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 How do i help a crack addict get clean?
he's already been to rehab more times than i can count. I am beginning to think that this friend is lost forever. What do you think?...

 How can I get over my Anxiety issues?
Hey all,

I honestly never thought I would post something like this on a message board, but I feel like I'm out of options.

2 weeks ago, My girlfriend of 2 years and I ...

 Why English drive in the wrong lane?
perchè gli Inglesi guidano nella corsia sbagliata?...

 No more "self harming" myself.....?
In 7th grade I started to cut. Then I stopped that cuz I got into eraser burns my freshman year. I realized that there was no reason why I should be doing that and quit all "self harm" in N...

 Help Me!!!?
One of my best friends is trying to kill herself by cutting her arms and legs.Is their anything i should do or should i just leave her alone???...

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I'm terrified of mosquitoes and crane flies >.>!...

 How do I tell my parents that I cannot go back to school yet?
I just had Christmas break and I fly back to school tomorrow. They recently told me that they noticed that I was depressed and that they were worried. They said that I shouldn't go back yet and ...

 Is this considered child abuse?
i am 13 yrs old
my mom calls me bad words, slaps me across the face, throws me out of the house, and yells at me all because i haven't cleaned my room
i cry and feel depressed after ...

 Where would I go to get a lobotomy?
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 What is wrong with me?
I am sad all the time. I dont like to do anything i used to do... or anything at all i dont even want to skateboard and a few months ago it was all i ever did and i am allways turning down ...

 Should people with mental illness or addiction have children?
So you think it is morally and ethically correct for someone with a mental illness or an addiction to have children, when there is a chance they could pass on the trait/tendancy to this illness to ...

 Why do people cut themselves?
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 Is life always so f**ken hard?
in june 2007 i was raped as a male it was very hard 4 me 2 cope. life has only got harder will it get any better who has a bad time living??? can we pull through
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 Am I depressed?
Constant breakdowns. Afraid i'll never find happiness. I'm the lonliest person, super sensitive. Mother is bi-bolar unaware of how much she hurts me. parents are super strict.divorced. Not ...

 I keep having suicidal feelings why do i feel this way how do i get it to stop an leave me alone forever?

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 I have asked it before, but I need help!?
I'm really depressed, and I have really bad anxiety...I think I'm fat and ugly...and people get mad because they don't see how I could think that...I get really nervous around people......

 What do u do when u get really depressed?
what do u do when u get really really ...

I need help i think I kill my self..?
I'm so sad and depressed I don't know what to do I really need some one to talk to

Barbara M
i have been in your shoes before. i tried suicide
3times, the last was really a close call for me.
they ordered me to go to mental health. i'm on
medication now and i feel a little better. ther's
help out there, please your life is just beginning
u have a lot to live for. i will be your friend, and
you can talk to me if you wish. i will be praying
for you.

Send me a message via answers. Let's talk :)

drz sweety
send me a message an let talk but don`t kill your self you are saying that know but you will think if you talk to someboby so let tallk ok

Hey you can talk to me

try to see a shrink

death is not a way out it just another pathway to another life. the problem is long term and trying however i have got better from mine and so will you. you need to believe that. question why you feel like this. and what, who in your life is having such a negative affect on you. work friend family. a family member who is coming to grief about something. not being able to help someone.

no! just think your not helping anything by doing this. your family will always wonder what they did, or if they didnt teach you right. it is not only good for you but ur family will be depressed for there life to if u die. people need you!!!!

See the phone and online hotlines at http://www.ezy-build.net. (.net.nz/~shaneris) on page 5, and depression treatments, on page 2.

i think you should speak to your family/friends, you might be surprised how understanding they can be. also ask to see a psychiatrist to help why you are depressed and sad.

Been there...done that...attempted at least. To the morons that say for you to do it...and that people are so much worse off than you...how the f' do you know...moron. Just because you love to get up and you feel a certain way about life doesn't mean that everyone else does. Life is worth living??? Really...what is so ******* great about it...don't get me wrong. I am not promoting killing yourself...but to tell another human being that life is worth living is so arrogant. YOu HAVE no idea what a person has going on in their internal brain synapsis. I was a friend with a man who survive F'ing Auswitz...but when he was hit with a bout of depression...he said it was much WORSE-Life is life..it is a ham and egger existence of filling time...some people find excitement and thrill is small things...some people have orgasms over a mets game...some people; however- no matter what is going on...best house...cool rug rats- good food- good eats...suffer from something that is named depression but I am not quite certain that embodies what it really is...because depression indicated you are "upset" about a certain situation. This is why you have all the idiots saying "there are people that have it worse then you...kill yourself already" They think that depression is a feeling sorry for yourself or some such BULL. So to clarify...you don't feel sorry for yourself... It is not like you are resting your laurels and feasting on peeled grapes. Most people who are depressed are like possesed (and I don't mean this in a religious sense). It is like their mind is dulled and there is no feeling to and about anything except dull and repetitive thoughts to slash your throat and end things in the most violent of ways. People that kill themselves are cowards...i beg to f'in differ...Jumping off a 175 foot bridge is not the thing of cowards... hardly. It has nothing to do with that. Most of the time depressed people feel like they are a burden because the nature of their brain disorder feeds messages to them that Nothing matters, you don't matter, you take up space, oxygen, etc. Gee...I wish I lived a live of ignorance that just cause I am pretty and have a good job and a car...I should be happy. I am happy...most of the time...except when this creeping demon invades my psyche. When It is not there...I do more -probably- in a week -than all these self-rightous *** clowns that tell the suicidal to Pull the trigger, already. Let's see, I do marathons, I run a political party in our district, I have a master's degree, I have raised two children who are in college... I don't do drugs...never have...I don't drink (but don't faulth those who do). I am a funny m'fer and make a lot of people laugh. I have a mensa IQ...and am pretty freaking smart...I have gifts...etc. When the depression (whatever word) invades...something turns... I close down... that is why it is a MENTAL illness morons...You can't see inside the brain.... but whoever thinks that it is not real is nuts...the brain and its various regions control everything. Anyway...I have ranted enough

I have been there...and I haven't done the deed. I am now 44...tried it when I was 19 and 30. Both serious...both very serious. Woke up...from 60 dalmain...in the hospital...stomach pumped. The other attempt was that I woke up after 5 days...and was no worse for wear...no one knew...and I said "f it...guess it isn't meant to be". I get depressed at times...sometimes when I am waiting for the subway...out of the blue...the tracks beckon me... It is weird. Other days I love to be alive...most days it is a toss up.

I think that there are medications that can clear up the cobwebs and make your life look less distressful...the situation may be the exact same...it just clears up the cobwebs about it. Suicide normally is not a thought because of bad situations... it is normally a really bad feeling in the pit of your being...having nothing to do with the exteriour. And if you have been there...someone can hand you a million dollars...and you still want to jump.

DONT kill yourself! Someday you will be glad you didnt. Find someone to talk to and get through this bad time. Things will be better someday--you are just going through a bad time. Maybe you need antidepressants--Im on medication myself--it really helps.

sweetie tweetie
don't kill yourself i know sometimes you feel really depressed but think about all those people, family, friends, even ex's that love you and if you comit sucicide then think how depressed all those people think i used to be really depressed and i wouldn't tell anybody and i just would burst out crying and i decided i needed help and talking to somebody made me feel so much better.

think about the people you'll leave behind and what you'll put them through...they will also face depression, loneliness and probably guilt for not know and not helping you.

There are no problems so bad that you should take your own life. Look for some positives in your life to counter the negatives.

Good luck! Read the first chapter of James in the Bible...

Please dont kill yourself! Suicide is one of the most selfish things you could do, think about your friends and family! they would think that they failed by not being good enough to save you. listen to my words: DONT DO IT! maybe consider getting yourself a pet, they will always listen. Get a punching bag to take your anger out on. Make some friends, join a club, and talk to your doctor about these suicide thoughts, she may prescribe u some anti-depressents or something. We dont know you, but we care about u and we are showing it by answering you, dont kill yourself. it will be the biggest mistake you've made. go to the site below, it might help. please, dont do it.

Toni Angel
Don't do anything rash. Life is too short as it is. See your Dr. Maybe he can give you something to help. Modern medicines can be quite effective and have come a long way. Also figure out what is causing your depression. If you can do this, maybe you can help yourself.

Elephant Box.
im so sorry to hear you are going through a hard time. killing yourelf isn't a choice though, it is just not an option. tell us what is goin on, we can support you and maybe even offer a solution. best wishes. hang in there.

Autumn GI®L
If you are talking seriously DONT DO IT!

call this phone number:1-800-870-9998. its strictly confidential!! its a 24 hour hotline for support,crisis,information. please call!!! you dont even have to give them your name. they will definitley be able to help you!! please call.love&light to you!! hang in there,ok?!

lana s
Suicide.org: Suicide Prevention, Suicide Awareness, Suicide Support ...
Call a suicide hotline NOW if you need help! ... Extensive suicide prevention hotline numbers, categorized by country or state, ...www.suicide.org/index.html - 27k - Cached

::Community Crisis Centers::
Kristin Brooks Hope Center, Program Manager of the National Hopeline Network: 1.800.SUICIDE (784-2433), Suicide Prevention Hotline, Community Crisi Centerswww.hopeline.com/4/map.asp - 22k - Cached

USA NATIONAL Suicide & Crisis Hotlines - When You Feel You Can't Go On ...
NATIONAL. Suicide & Crisis Hotlines. Crisis Counselors are. waiting ... National Suicide, Crisis, & Other Hotlines. YOUTH AMERICA HOTLINE. YAH ! Hotline ...suicidehotlines.com/national.html - 42k - Cached

I lost my husband to suicide and I now am on a solos survivor support group on line, it helps so much.
There is nothing more tragic than that to your family. Consider the lives of others and not just yours.
You are here for a reason.
Seek some counseling and preserve a good life for your future.

Check out some of the sites I put at the top and there are many more if you enter suicide support groups on your search engine or google. There is help for you!!!!!!!!

That is not the answer. You are taking the first step by asking for help, and that is good. You should find someone to talk to immediately -friends? family? If they are not available, you can go to your local counceling center, or emergency room. they will get someone who can talk to you right away and help you feel better. .

plz don't
ther's much 2 live for
i would love 2 talk 2 u and be ur freind

Lyny piny
Send me a msg via answers im a good listener if i can help u in any way i will try my best.xx

email me through this site..Im here to listen

Just in case no one answers you, I love you and really feel for the way you feel:) I am bipolar and often feel that depressed, but it does eventually pass away. If you can't find a friend to chat to then call the Samaritans, they will listen.
Whatever is making you feel so bad, if you can't beat it, then try to get away from it. There are lots of us out here who care about you, know how you feel. Don't listen to any nasty little **** who says otherwise.
If you're on anti-depressants, like me, maybe you need to see your doctor about taking an extra one when you feel so down. If a problem is getting you down, try and find some advice through councelling or citizen's advice.

Do not do it!!!!!! Life is totally worth living - if you want someone to talk to e-mail me, but quite considering suicide.

I'm sad to read this question.
Dont kill yourself. It may not seem so now but things Always get better.
There is help out there.Talk to your doctor, you can be helped.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Life is precious, tough at times but it will improve,talk to a friend, counsellor,co-worker,doctor,helpline someone.

I can't tell you anything that you haven't heard a thousand times before, but I can tell you that I have been there before. Suicide may seem like a good choice but it's not. There is always somebody who loves you. E-mail me if you wanna talk more. Be strong and beat the evil.

Ask Sanjanaâ„¢
Don't do it. Please. The world needs you. :]

Please call 911 or a suicide hot-line immediatly! No seriously, call now!
We love you!

I've been on both sides of the fence before. And if you don't talk to me, then talk to someone and reach out to a psychiatrist and please seek help. Once you start thinking about killing yourself and taking your own life, you're on the edge waiting to fall off. Why seek help when, maybe in your mind it's a matter of weakness? Because once you want to kill yourself, you're fighting for your own life. So if you don't talk to me, then talk to someone. I assure you that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

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