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 I am ready to kill myself?
i constantly get made fun of. i get called fat i get called ugly and i don't even know what happy really is anymore. people call me fat to my face and i don't know what to say back. my &...

 If you punch an arm or leg hard enough, could it break?
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 What do you miss about your childhood?
I miss all my legos......

 What's the secret of happiness?
Serious answers please - I have suffered on and off with depression all my life, and never seem to able to enjoy my life and be happy with what I've got. How does everyone else manage it?...

 I'm 19 and I still watch Telitubies.What is wrong with me?
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 Why can't i stop skipping classes?
i just dont care about school anymore. i know when i dont go to class i'm going to get caught but i still do it. some times i just end up comming for one period. my mum knows i do it, and she ...

 What or who made you laugh this week?

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I love Extras with Ricky Gervais, he makes me laugh out ...

 14 and depressed?
For probably a 2-3 years I have been feeling increasingly depressed. There has been no trigger for the depression to start, nothing bad has happened to me, and yet I feel so unhappy. My depression ...

 Have you ever had the kind of day where you want to stay inside the house and not face the world at all?

 I Need to Die?
I tried ti kill myself months ago with out sucess. This time I plan to go to work on Monday and then when I finish work on monday stay in a B&B and then on tuesday I'm on a course and when I...

 Your opinions on suicide?
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?

Was it a real and failed attempt or a cry for help? And do you get p****d off with people who say it's selfish? (For those who dont know it is ...

 Am i crazy?
i talk to myself. i dont do any thing bad. i'm depressed and hate life. i've had eating disorders. i cant trust any one. thats why i'm asking you, cause you dont know who i really am....

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When I am around my friends I feel weird cause I am the tallest one there, and I dont feel comfertable around them. I am so worried, what can I do??
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 Suicide methods?
Can someone please tell me the quickest way to do this - have tried cutting my wrists but I can seem to cut deep enough - please dont try to talk me out of it I've had enough i want to go - ...

 Is it illegal to commit suicide?

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 My friend is turning into a huge sl*t and is doing drugs. I'm trying to make hers top but nothing is working!
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Do you answer the questioners that say they want to kill themselves or shy away?
personally i shy away, even though i want to help i am so afraid anything i say might trip them over the edge, wether positive or negative, it frghtens me that they might take what i say in the wrong way so i gnore the questions

what about you

xxx vici

Luisa M
I answer them. Well I only answer some of them, there is only so many questions that you can answer. But I answer them because I no what its like too feel suicdal.


Yeah me too.. im scared of answering those. This question really hits the nail on the head. I dont even wanna report them for fear that they might get more depressed.

Ms. latin spice
personally i think that i would try and help but it only helps if they are a low risk person you know some people just talk to talk no offense to the them but i know people who just say it to make people feel sorry for them.... so yeah

peter o
i have answer one once.and all i said is don't do it.but now kike your self vici.i shy away from then type of questions.and if i do start reading then.i stop before i get to the end of the question.and move on to the next question.

Hi Vici

I usually answer them, and try to do so in a non judgmental way.

I can see why some people would want to shy away though as it isn't the easiest of topics to deal with. I deal with this sort of thing in my job, I'm a mental health support worker, so I do have experience of talking to suicidal people.

It isn't true to say that if a person wishes to commit suicide they would just go and do it rather than seek someone to talk to. Sometimes it isn't that clear cut, and it can be that the person believes they have no other option left to them.

This link to the Mind website offers easy to read and understand information

How to help someone who is suicidal:

For some people finding that there is someone out there who cares enough to answer there question it can make all the difference.

Hopefully Helpful
I will take a look to see how many people have already been there for the person. If not many people have tried to help, I will put my effort into trying to offer a meaningful answer. I feel bad if the person doesn't have many answers to refer to.

Just Love

All The Time

I try to help. If they listen, they listen. If they don't, they don't. At least I would have tried.

I answer generally. Depends on my mood.

I shy away, as the cyncial side of me thinks most of them are just trolling anyway.

I answer them i have been where they have been so i really understand were they are coming from.Also i love helping people.So i take a 50/50 chance.When i feel down i hope someone will do the same as well.You never know you could make someone feel better just by what you say.

I believe it's more important to try to help these people then any others. Whatever you say if its with care and understanding will help. I don't think they would ask for help if they didn't want it. They are seeking some excuse not to end their lives and what you write might just be the answer they need. They have all the reasons they believe they need to end their lives already, so anything you add can only help I doubt it will hurt. Think about it if someone is lonely and believes no-one cares and sees all the answers from other people like yourself doesn't this prove that people really do care. I believe you are a caring person otherwise you wouldn't care if you answer or not, so believe this; people like you can and do help others by passing that love and understanding onto others.

i answers them, whether to give support to stop them, i know i can't really help that much but they come looking for help it wouldn't be much good if everyone started ignoring them...(im not directing that at you btw!)

I try to answer them, I have been in that position and have wanted help. I always pray that whatever I say comes out right, but I can only say what is in my heart.

i want to start doing but . im only new though

i think we should probably comfort and be there for them
because they are in a way pleaing for help in desperation or some sort by posting their suicidal thoughts online, or telling you personally
never ever take lightly if someone ever says something like that to you, even when they sound like they're joking
you'll never know it can be a sign

remember that you can make a difference

it frightens me to think what they would do if no one gave them a few words of encouragement. If no one answers their plea, then what?

I usually do, if I think I can say something to help.

Some have written back to me.

I normally answer - to be honest if someone is in that frame of mind anyway, it is unlikely that anything you put on here will 'trip them over the edge'. I normally put something like, try to find someone to talk to about how you feel, and then give them the URL of the Samaritans website.

It depends - believe it or not, most of the people looking for "advice" think they're being funny.
Most people might not be able to tell, but when you've been there you can spot a faker right away. People who are truly suicidal don't typically talk about "offing" themselves or taking the easy way out. Believe it or not, they don't WANT to do it, they're looking for help - they want someone to give them an alternative. The same thing with cutters.
Both groups are not very likely to talk to people about how they feel because they don't want to be looked down upon or called crazy. Maybe some of them come here as an attempt to cry for help, but most are likely to keep it to themselves.

i normally answer them..cuz i know what there going through,,there was a point in my life when i felt the same way..so i can relate!!
= )

Fire Blade 24
People who ask those questions are lonely . I try to say somethings that make them feel good about themselves ., when I do , I feel good .

I usually answer them, but I try to be careful about what I say. I think I'd feel worse if I didn't try to help someone who needed it.

if I can't truly answer the question then I keep silent...but if I can help in some way then I try to answer the best that I can.

Vici, Answer them in a way if you have compassion for them or feel you may help. Most people are looking for someone to hear them. The need love . Speak what is in your heart as thou you would want someone to say to you. You may be that someone that keeps them from falling off the edge. Dont be afraid, I took the step and really helped someone. You Go Girl!!!!

I answer...

I respond, offering whatever encouragement/guidance I feel will give them support or direction.

i answer them with very uplifting answers ^^

I have answered a couple of them, but I know how you feel. I just hope that if they are at the point where they're asking about it on here, they're crying out for help and not actually seriously considering it.

questioners who bother asking on yahoo answers are looking for guidance. if they are completely ignored, that in itself might tip them over the edge.

I just feel sorry for them when they get an ******** telling them to do it..

I absolutely always answer them and often spend one or 2 or more hours on the answers as I feel having been there, having called suicide prevention and crisis lines, being knowledgeable, and having a very compassionate and kind manner that I may well be able to help them.

I feel God put them in my path for a reason. So many people are very unkind on websites. People have in the past thought I was suicidal and knew I was very depressed and had even gotten to know me rather well and said the meanest things totally uncaring if they put someone the edge as the final straw. On here I have heard people say things like go ahead and other unkind and meaner statements; however, most people are concerned and nice.

On a website I am on, a doctor, someone I know is a doctor as they sent some things to my house for a project, got mad cause she did not like an opinion another poster had and called the girl a string of filthy cuss words and told her everyone would be better off if the girl killed herself--an educated doctor saying such things. I was stunned and I asked what if that girl had been depressed or suicidal and your comment pushed over the edge and she said "hey, if it isn't me then it will be someone else. I have no responsibility if some unstably person kills themselves..it has nothing to do with me. I was disgusted.

It is best not to say nothing but to show the person they can get through this, there is help out there, and you care and understand. If everyone did as you did, and noone answered that would push someone over the edge more than any answer you might give to help as it would reinforce to them that noone cares so they might as well do it.

Be sure to give the national suicide prevention hotline number and other crisis centers. Do not act like there problems are small or say things like hey it's not that bad. Instead acknowledge that life is hard and that you care about them and try your damndest to help them because I was suicidal for 15 years every single day and it was due to the SSRI antidepressant drugs and when I quit them, all suicidal ideation which was intense went away and now the FDA puts a black box warning on all the SSRI antidepressant drugs that say that they may exacerbate depression and cause suicidal ideation in some people.

I would not wish the suffering of the damned I went through on anyone. I was at website once where depressed people told what it was like to feel depressed all the time and how clinical depression felt and suicidal crises and it was very touching and showed the suffering these people go through. I wish I had that link now.forfor the people expressing uncaring answers and saying they are just attention seekers .that is wrong..

Such people often benefit from talking and thuis a suicide prevention line which is supportive..If the one they get is not helpful or they need to talk more and the person wouldn't or was not helpful or had to take another call , I call other crisis lines to help me.

By getting someone to talk a trained counselor or hang on through the crisis, you might save their life. Don't ignore it, pray about it and do your best to help..if your heart is in the right place, you will find the words and God will help you to. If you save a life, You also spare their family a lifetime of grief. if you can help stay the person hand.

Do unto others as wish they would do unto you, try to put yourself in the person's shoes and say what you think may help because they want help or else they would not come on here and say that, they would just do it..a part of them still wants to live and needs a reason to..needs a helping hand and someone to care..few really want to die they just want the problems to go away..the best chance of that happening is holding on until the problems begin to feel not so overpowering with the passing of time.

thanks for the question. I only hope the many hours I put into trying to help someone considering killing themselves did some good somehow. All we can do is try and pray..

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