Thanks!!! I'm an almost 16 year old girl if that matters. Additional Details i know it would hurt a lot, i don't really care! and i'm not stupid. i have reasons i'm ...
I gor Burned on my arm at this mexican place and the plate was hot i was grabing my drink and my arm touch it so how can i treat the burned? Additional Details I use ...
I give up. I tried everything. I went to a doctor and she told me to take 4 asprins a day for a week...nothing. I then went to physical therapy...nothing. But then I started walking on my own about 4 ...
I've broken my leg on 21st Aug while falling off the motocross bike on a muddy and slippery track. Nobody's fault, purely loosing control when landing after the jump. as far as I'm ...
have you ver had a really serius injury? please tell me? please tell full story of wat happened? what bone did you break? did you even break a bone? did you go too the hospital?
Okay, so heres the thing... I was playing soccer and some obese girl stomped on my foot. It hurt really bad, when I got home I took off all my stuff and my toe really hurt. In the next few days my ...
I have a couple of times one last year when I flipped backwards over my pool trying to catch a ball and wacked my head on a rock and fence. It was a 4 foot fall. I remeber when I was in the ambulance ...
I have 2 herniated discs in my back (L5/S1, L4). I've been injured w/o specific treatment for the discs for a year. It took 3 1/2 months for pain to go from my back to my leg (w/glute and hip ...
i did it earlier after smashing into a tree on a swing!..i was sure i'd smashed my pelvis and had done internal damage but apparently i've just bruised it!!i feel like i wasted everyones ...
playing tackle football i hurt my pinky finger at some point.. it's very uncomfortable and is turning a little black near the nail... doesn't hurt if i don't move it only when i try to ...
Abi B
Have i broken my toe?
I kicked the chest of drawers really hard about 20 mintues ago and it has swollen up really badly, is bleeding underneath the nail and is cut open. I can't bend my big toe, or walk on it. is it broken?
Well your stupid.. for the future dont kick things
I don't thing it is broken but I do think that that nail is going to fall of.
If you are really worried than maybe you should go to the doctors but I don't think it is broken
The same thing happened to me just a little different for me some thing fell on my toe and the nail came of but it was in serious pain for a wile.
black and blue all over
nail peeling off
hurt tissue crying 'fer cryin'' out loud'!
Bends hurts, sounds like it, mate
Rad!oact!ve Sk!ttles
When I went on a school trip to France last year, I tried running up the stairs to get away from one of my friends and I ended up running into a wall and whacking my big toe on the corner of this huge bloody chest.
My toe was gross. It was horribly bruised, it was so painful, I couldn't bend it at all, I limped for like..2 weeks afterwards!
However, I didn't go to the hospital as I didn't think that I'd broke it. Not much they'll do anyway, just strap it to your other toe I think.
Hope your toe is okay though!
hi everyone!
probably get it checked out, especially if it is bleeding alot,
most likely. if there's blood under your toe nail, the ER doc will drain it. they can't do anything if it is broken though, all they'll do it tape
It sounds like it i broke my toe and it sounds just like what happened to mine! I hope i helped : )