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 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

 What's the point in dieting?
Sure looking good is all nice and everything but you are not happy when dieting. No. Think about it, you are not happy. Wouldn't you rather eat whatever you want instead of eating in ...

 I am 40 stone and cant lose any weight - Do you think I should just stop trying and keep eating?

 Got any good weight loss tips?
I need them fast!
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I am on a diet now I need to know how to exersie....

 Is it better to be Skinny or Muscler?

 Does anyone know if you can get low calorie bread?
This probably sounds silly, but im trying to loose weight, im not far off my goal, and im starting to get cravings and hunger spells, i usually go for a bread based snack, like toast or a sandwich, i ...

 What diet worked for you?
I'm a college student and going on Spring Break in about a month. I was wanting to lose about 10 lbs before we go. What diet advice do you have? Besides eating healthy and exercising what else ...

 How can i lose weight FAST?
i need to lose weight really fast r there ne diet pills or fad diets that actually work i just cannot lose weight no matter how hard i try and its really getting me down i need help ...


 Do people just want to be thin to look good for others?
i think so. Its not about being healthy anymore but being thin that ...

 What are some foods that help increase energy?

 What is the best way to lose weight fast like 35lbs in a 3 months?

 What is the best thing to eat to lose weight?
i am 10 years ...

 Help me please?
i really want to lose weigh tbu ti don't like working out and i love junk food. what can i do?
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and i'm also 14 and in 7th grade ...

 Working out makes me so hungry, I always end up gaining weight. How can I avoid this?
I know that working out can also make you gain MUSCLE weight, and that's not what I'm talking about. But when I start working out, I am RAVENOUSLY hungry all the time. I eat way more ...

 If alot of fat people are fat because of illness, why dont you get fat people in the 3rd world?

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white plu dont you understand the question you dozy c**t....

 Am i fat???
i weigh anywhere between 92.5 - 95.5.
i am 5-1 and 1/2
i was just wondering because my sister calls me a fatty and a pig.
please answer!!!...

 How do people achieve a very flat stomach ? (without doing sit ups ...)?

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running ..? no offence but i don't feel running helps .... it just train my legs rather than tummy ......

 How much do you weigh?

Deja Corpse
ANYONE KNOW OF A GOOD DIET PILL? that you or a friend has had results with?
ok. losing weight is impossible isnt it? can someone please give me some tips on losing weight. i just dont think excersizing and eating right will do it all. i might need some extra help. does anybody know a good weight loss pill that you or a friend has had results with?

My mom did that Hollywood diet. I think its for 2 days. its a drink and she lost 17 pounds in 2 days! might wanna try that if you haven't already..

You can get in at WalMart, CVS, Walgreens, ect.

stackers and hydroxycut max work very well but they can be very dangerous.. your best bet would be to stick with a strict diet and exercise plan

cheseburger and fries...best diet pill around.

Ask your doctor to prescribe Bontril for you.

Fastin, I just started taking it a month ago, and I am really losing weight, my parents took it and my mother lose a lot weight.

yeah, its from this company called "STOP EATING!" and the pill is called "Fatty Gone Away"

Sherry H
Diet pills don't help you at all. If you use them continuously for a period of time, it actually causes more problems then it's getting rid of. Losing weight isn't impossible; it's just not instaneous. You can't just eat a diet pill one day or exercise your butt off for an hour to lose pounds. Exercising and eating right will do it all despite what you think, it's just that you've got to do it contiuously and for a long time before it starts to work -- it's just how much effort you're willing to put into it.

OG Status
u guys are ridiculous! There is no reason to take pills, if u want to lose weight cardio and jogging is the best things to do! its not gonnaa happen in a week or a month..if u carry extra baggage it will take months to slim down,,nd also coun ur intake of calories!

Rask D
Realize that the majority of those products are supplements that will probably do little more than give you energy, or may even damage your system. Start taking some vitamins, sleeping well, jogging every day for a longer period of time instead of snacking.

Replace unhealthy, between-meal snacks and unhealthy meals with a bit of a workout. You'll be surprised at the results if you can motivate yourself to do it. Don't buy into scams, and drop the dressing on the salad.

As a guy with just a bit of chub to spare, I've started swimming every morning, and have dropped the large amounts of canned drink consumption down to a can or two with friends every now and then, and the results have me satisfied with what took very little to accomplish. Good luck!

Sarah G
I started taking a great natural supplement 3 months ago. there is nothing 'scary' in it like some that I have seen. There is a type of seaweed that burns tummy fat, another ingredient that takes away cravings and 3 others that I think speed up your metabolism. After doing lots of research (taking a pill was my last option), this was the one I chose and I personally am very happy and am losing weight (and my belly). So you can read about it on their site and see what you think: http://www.you-be-slim.com. It is a bit on the expensive side but it is full strength of all the ingredients and it is working, so I am totally Ok with the price.

I am also doing light running everyday (at least 20 mins and usually 30 mins) and yoga sometimes. I cut out sweets/pop too and really cut out the junk.

Good luck :)

Sarah G.

Try something natural from a health food store. Get something with minimal side effects that will help you with your energy level . More energy more activity. I feel your pain I lost 65 pounds 2 years ago but I literally worked my butt off, joined 24/7 fitness they will do all they can to help you. I feel great. Good luck you can do it, keep it healthy. p.s. even with natural food products always check with your doc. Take care.

Loosing weight is not impossible.

I have lost fat and have gained better health by following this and the other program I mention in My Profile.

You will get everything you need by eating the following, listed in order of importance:

Raw leafy green veggies (romaine, red and green leaf lettuces, kale spinach, etc)
Solid green veggies - raw, steamed or frozen (asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, peas, peppers, etc)
Non-green, non-starchy (beets, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, etc)
Beans/legumes - cooked, canned or sprouted ( chickpeas, pinto beans, black beans, etc)
Fresh fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, watermelon, etc)
Starchy veggies (white potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, corn, carrots, etc)
Whole grains (barley, millet, oats, brown rice, quinoa, etc)
Raw nuts and seeds (almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc)

Do not skip breakfast. Oatmeal with fresh fruit. No sugar or milk. Rice or almond milk is better. Smoothies can be good too, depending on what you put in it.

You don't have to eat eggs, fish or meat for protein. You can still eat them, but a huge salad with some chicken would be better.

Don't count calories or carbs. Diets and pills don't work. Man can not copy all the nutrients that are found in live foods.

Drink filtered water. City water may have added chemicals. Can you really trust bottled water?

Pop is one of the worst things you can put in your body. Stay away from sugar, junk food and fast food.

For further reading, get the book below. It has good recipes in it, also.

Great exercise:walking, bicycling, swimming.
Info on rebounder's: http://www.needak-rebounders.com/page2453.php
Info on fitness balls: http://exercise.about.com/cs/abs/l/bl_core.htm

Diet pills don't work. Most of the time it is just speed and you just gain all the weight back. Wieght watchers is the only sane way to slim down.

no, losing weight isn't impossible

pills can make you sick and even kill you

you have to change your way of life---the way you think about food, the places you eat, etc.

programs like weight watchers work because they focus on eating better and exercising.... it's HARD but it works

you might have to change your friends... even your job, but it's your LIFE

John M
You need four things: a good eating plan; a good exercise plan; persistence; and patience. This comes from a Lifetime member of Weight Watchers, who has gone from 380 to 215. It wasn't easy, but it was worth it: I look better, feel better, no longer take hypertension medicine, etc. Yes, I'm a guy, but that doesn't mean it's easier. There are lots of women who did it, too. As to a pill, it's not the answer: 1) they don't really work for the long term; and 2) they make you think you can eat all you want and lay about all you want because you're "taking a pill." The only thing a pill causes you to lose is MONEY. Look at the Weight Watchers site, as an example. As I tell folk who ask, with WW, you can eat anything you want - it's the PORTIONS that count. There are other good successful options, but all involve those four things. You CAN do it!

81 Honda
diet pills are the easy way out and not very healthy (most of them anyway)...diet and exercise do work...I've lost 25 pounds over the course of 2 years from diest and exercise. It takes hard work and patience

Cherry D
Excercising only works, when you're overweight, if you do cardio. Mixing it all up helps but you got to sweat! Eating less is better than eating right because you can eat food that is good for you and healthy but if you eat too much your body doesn't know what to do with it and it turns into fat when it isn't digested right away. Eating small meals six times a day is best and do cardio for 30 mins everyday and try things like yoga every other day. Diet pills don't work for some people because they are usually just vitamin supplements and appetite supressors. Trimspa actually makes you gain weight by retaining large amounts of water. Detox diet are dumb and only work for about a day or so until your colon fills up again after hours of painful pooping. I would recommend an apetite supressant but ask your doctor. I can't take appetite suppressants because I take medicine for ADD and ADD meds are already supressors. Try asking your doctor which one he/she would recommend in addition to dieting and excercising. Alli seems to be popular. If you are really having trouble losing weight I know of about 4 people who look awesome after doing the Weight Watchers diet. You don't feel like you're dieting but you are and it may not make sense to you but it is all very scientific and is really the best way to get it all done. Expect for all of this to take about a year to get to the weight you want. Good luck though.

i dont take or know anyone that takes diet pills and i dont recommend to take diet pills. although if you must, i have heard good reviews from hydroxycut...hope that helps

to be honest, pills dont work that well, if so not 4 long


Captain Spiff
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't use any diet pills.

most of them will totally mess up your metabolism, and make it way harder to lose weight throughout your life. it's a bad idea.

diet and exercise. that's all there is to it.

trade name:Adipex P (Immediate release)
Fastin (discontinued)
Ionamin (Slow Release Resin, Australia, discontinued in the US)
Duromine (Slow Release Resin, New Zealand & Australia)
Pro-Fast SA
Phentermine Trenker
Sinpet (MX)
Supremin (PH)
Umine (NZ)
Weltmine (KP)

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