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 Do people just want to be thin to look good for others?
i think so. Its not about being healthy anymore but being thin that ...

 What are some foods that help increase energy?

 What is the best way to lose weight fast like 35lbs in a 3 months?

 What is the best thing to eat to lose weight?
i am 10 years ...

 Help me please?
i really want to lose weigh tbu ti don't like working out and i love junk food. what can i do?
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and i'm also 14 and in 7th grade ...

 Working out makes me so hungry, I always end up gaining weight. How can I avoid this?
I know that working out can also make you gain MUSCLE weight, and that's not what I'm talking about. But when I start working out, I am RAVENOUSLY hungry all the time. I eat way more ...

 If alot of fat people are fat because of illness, why dont you get fat people in the 3rd world?

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white plu dont you understand the question you dozy c**t....

 Am i fat???
i weigh anywhere between 92.5 - 95.5.
i am 5-1 and 1/2
i was just wondering because my sister calls me a fatty and a pig.
please answer!!!...

 How do people achieve a very flat stomach ? (without doing sit ups ...)?

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running ..? no offence but i don't feel running helps .... it just train my legs rather than tummy ......

 How much do you weigh?

 Me anorexic? -10 lbs. in 1 week?
Ok, so, I just wanted to ask an outer source. How do I know if I've gone too far, and when have i crossed that line that i didn't want to cross into an eating disorder? All my friends say ...

 My pants are loser my face is thinner, but I don't seem to lose any weight, why?
I've been swimming 1.5 km daily for some months now. Everyone tells me how much I've lost weight, how much my face is thinner, all my pants are looser; I need to buy new pants 'coz ...

 Is my size normal for a girl my age?
im 12 turning 13 at the end of this year.
im 5" 1'.
i weigh 117.
is it because im asian?
or is it just the way it is?

please be honest.
like hardcore ...

 I am just 14 and i weigh 65 help me loose weight?
i want to loose weight so that iwill be glamourous.is there any tablets for that purpose and if tell me name and timings to use.
iam ready to do zym but one fear is taht i wont grow ie my ...

 If i drink loads of beer on a night is it true?
that you will burn all the beer calories off the next day by doing lots of crunches and pushups or biking for 30 ...

 Im 11 and i think im fat on my thighs (ahh) i weigh 125 wat i do?

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plus im 5"1' and a ...

 How fast can I lose 50-60 pounds?
I'm a very active person. I play tennis and volleyball after school every day along with doing 1 hour to 1 hour 1/2 dance routines at night. What is the best way to lose 50-60 pounds fast? And ...

 I am trying to cut out junk food but love it too much.?
When I get a craving for it, what techniques can I use to stop myself??...

 How much should a 13 year old weigh if they are 5'1"????
It's not for me, but greatly appreciated

 Am i overweight?
i am almost 13 and i am about 5'4'' and i weight like 150. Don't be nice just yes or no. if yes (most likely) could you give me some things i could do to lose some?? I am also in ...

James G
Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose weight

Starving yourself does not help you lose weight at all. While in starvation mode, the body ceases to burn calories. Then, when you eat, your body will store everything it can in the form of fat. This means that you will GAIN weight.

After 20 minutes of strenuous activity, just like with not eating, your body goes into starvation mode.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you'll have to make a lifestyle change that you can easily stick to for life.

No. Starving means you will eventually binge. Even if you swear you'll "be strong and use lots of willpower!" your metabolism will be screwed up from not eating and that's why people gain all their weight back after bad diets. Why not eat a little less and start exercising now??

To an extent, yes, but eventually if you don't eat, you will not be physically capable of exercise... eating fuels your body so it can function physically and mentally. Eat, just not too much. Exercise before you eat in order to burn fat.

♫ Meme ♪
yes it does over time, but it will mess with your body, Its actually really unhealthy and not a good chice for a diet. You should try to put your foods in portions,But the working out thing aint so bad. the more you work out the more fat you burn. No junk food.THINK HEALTHY!!!!if you starve your self you will get to skinny, too skinny that you cant stop your self. then your going to have to go to rehabe or somthing like that

i hope i helped.

Starving yourself definitely does not make you lose weight! In fact, it makes you gain. Think of food as a fuel source for your body. When your body notices that you're starving it, it will store any left over energy (fat) for later. The only energy source that your brain uses is carbs, so if you're starving yourself, your brain won't function correctly. You definitely will not have enough energy to exercise. It's true that the main way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you are consuming, but it's a long process. Eat healthy and take it slow! Losing weight too fast and by those means can be detrimental to your health. Be good to your body. It's the only one you've got.

Yes you'll lose the weight BUT once you start eating you will gain the weight you lost and more.

starving yourself makes your body go into survival mode and actually stores more fat when you do eat. your body loves fat but will actually eat your muscle before it goes to your fat. the best way to shed the pounds is to do cardio!

No, it's good to have a balance of portion controll/ eating healthy foods and excersize. Starving yourself isn't a good way to lose weight and it rarely works (for even a short time).

Hannah D
No, definetely not. Your hydrated body will feed off extra fat and water supplies, just like a camel and you are likely to gain weight! The best way to loose weight is not by excercising, as muscles are heavier and more bulky than even fat. If you want to loose weight, then try to cut down on portion sizes of food eg. not going up for seconds! eat loads of fresh fruit and vegetables which will keep you looking healthy!

Laura P
Don't starve yourself, seriously. It'll make you even more hungry later on and you'll probably end up with some disorder! Exercising is, obviously, really important in helping u 2 lose weight. Keep at it and eat healthily!

Those other answers are right but it also will slow down your metabolism so when you even start eating a little food you will gain alot of weight. Its definetly a horrible thing to do to your body.

starving yourself is not just helping you lose weight, your starving your body, brain, bones, and muscles from important nutrients they need to keep you healthy. Do not start once you start its a life battle to overcome the disorder

claire g
coutrney is right-it will make you lose weight, but once you start eating again (which you will), the weight will go straight back on.
also, if you starve, you will feel irritable, lightheaded, and all sorts of other horrible stuff.
Eat sensibly and exercise, you will see results!


"Starving yourself" is the absolute WORST thing you can possibly do to try to lose weight!

When you starve yourself, your body's metabolism actually kicks into "starvation mode" and you will actually produce FAT CELLS!

Plus your body will lose MUSCLE which you do NOT want to do.

The only real way to lose weight is to eat several SMALL portions of HEALTHY food a day so that the body's metabolism is level and even.

NO binging, NO huge portions, NO skipping meals.
And of course, an increase in physical activity. This can be something as easy and simple as a brisk walk every morning or evening!

I promise!

yes...starving yourself will help you lose weight...at first it is slow because your body is confused and eats the extra fat cells stored in your body...but after that the pounds melt off...I stopped eating for 2 weeks and lost like 25 lbs. just know that once you do start eating again...eat healthier...dont go straight back to the old junk food again...eat fruits and veggies and stuff like that and the lbs will stay off.

you probably dont want to exercise during your starving period or right after either because your body wont react good to it and you could get pretty sick.

know also that if you do stop eating, make sure you are still drinking plenty of water...that is what i did...no sugary drinks at all.

be careful and good luck!!

well duh, if you don't eat you're going to lose weight... but that's not a good idea, you should just be healthy.

♥CoUrTnEy ♥ H
No it makes you gain more fat

Rebekah L
No. The best way to do it is eat smaller portions throughout the day.
Not eating makes your metabolism slow down.
If you keep eating smaller portions, but maybe one more time a day.
That is how I have always done it, and I have stayed a very healthy weight since high school.

Celia J
no you actually gain weight when you dont eat that's what i heard the best way to lose weight is to do it the healthy way

Definately not. Starving yourself is never the answer, and you'll either develop a serious eating disorder, or actually gain wait.

Eat healthy, not nothing.

And if you really want to be skinny and feel great, go vegetarian.

Reel R
Starving yourself will just get rid of the muscle that you have, and than destroy your organs. Just exercise everyday and cut back on fast food, red meats, fried foods, white rice, white pasta, white bread and snack foods. Eat whole grains and brown rice.

Please don't starve. Its not good for you.

Eat small portions of meals and get as much work out as you can. Just dont ever eat when you are not hungry and when you are hungry dont eat till you are completely full. Stop a little before. Avoid all foods high in fat. Try to restrict your fat content to less than 15- 20g a day.

Maintain a weight chart. Record your weight everyday with a digital weighing machine at the same time, like early morning or something. Do not weigh yourself immediately after you drink water or ate and or when u haven't emptied ur bowels, that way you'll get an accurate reading. Make sure you lose atleast 0.1pound every day and set higher or lower values depending on how ur doing.

I lost 20 pounds by doing all this. Now I'm a size 2 from a size 8.

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