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 What is wrong with me?
I am sad all the time. I dont like to do anything i used to do... or anything at all i dont even want to skateboard and a few months ago it was all i ever did and i am allways turning down ...

 Should people with mental illness or addiction have children?
So you think it is morally and ethically correct for someone with a mental illness or an addiction to have children, when there is a chance they could pass on the trait/tendancy to this illness to ...

 Why do people cut themselves?
on tv you hear about teenagers cutting themselves. why do they do it?...

 What do you fear the most??

 What do I do when I wish I was dead and I'm only 15?
Since I'm pretty healthy, one side of my family lives to be realllly old, and medical technology is increasing, that means I have who knows how many years! Like 80! Every day I wish so bad I was ...

 Is life always so f**ken hard?
in june 2007 i was raped as a male it was very hard 4 me 2 cope. life has only got harder will it get any better who has a bad time living??? can we pull through
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 Am I depressed?
Constant breakdowns. Afraid i'll never find happiness. I'm the lonliest person, super sensitive. Mother is bi-bolar unaware of how much she hurts me. parents are super strict.divorced. Not ...

 I keep having suicidal feelings why do i feel this way how do i get it to stop an leave me alone forever?

 Do you ever just stare at the wall for hours on end?
I maybe just at the floor - staring at nothing and thinking nothing. Is this normal?...

 I have asked it before, but I need help!?
I'm really depressed, and I have really bad anxiety...I think I'm fat and ugly...and people get mad because they don't see how I could think that...I get really nervous around people......

 What do u do when u get really depressed?
what do u do when u get really really ...

 Are you afraid of dying?
Every year around my birthday I get depressed about getting older. Any suggestions that don't involve, drinking or drugs?...

 How do i tell my parents I'm depressed?
Ok I'm have 13 and have been pretty depressed for about the past year, no one has noticed except my best friend. She keeps telling me ,to tell me parents but i just don't know how. I have ...

 Is it acceptable to rely on someone else for happiness?

 Do you ever want to just run away?
Just get away from the responsiblities of being mother, wife, taxi driver,house keeper ect.. Whats a good way to just relax when you have all this built up stress?
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 Answer first correctly and get 10 points...........?
What antidepressant was one of the teens on during the Columbine incident?

A) Prozac
B) Zoloft
C) Effexor
D) Luvox
E) P...

 I think I'm bi-polar?
I am 14 years old and everyone I talk to seems to associate my moods with adolecence, but I've started to notice that my mood swings are alot more violent than anybody else I know. One day I can ...

 Why can't I just snap out of it?
I am very sensitive and get depressed easily. I feel empty as I lost my boyfriend and my job. I just want to snap out of it and start better care of myself. I just know don't know how. My ...

 How can i love this baby when the father has made me feel so worthless?

 How can I shake this off I don't know what's wrong with me?
This is not like me I'm feeling very down tonight I don't know why nothing has happened to me I feel like I could burst into tears but there's no reason for it. I suppose everyone has ...

I am a depressed teen all the time, i hurt so bad and have noone to talk to and no doctor what do i do?

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Well, my daddy died last year.I have tried sucidie 2 and the only person i trusted told everybody and made fun of me and said she had enough to worry about herself and her family.And i am always tired never wanna do anything.I am a Christan i do pray.But i dont trust anyone but god anymore.And my best friend said i do it for attion but i dont.And every body says i have problems.I just want to be normal and i have seen consulers and all that didnt help.And i dont think its because of my dads death i just dont know why i am and yes its 24-7 unless i am drunk then i still cry and get all emotion.And i dont tell my mom cuz she thinks i am a freak.HELP ME.

Cheryl s
What about your parents? Teachers? Minister or Priest? If u can't talk to them call a HELP line. They can direct you to someone and it probably won't cost you anything. But u need to talk to somebody. Don't wait around because if you've been depressed for a while, it probably won't go away on it's own.

Anna M
Well pose a specific question of your depression and lets see if any one can help you.

u should find some-1 u trust like a friend or ur mom and tlk 2 them about it

Why are you depressed?
what makes you hurt?
have you talked to your parents?
sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousin?
Depression is not a thing to play with, being upset for a day or so is normal but if you are upset for several days in a row that is not normal and there are so many different things that can help you. Talk to your parents or friends that you trust and can help you...and certainly talk to a doctor they are there to help...Life is to precious to give up on.................................belie... me!

You can't talk to your parents or school counselor?

I've gone through my shared of depression during my teen years. I am past that and I would be happy to help you with whatever it is you are dealing with. I am a psychology major too. You can e-mail me at AL16108@gmail.com.

Well first you need to know that someone loves you. God loves you and you need to talk to someone there are hotlines you can call there is usually a page with numbers in the very first few pages of the telephone book for depression hotlines if not call the hospital ask for the number to a mental health clinic if it will make you feel better keep it anonymus. But please talk to someone about what is bothering you.Your life can be better and you need to know you control your future.

Does your family not have health care? Do you qualify for assistance? You should really find a councilor ¥ou can trust. Try a guidance councilor, a teacher, or a pastor at your church. NAMI is a mental health organization that might provide some answers. If you can find a support group, go there! There are AA groups for teens even.., and they are FREE...Check online, the papers...be careful of people on the internet you don't know. Do, try and take some of these peoples advice...a creative outlet is great. Have you considered theatre? art? music? find a voice for your pain instead of keeping inside. Bless you girl...be strong! you can do it!

Sam, can you talk to a teacher or a counselor at school, or someone at your church. Don´t be afraid, you have already taken the first step by sharing your pain with us. So now take another step and talk to someone you can trust, and ask their help in finding a doctor to help you. Don´t give up. We care so let us know what happens. Stay well.

M - D.O.G.
what are u depressed about... just tell me with a new question, ill find it

Talk to your parents/grandparents another adult.

Ask you parents to make an appointment at your local Mental Health Clinic. Ask for an evaluation for depression.

My 14 yr old daughter has been diagnosed with having Dysthymia. A depression that includes: Poor eating habits, insomnia, low energy/fatigue, low self-esteem, poor concentration, & other things.

My 11 yr old son has been diagnosed with just having depression. Mainly from changing school and having to do more homework.

Email me anytime.

Dan C.
Get a doctor. Talk to friends.

Ask someone (maybe an adult you trust) to refer you to someone who can talk to you in confidence. You are not alone, being depressed is a hard thing to deal with you shouldn't have to do it alone.

Depression makes you feel alone also. And although when you feel like crawling in a hole and just disappearing sounds good, you won't be able to get better that way. I know that getting enough sleep helps, a full 8. Exercise helps also. Make time to go for a fast walk or even play basketball with a friend. The energy the sleep and exercise gives your body helps your mind be able to work the way it needs to better. I really do understand.

Talk to your parents or a family member. They can help you by finding a Doctor for you. If it is really serious and you feel like you want to hurt yourself, go to a hospital ER. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.

Oh honey.. first of all, you need an outlet. if you haven't any friends/family/people you trust with the ugliness in your head (BTW_ I have been diagnosed as bipolar since I was in 3rd grade--so i know what I'm talking about!!) then you need a way to let it out. Creative writing :short stories/poetry have helped me TREMENDOUSLY. Plus, do something physically cathartic, like dancing, kickboxing, singing for hours at a time... these have all been godsends for me , and I can say that I have been happy and quite functional WITHOUT medication for 5 years now. Drop me a line if you ever need t talk to someone who KNOWS what hey're talking about and hwat you're going through. :)

over the hill
What are you so depressed about, there must be many things in your life that are making you so unhappy, you really need to talk to some pastor in church. Go to church and also watch Christian TV station, the TBN, there will be a telephone number you can call and talk to a Christian, and ask for prayer and if you do not know of a good church to go to, they surely can tell of one.

i'll talk to ya sam. klik my avatar.

Well your a teen that is why you are depressed. It'a a stage you go thur. It will get better. Write down all your feelings. Do it nightly. Talk to your mom or a grandparent. Your normal and I wouldn't go running to the doctor unless I started having freaky thoughts 24/7
Just talk to your family. They have been there and know what it feels like.

well,depression is common in teen age,but you should ask your self why??there must be a reason for it.
any how you should seek spiritual help from your local church,or seek some psychological help.


Stev Clark
tension lene ka nhain dene ka

You should look to god...he is always there day or night.Ask him to be there with ya ,to be your friend God bless ya!

1) Keep up the praying :)

2) Give it time. Really, no matter how hopeless things seem they can be totally transformed in years ahead.

3) Try and figure out your negative thought patterns and try to see how you're not being rational. It won't seem to help at first but the more you do the more it will change things.

4) Do exercise. Try and do at at least 30 minutes of exercise three days a week. It makes a big difference to mood.

5) Improve your diet. Make sure you are getting enough fruit and veg. Look up omega 3 EPA and DHA supplements. You need to make sure you your brain is getting what it needs to work properly.

Well, I think that you need to find a way to let out your depression that's not going to kill you or injure you badly. You said that you have no one to talk to, but what about a school counselor or your parents?

dianne c
First understand that everyone gets depressed at times and regardless of how depressed you feel there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. You may just need to get your feelings out or you may need antidepressants. Ask a school counselor or call a hot line for teens. Your phone information should have tollfree numbers. Don,t ignor it. Life gets MUCH BETTER when you start dealing with it

Write. Let everything out. It always helps, dear.

you can talk to me i;m me because is not normal for you to be depressed all time so young that you are teen be happy life is short. enjoy life talk yo your friends family boyfriend .well you need to go doctor so they can advice u more.

You need to get a journal and right how you feel and only think about your self don't worry about any thing else find something you like to do or places you like by your self OK.!!!!!!!!!!

if u need to talk.. u can click my avatar..

for someone that has attemped susicde 2 times and has gotten over it, im a good person 2 talk 2 :D

Listen to Chealsey
birds, fish , your fav color any thing positive
when u think neg things rebuke saten in Jesus Name and think of positive thoughts
If u have a bible read it any thing in it

Dont worry !! be happy. you can talk to me . i am online

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