thats a little on the underweight side but not life threatning
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yeah, its most definitely okay.
i weigh 89 and im 12 and perfectly healthy.
just make sure that you take good care of nutrition.
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☺♥~K☼☼L BREEZI~♥☻
ur a little underweght but its not gonna kill ya.
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Rachel B
yea it fine it just depends on ur highth. im 127 pounds and 12 and im just fine. i have a small belly but mostly its just mussel
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Edward Cullen <3 & Pro Jonas
no. thats pretty good. well if ur tall its not. but pretty good.
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depends on height and how strong you are and age
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Lucie C
yes. that's fine. of course it depends on your height too. ask your doctor if you are really that concerned.
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oh really?
yes thats sounds like a good weight, whats your height? but really twelve is to early to start worrying about your weight your still growing!
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smarty pants
PS:dont listen to xsciathx
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This really can't be answered by a flat-out "yes" or "no" answers - this is dependent on your height, the size of your frame, your gender, body type, and lots of other things. I'm 17 and I weigh less than 100 pounds, but it's considered a healthy weight for me as I'm not even five feet tall and I am very petite. If some of my friends weighed what I do, they'd be underweight - it just depends. For you, a more appropriate measure might be a height vs. weight chart, or finding your body mass index. Poke around in school science/health books or on the internet. Don't stress out - if you're really worried about it, ask your parents or your doctor if they think you're in a healthy weight range.
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Depends on how tall you are.
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its a little big if ur a girl, if ur a guy thats under weight.i was 100 Lbs when i was 10.im 16 and weigh 140
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that is a good weight for a height of 4'10"-about 5' tops
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juz an ordinary gal :)
Thats fine.
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Absolutely, Sweetheart. My son is 12 and he is 5'5 and 185 lbs. You are completely normal and I am sure, very beautiful. Be confident!
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depends on height
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It's fin. don't worry. your young and still growing.
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Where Are You Summer?!
sweetie your fine everything depends on height and body type, and ne way your 12 you need to be healthy and have a little extra weight any way so that your body can grow and function, and you probably still have baby fat by the time you get past puberty your body will even out, and the normal weight for a 12 year old is around 90lbs so your normal!! =)
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haley d
I'm 11 and i weight the same your perfectly normal
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totally! my sis is 12 and she weights way more than that. Ur totally normal, trust me.
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It could be normal for most 12 year olds. That depends on your height though. Check out your BMI on the internet and it will tell you if you are in the normal range of weight for your age and heighth. Just search it on yahoo.
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yuea well it depenfds on ur hieght its fine thought dont owrry about it
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Sure, it's okay but I would say you are underweight right now. Please stop worrying. You are perfect just the way you are. Now go eat something healthy!
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well it really depends on your height if you 5'3 or shorter its good you can even gain alittle but if your taller you need to gain more
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Yes. It's fine, don't listen to xsciathx, he's clearly a bully just trying to make you feel like crap. You are a growing person, and you need to eat to nourish you mind and body. You can worry about your weight later in life.
(xsciathx: you are answering a child, have some decency.)
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yes my bro is 12 and he weighs over 100 pounds
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my friend weighs less than that and shes 12
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Of course it is, duuuuuhhhh
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Tiki Tiki
Don't listen to anyone who tells you your fat. if you eat healthy and get enough excersize then you are fine!
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♥Miss Fortune♥
Yes. You are very lucky, because you are skinny for your age. You should be happy because some people weigh more than that when they're 10!
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