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 My daughter tried to kill herself?
1 week ago my daughter took a bottle of pills and consumed half a bottle of vodka. She was in hospital for 3 days, but is now home with us. She has started thearpy, and I've talked to her, and ...

 I want to kill myself?

 Is self-harm a selfish act?
What if no one knows or very few know?
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"but one does one personally gain by harming themselves?"

 What is bio-polar?
I been having problems and they been telling me that i am depressed and any med. i am on just don't seem to work! And one day i was really ***** and someone said something i just lost it and my ...

 Is piercing a form of self injury?
I was just wondering your thoughts and feelings on this subject. If a person pierces themselves with a safety pin or thumbtack, do you think this is a form of self harm?...

 Are you scared of death??

 What can i do to stop cutting?
I feel depressed alot and just seeing blood gives me back some sense of reality i yearn for but all my friends dont want me to. what should i do?
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 I am feeling very depressed and want to die. help?
i was standing on the top floor of a multi story car park on saturday and felt like jumping off but my gf was there and she stopped me and took me home. i fear she might leave me because... well i ...

 How do you know if your depressed ?

 Am i a little paranoid?
i am pretty cautious about the internet i mean i think this website would be a good way to meet people it's just you hear so much about stalkers and everything i'm afraid ...

 What do you do when you are really depressed to fell better?
besides the obvious of taking meds and seeking therapy

did you ever try swimming in very cold water then taking a hot shower, then back in the cold water

this isn't ...

 If you had to commit suicide, how would you do it?
Not that I am suicidal, but I know how I would-lots of sleeping pills and pain killers....

 I feel humiliated?
my mum had the front of our house painted bright, sunshine yellow. itr is soooooo ridiculous and humiliating. it is more noticeable because it is a double fronted house of a terraced street.'ve ...

 How do I keep myself from napping?
I've gotten into the bad habit of taking naps at around 4 in the afternoon and want it to stop. I just get really grouchy when I don't and extremely bored. What can I do to occupy that ...

 Is anyone else still up?
Its almost 2am! I should so be sleeping right now because I work in the morning. ahhhhh....

 Serious question about coping with depression?
What do you do when you feel depressed?? I only want people to answer if they seriously have ever been depressed, not just pious people who think they have the right cheeky answers. I get depressed ...

 How do I finally free myself from depression?
I have suffered for 13 years, had counselling, various medication, CBT etc.... when will it all end?...

 Should I commit suicide?
I am REALLY thinking about suicide. Nothing is going right. I was in the middle of suffocating myself, and then my boifriend at the time had called, and i had told him I was going to kill myself, and ...

 What is wrong with me?
I have this personal issue with myself that I think is immature, unfair and greedy. I found out one of my friends is pregnant, it made me really mad and jealous. Also any one of my friends that get ...

 Scary . help please.?
um .
so much happened in 13 years of my life.
my dad had a stroke , he's currently in the hospital . ive been accused of stealing , my mom got sued like 600 with financial difficulties ...

Number 3
Is it acceptable to rely on someone else for happiness?


Yes it is.....but it must not harm that person.

yes, but at the same time that person should be happy too.

kris b
it depends on different things if you are married and are having difficulty's with him or her and not happy no you should not go find happiness somewhere Else you need to let the other person know you are not happy and talk it out or seek some counseling and pray together

For a while.

But you should try and be true to yourself.

Other wise you may not be yourself thereafter

nooo, only you can create happiness, being with someone is just a bonus

No! The fact is YOU are responsible for yourself and that includes your happiness. It is unfair to rely on someone else for your happiness.

sarah p
you can not totally rely on someone else for happiness although they may be the primary reson that your so happy!

no. it wont be real happiness even if you do..that only comes from inside you.

The one that we should rely on for happiness is our creator, our personal Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

It would be better to rely on yourself.
Other people can share in your happiness but not create it for you.

yes ..there is a saying that ``no man is an island``

It is possible but, not acceptable. If you are not happy from within, you need to sit down and ask yourself what that person does to make you so "happy". Then try to find those things in yourself.

it may be acceptable for you or that other person but you are putting a lot of responsibility on that person - they are only human and humans by nature make mistakes, so be aware you may be heading for upset. to rely on yourself is number one priority.

dances with unicorns
If it's a moral issue, then I suppose it's acceptable; however, it seems to me that it's simply unwise, and not generally truly possible. We are all selfish creatures to some degree, and the only person on whom you can ever truly count for your happiness is yourself.

Maybe not to rely as such but to accept when it happens

Donna M
Not only is it unacceptable, honey, it's also pointless. Despite people's best intentions, they can't be there for you all the time, they can't always say and do the right things, they can't be the perfect person, and it's not fair to ask that of them, just as nobody should ask that of you.
You are the only person you can rely on, you're the only one who's always there when you need you. I'm working very hard on myself at the moment to become exactly the person I need to be. Like the saying goes, "Be your own best friend."

its acceptable yes. but you can not rely on others to make you happy or you are likely to lead a miserable existance. its just how things work. live your life depending on yourself no one else.

no, while people can cause you to feel happy, you shouldnt rely on it,,, you must be able to be happy within yourself , being responsible for your happiness is a big burden to place on another person

no, no and no!
my brother is in a position where he stakes all his happiness on this one girl, who has 2 kids, that arent my bro's.
she didnt want another big kid to look after so she split with him, finally he realised he has to make himself happy, then you can be happy WITH others, not take happiness just from them

No-only one's own self.

It is acceptable but it is misguided and foolish. Happiness comes from the person who will be with you for the rest of your life. Regardless of who you are with, where you live, where you go. This person will ALWAYS be present.

That person is you. I suggest you rely on them for happiness.

Never. First of all, it means that without them you can't be happy and you need to accept responsibility for your own happiness in order to lead a mentally stable and successful life. It's basic personal independance...

Secondly, to rely on someone else for happiness is a HUGE burden to place on that other person. It's a weight that can be crushing at times.

It's fine to find a relationship where you can be "interdependent" with another person, but not until you are capable of being enough of a person for yourself... and if you don't feel fulfilled on your own, there's not enough of a person inside you to be giving a huge chunk of it to someone else.

If you rely on someone else for happiness, you are walking around with a huge hole in you if that person isn't there. I know it seems romantic... to be that stuck on someone... but it's not practical or emotionally safe for you. And it can kill a relationship to put that sort of pressure onto the other person.

No. I think if you make yourself happy, how can you make someone else happy. People obviously play a big role in your happiness but you cant keep them responsible for it. Cause if you end up being unhappy you will blame them, when actually you are the one to blame

Diane A
Yes - hope they don't die or leave you because you will have no hope for happiness ever again. Come on - are you serious? If you have to ask then you even know your own answer. NO

if he relies on u back yes,two way ,one way u could get hurt.

I wouldn't. I'd rely on myself or God to find happiness.

patrick bruen
No, what happens if that person can no longer be with the other?

Happiness should come from within.

Absolutly not. I can see how a certain person can bring a lot of happiness into your life. That's normal. But true happiness comes from within.

no, isnt happiness from within?

Crispy O.B.E
yes I love my mother and anyone who pretends to be American

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