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 How much longer do i have to live by my parents rules??

 Is cutting yourself really that bad???
ive been doing it for 5 years now...and i dont see the harm in ...

 I have a very strange, kind of sick secret. is this realy a bad thing?
I have been thin all my life. I am very attractive. But then I had kids and put on a lot of wieght. I am fat and unattractive now. But here is the wierd sick thing. I secretly like being fat. sure I ...

 I am ready to kill myself?
i constantly get made fun of. i get called fat i get called ugly and i don't even know what happy really is anymore. people call me fat to my face and i don't know what to say back. my &...

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 What or who made you laugh this week?

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I love Extras with Ricky Gervais, he makes me laugh out ...

 14 and depressed?
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When I am around my friends I feel weird cause I am the tallest one there, and I dont feel comfertable around them. I am so worried, what can I do??
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Can someone please tell me the quickest way to do this - have tried cutting my wrists but I can seem to cut deep enough - please dont try to talk me out of it I've had enough i want to go - ...

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Shoop Da Woop
I get pleasure out of hurting animals? Is that wrong?

go figure....

yes very wrong. i counseled serial killers, rapists, and murderers. a lot of them reported they liked to abuse animals. because you are asking if it is wrong, then there is help for you, and i suggest you get it.

super steve
lets just say if i ever met you i would have fun kicking your ***

yes it is, get some help before you turn to hurting people. although hurting animals is bad enough.

miss T
your a sick sick boy!!! or thing. I dont think you deserve to be classified as a human, you need to get a life!!! Of course hurtin animals is wrong. I hope one day some1 catches you and cuts off your nutz and makes you eat them! Rot in hell!

is that y u sat on ur cat? yea i no its u who asked that stupid question.......i hope u suffer dying tooooooooo

yes it is

A Tribe Called 23rd Buchan
I guess it's better than harming humans. A dog is replaceable, a human is not.

did you have traumatic childhood or is it just sick pleasure on it's own?

even so its wrong to hurt animals, maybe you should talk to someone who won't judge you. maybe my friend (she's training for psychology) if you wan't to talk to her email me.

Mr. Lahey
Uh, yeah. but don't worry. What goes around comes around. I'll leave you to figure out the exact implications of that statement.

well yes u can go to jail for it but i recommend maybe seeing a thrapist

Yes, you're going to become a serial killer. That's how most serial killers start out. Go ahead, do your research. I'm not joking. Seek mental help now.

those who hurt the animals that get in their way are the people who hurt the humans who get in thier way tomorrow

Yes not just wrong but very bad. Animals have life,feelings like you. How would you feel if a big bear will hurt you and eat you for pleasure??Remember this what goes around, comes around.

if you have had significant childhood trauma, then I would suggest your malady stems from a repressed or arrested developmental stage controlling empathy.

I would suggest you either get some therapy to resolve these issues or get a job as an exterminator or euthanizing technician...thus assuaging your desire to do damage to things you might actually care about...

yeah...you have a Little problem there...just depends on your outlook on how to solve it.

Of course it is wrong. You shouldn't even have to ask that. You need to get some serious counseling. Hurting animals is just one step down from getting pleasure from hurting human beings. In fact, you may progress to that without help. Is that what you want? I'm not a physchologist, but I think you must know that you need some help or you wouldn't have ask that question. Good Luck

Hell Yea.

yep, get help before you become a serial killer.

Think Dodger Blue
yes you should be ashamed of yourself

No just don't do it in public ya don't want the animal police to come and kick ur ***


Well it does sound like a problem. It could lead to more problems I suggest that u go talk to a professional a.s.a.p

Meitantei Ari
What kind of question is that? Anyone would tell you that that is wrong. What do you expect to get for asking this? Now everyone thinks your an animal hater who torments kittens.

I bet you're not that bad of a person. What you need to do is find the root of this pleasure. Are you happy because they're getting hurt, or is it because you have the power to hurt them.
If it is a power thing, try to channel that energy into something that won't harm others, but still allows you to master your surroundings.

I've recently picked up tae kwon do. its an awesome way to learn self control. plus you feel really powerful when you can do different techniques. And I guess you can beat the snot out of a punching bag if you really feel that angry.

uummm...u betcha poptart

I get tremendous pleasure out of seriously hurting people who hurt animals...I know that's not wrong.


Yes, you belong in prison! You also deserve to be hurt very badly.

Pretty Girl n Pink
Umm, slightley. You may need to see a psychiatrist. Sometimes hurting animals is the step right before you begin hurting humans.

Why do you hurt them? What did they do to you? Would it be ok if someone arbitrarily hurt you for cheap thrills?

Yes, I think its wrong.

The Dest
Yeah, you have issues.

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