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 What is your favorite part of the human body?
Mine gotta be the thigh and the butt girls have great thighs and butts lol ^_^


 I am 19...105 punds..and i wanna be 120...what can i do?

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I dont want o gain muscle! lol i want my butt back...i want fat mass...... My name is Kawana and II am a white ...

 How do I get skinny?
I need to get skin but I dont know how to start since i live in apartments where they dont allow ridin things SO HOW CAN I LOSE 10 POUNDS IN A MONTH...

 Help a fat girl?
im in desperate need of help im 27 15 stone and scared i wnt see my son grow up i need to do something but dnt know how. Pls no fat jokes or mickey taking im desperate pls help diet and ...

 Does anybody else srtuggle to drink the 2 litres of water you need a day?
not including water in tea,coffee............

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 How tall are you?
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By the way: I'm ...

 In order to loose weight quickly which one is better?
joining gym
or comibantion of any 2 or 3....

 Is this ok??
i normally dont eat ANY junk food,
but today is my birthday and i had a cupcake with dinner.
is that ok?
will i gain weight from this?
And how many calories do you think was in a ...

 Fat or skinny?

 Do vegetables and fruits have calories?
if so where can i go to find out how many calories they ...

 Do you think that being 5''5 in height and being 112 pounds is normal???

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 I hard that smoking helps you to lose weight. Is that true?Will I lose weight if I start smoking?
I am eighteen and I would like to be thiner......

 I just had a large plate of pasta and football practice in 45 minutes i need an answer a.s.a.p
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 I eat tuna sandwiches for breakfast instead of normal breakfast stuff would this hurt my diet?
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 I would really like to be skinny by next year?
Ahh! I cant take it! Being overweight is horrible! Isnt there anything that isnt hard and is easy to stick to, to lose weight?!...

 Why do fat people go to McD's and order a couple big macs and then ask for a diet coke?I see this all the time
No offense to overweight ...

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Need to lose inches but no motivation.?
I need to lose around 3 inches around my waist but I can't stick to a healthy diet without going broke and I don't have a lot of motivation to get up and exercise. Anyone have any tips on what I can do to lose the inches?

Chuck P
Get an Ab belt, they have these electric impulses that simulate sit ups and it reduces your waistline. I think there called Slim Tone ab belts

You need to motivate yourself and not make excuses for you. Losing weight has no majic potion.

No discipline No motivation NO Problem...Snack on diet cookies. They taste great, contains about 8grams of carbs...and they're cheap...PM me for the price.

Morgan F
eat smaller meals... but have smal healthy snacks throughout the day. Drink a lot of water to clear your sytstem!! go for long peaceful walks when the suns setting and bring water with you and listen to music.. you may not feel like you are moving weight because you are just walking, but its not about the speed its about the distance

Don't be lazy abou it and imagine the person who's weight you want to acheive in your head, it might work for you.

There are cheaper ways to a healthy diet...

Watch your portions! This way you are making everything last longer, and you are consuming less calories at each sitting!


It's very simple, and it's not very painful to the body and about an hour of walking can burn atleast 300 calories.


healthy diet like eating lots of fruits,vegetables,fish and cut down meat more often,drink lots of water,avoid sugary drinks like soft drinks,shakes and that will cause you to broke even more.Exercise regularly isnt that simple and basic?

Edith Piaf
Stop going to the buffet!

change your diet habbits you will be suprised how easy this can be drink more water and eat more fruits and vegetbales. u could even try the grapefruit diet whichmeans you would eat a half of grapefruit before each meal

how u doin ? ;0)
to be honest the best way is not to go on a diet as ive tried them all and they dont work lol but just change your diet and go swimming 4-5 times a week for about an hour each time i lost 2 stone since may its great and i eat loads too im just eating the right foods but instead of swimming try aqua arobics its great and really fun ! great question star for you and goodluck !

Please Die
what if i said you're a fat loser and you'll never get anywhere in life being so huge...
would that help?

Raymond T
some crunk juice and an ipod and your all good, also if u want put a picture of a actress or model u admire next to you when u work out

Cutting out most sugar and bad fats should help.
I have lost weight just cutting out sugar.
good luck

Come be a "line puller" at Value World! HA HA HA HA! THAT will make you lose weight!

Without motivation, there's really nothing anyone can do for you. YOU have to be the one to do it for YOU. Try eating a lot of lettuce and carrots. Those will help. Veggies and fruits are the best way to lose those lbs. Stay away from starches and cane sugars amd red meats.

Drink lots of water, walk anywhere and everywhere, and don't eat close to your bedtime.

william w
take a picture of your waist and put it on the refrigerator and where ever you have snack foods in the house when you get to the spot where the junk is at it may deter you and inspire you to go for a walk or something. good luck.

Go really fast on a bike this higher your metabolism and your body will eventually shrink.

I think the easy and cheaper way is that you start feeling good about yourself being able to fit into a dress size which is 2 sizes smaller than now.
Once you start feeling that it will automatically make u walk,watch ur portions of food as well as stay away from fatty stuff!!
good luck!!

eat 6-8 small meals a day, this keeps your metabolism up and you will burn more calories and fat. Eat lots or fresh fruit,
drink 8oz of water before and after each meal. also drink cranberry juice and gatorade. Make at least two of your meals raw veggies(good for digestive system an there is more fiber in raw veggies, great for keeping the bowels active(very important).Most people don't know that there isn't a fruit or veggie that cannot be eaten raw. Most foods are overcooked or over processed(no frozen snacks, or processed foods). Eat fish, salmon(fresh if you can afford it) Tuna in water not oil. Bake, boil or broil, do not fry anything.
if you get the urge for a burger, buy ground turkey instead of beef, want a cheese burger add cheese with 1% fat. Drink fat free or 1-2% milk. don't eat pre-sweetened cereal, use fresh fruit in place of sugar, and no soda, eat whole wheat bread. No cornbread or bisquits, onions and garlic are great for weight loss?? No chips, or dips you have a goal to accomplished. Buy a really expensive outfit the size you want to be, hang it where you must walk past it often, all day every day, in 6 weeks try it on, do it every 6 wks- 2 months until it fits. Then, lose 10 more lbs. That way if you do gain a little, it's alright. Just don't gain to much.

Whatever you do stick with it. Let the health issues that will accompany obesity, be your motivator. The $$ spent on weight related issues (paying more for your clothes, not being able to do many enjoyable things, stress on your heart, it effects breathing also, money spent on weight related medical bills could be used to buy other much needed items . Have you noticed how overweight people breath? if not take notice. Then compare that to a person of lesser weight. No one has to be skinny anymore. I believe that healthy is when your skin is toned and not much excess fat on the body. This will differ with each of us. Regardless to how much you weigh.

Good Luck

buy a picture of a model ... then pinned it to the wall in your bedroom .. everymorning u look at the picture for 5 mins ...

Tim O
Decrease calorie intake. Increase calorie burn off. There is no way around it. Period.

Good luck.

Watch what you eat and you don't have to go broke on buying diet food. a lot that is around can be economical such as if you go to subways they have cheap deals that are healthy or if you by food you can prepare stuff without having to be too tempted to buy junk food like pizza, hamburgers and other fried items. Also try going out to take a walk with music for about an hour an day, slowly it should start motivating you when you start to feel a difference in your body. I would also recommend to get a buddy who would take a light jog/ walk with you during the week.

Cut out the pop and drink lots of water !
You would be amazed how this really works !

always curious
if you have money you can have a professional remove some fats around the waist, but if you prefer the basic and simple step, try bending every morning

Someone loves you babe
first try to eat right like fruits and vegetables more then sugar, then if u have a dog take "Max" on a run, trust me u'll get motivated.

Try and think of how you will feel when your body is perfect!! try and get your mind on something else so you dont eat as much but only three meals a day with the occasional unhealthy snack..and if you do feel the need to snack or have a sugar craving..eat some fresh fruit..it should close the hunger and craving! AND try and make your exercise fun..do something you love! and turn it into a great exercise workout! hope i helped!

in order to maintain a healthy diet, you dont need to buy all kinds of special foods like everyone says. you just need to make healthier choices about what you have, like, just cutting down on paportions. And if you want to slim down your waist, i would say just to do some polaties, or go online for a workout, and there are always magazeens that have workouts to slim your waist "fast". Speaking of which, you should watch your sugar, too much builds up in your thighs. My health proffesor says no more than about 17 grams of sugar a day for a healthy diet.
good luck!

tabytha s
its plain and simple...you need to diet and exercise. if you have poor motivation, and think your fat. you should stand naked in front of a mirror....that should help.....or hang up that outfit your trying so hard to get into. heck get a pick of a model or something as your desktop image as motivation. if you can get yourself to the gym....theres nothing else to do but exercise once your there.

♥Shortstuff ♥
If you didn't do anything else, just walk daily. That alone will allow you to lose inches. Increase your distance & speed a little bit at a time. Warm up before you bgin your daily walking & remember to cool down before you end your walking daily.

Get real with yourself and ask "What kind of life do I want to be living" Nobody can make you lose weight but you--ya know? Take baby steps. Start by getting 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. Try and eat small meals. I had a lot of success on the South Beach diet. Maybe look into that? I never felt deprived, it's easy to stick to also.

Laurie F
8 Minute Abs twice a day (morning and night)

Running 20 minutes a day, 4 days a week

Drink water. Eat produce!

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