FAT =( ?
Im 13
> Im 5'4''
> I weigh between 110 and 117 lbs
> im a size 2 in jeans
> i play soccer, volleyball, tennis, badminton, golf, football (with my dad lol) and i swim and do irish dance.
> my diet is usually (durring school):
Breakfast: cheerios or waffles/pancakes on weekends
snack: juice box, crackers or gummies
lunch: pb sandwich and carrots & cucumbers & juice
snack: salad w/ balsamic dressing & water or sometimes cheese
dinner: some sort of meat (usually steak, hamburgers, etc)
snack b4 bed: crackers, sometimes milk (i dont really like it lol)

am i eating healthy? am i a healthy weight? i personally think that im fat and constantly trying to slim down my thighs and stomach. any tips for doing that?

thanks a million

what you are eating is pretty normal for some one who is concerned about their eating habits and your weight to highth is good. you are active and probably very healthy, i wouldnt focus on it too much. milk though can put weight on dramaticly especially if your drinking whole milk, 2% or lower is a good thing to consider. evnen though milk is rich in calcium it is very rich in fat and most people stop absorbing calcium into their bones around 19 yrs old. so milk really only does a body good if you want to gain weight or stregthen bone structure if your 19 or less, you worry too much about your weight

We cant really tell if we havent seen you in person.

Your eating a good balanced diet and no you are not fat at all.

You are not fat. As for thinking you are, you may be a little heavier and have larger muscles legs/back/arms than others you age becuase you play so many sports. Chances are your leg and other muscles are larger and stonger than theirs.

As for your diet, don't eat too much. What you are eating is not the healthiest, but that is ok at age 13. Keep it to one pancake/waffle, a small bowl of cheeries and easy on crackers etc.

50's Girl At Heart
you are not fat

Kella G
Honey, you may even be a little under weight for your age and height. You sound absolutely perfect and I'm impressed with your diet and excercise regime.

Just a couple of areas that you may want to try something a little different - how about a smoothie incorporating 3 or 4 fruits including a banana for breakfast? Add a heaped teaspoon of wheatgerm, a teaspoon of honey and a big spoonful of natural yoghurt and you're good to go. I think you'd see your energy levels increase.

Try to incorporate more fish and more vegetables into your diet for a really healthy plan.

You're doing great.

♥Mrs. Becca Cullen♥
WOW you eat almost freakishly healthy. lol I have too much of a sweet tooth, I wish I was like you. don't worry you're a healthy weight. how could size 2 be considered fat? not even!! and with all those sports, you're very healthy and will be for a long time.

Ok, Hun, listen. You are perfectly fine. You are beautiful on the inside and you are at a perfect weight you are fine and you need to not worry about your weight. People are stupid and you can't believe them. You need to ask yourself if you are happy with yourself and if I were you, i would totally say yes. You are beautiful in each and every way... and no matter what anyone says NO ONE can change that!

eat less snacks dont eat b 4 bed have at least 1-2 hrs b 4 you go to bedcause it can give you back aches.and running 30 mins to an hr can help with thighs and your stomach (to form abs)lol

as a general rule, if you're curious then you are.

sounds decent to me

#1 is due on Jan28th. Cant wait
Nothing a size 2 is fat!!

definately not. an average bmi (body mass index) is 18.5 - 25.9..your bmi is 18.9
perfectly normal :) and you eat very healthily

well i dont think you are fat at all. of course, i dont know if i know much about girls. anyways, i dont know any tips on slimming down thighs and your stomach, but i know how to turn it into muscles. you can try sit ups and crunches to strenghten your stomach. and you can just continue what you are doing for your legs.

The Cupcake Bunny
You are stupid.


I find it strange that you are asking complete strangers withough showing a picture. Personally, I think you are fishing for compliments...If you aren't in shape by doing all of those sports then you obviously aren't working hard enough at them.


god...shut up. your just trying to get attention.

all you really want is for people to tell you "oh, your not fat!" whatever.

R.I.P Donnie♥
No you are not fat.

You can go on google and search for a BMI calc.
It'll let you know how close you are to under weight or over weight.


your weight is just fine. dont worry

liz h
no...not everyone can be as skinny as the olsen twins...plus they are losers....food was made to eat ...so eat up.

not trying to be rude when i say any of this but...

are you serious thats like one of the smallest sizes they make besides 0 or 00

i mean if you were a 12 or 14 i can see you asking that... but forreal it just doesnt make any since why you'd ask if a 2 was fat

D.Z. Carter
No, not at all. The only thing more annoying and unnatractive then a fat girl complaining about being fat, is a skinny girl complaining about being fat.

yes your eating heathly and at 13 you shouldn't be worrying about your weight you are perfectly fine and if u wear a size 2 jeans your not fat...

Are you being serious.....
Stop fishing for compliments...
Of course you arent fat loser

yes you are huge!!!
Sorry, I can't stand it when I see stupid questions like this. Seriously...u said you are a size 2.
Would u get a life, hon!
Find something important to do with yourself. You are not the center of the universe. Volunteer somewhere...do chores...read for pete's sake! OMG!

are you just asking for people to call you skinny?

eww you sound too skinny ..im 5'4 and i weigh 127 n i think i have a hot bod but sometimes think i might b too skinny ..i like being a thickie thick girl ..but ya anyways back to u ...thats really disgusting ..you need to stop ..eat what you want and chill out ..your a damn skeleton

You are definitely not fat. Your height, age, and weight are all in the perfect zone for body fat. You can gain weight or lose weight.

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