Please help! And please don't just tell me to accept myself because ive tried,i cant and i wont,i cant be this way and need as much advice as possible. And if this is any help,im 14 and i dont ...
I know how dramatic this sounds but I feel as though no one understands me. I mean..for a teenager I'm very emotional and think about things in depth so much more then others and no one seems to ...
I just hyperventilated and felt like i was dying...i could see the light....I'm dying inside and no one cares. Is this normal? Additional Details I just feel like giving up and ...
i feel like i haven thad a childhood and i was stripped opf my innocence at a very young age. now that i'm 19 and found someone who is like the mom i always wanted - just someone who would love ...
I'm 17 years old and I'm in Austin,Texas. I live with my 19 year old cousin, I was kicked out the house shortly after my 17th birthday, so I moved from Mississippi to Texas. I have a few ...
I'm a 17 years old girl. I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't seem to do anything right. I have a few friends, I also have horrible grades. I'm failing almost all of ...
I have some friends who came from abusive households, and had to endure abuse throughout their growing up years and carried it out throughout, social and work life, unfortunately such people are not ...
Non Medication Aides for Anxiety?
I'm trying to take the non-medication road to healing my panic and anxiety (seeing as how all the meds they put me on for that just THROW me into panic attacks). I was wondering what other options I have to help me control my panic/anxiety. I already know about meditation and deep breathing techniques, but is there anything else? My anxiety has really been making me feel quite out of control lately so I need some answers quickly. Thanks everyone.
I have the same problem and I refuse to take any meds for it. I try to keep my thoughts in positive directions, and have a lot of weird little quirky "rituals" that keep my mind off of worrying. Like, I add the numbers on the clock, I count the syllables in sentences when people are talking etc.. Also, try to find something to DO with yourself all the time, a little hobby or something that you can pick up at any time and work on.
Mine is the worst when I'm going to sleep at the end of the day and I worry about the most rediculous things happening (especially to my baby). I also am a nail-biter and a knuckle-cracker. I know most of these things are bad habits, but to me it's better than smoking, drinking or taking meds. Good luck!
Thumbs Down Meanie
When I get nervous I take me a drink of some vodka.
About a year ago, I was having panic/anxiety attacks every time I left my house. I tried first a sort of threrapy where I would expose myself to the things that were making me anxious in small amounts and talk myself through the situation. Let me know if this helps.
I've found that regular exercise helps me a lot. I think it works to get rid of all the excess stress hormones that your body is producing.
OMG! the same thing happened to me.......... you have to get delivered! Salvation! what your having is more in your spirit and that's one of my weaknesses but the lord makes it go away! all you have to do is invite Jesus into your life! There is no better way, and there is a lot that the Lord will show you after you give your life to him! if you want you could pray right now,
" God, I confess that I am a sinner. I acknowledge my sin against You. I believe that you sent Jesus to save me from my sin. I open My heart to You right now. I believe that You sent Jesus to save me from my sins. I confess Him as my Lord and Savior right now. Jesus come into my heart and life today. Help me follow You all the days of my Life. Amen."
Good Luck and God Bless<>< remember God wants to help all you have to do is let him!
Are you born again? If not-find a large Baptist church. They usually have counselors (clinically trained) that would love to help you. A small church may not have counselors.
Hi There,
I heard that hypnosis works too, I did not try it, though I suffer from Anxiety too, honestly the only thing that worked for me was Xanax & Buspar & lots of praying ,I will pray for you...Good Luck!
I have also had severe anxiety lately. It has helped me to spend some time just talking and chatting with people by phone or online about the things going on in my life. Sometimes I have to tell about 10 people before the feelings start to fade. It's easy to get overwhelmed with the stresses of life. I feel more in control when I can be active and do something I like to do. (Read a book, take a bath, etc.) I also tried just taking tylenol to see if it might help, and it did help relax the tightness in my chest a bit.
Hope you find something that works for you.
"Cognitive thinking", ask you counsellor about this and do this while she is around. If you don't have a counsellor yet, I suggest you getting one.
"Cognitive thining", eg. a lady has an anxiety, thinking that if her heart beat goes fast she will have a heart attack. So she figure it out a test, and try the test while the counsellor is with her.
Debbie, Debbie S
I also have experienced anxiety attacks. They are the pits!
I have found that distraction is a big help.
For me,crossing big bridges can send me into an attack,so I close my eyes while we cross the bridge and have the radio playing and concentrate on listening to the music.
Listening to music,by the way is also another way to ease your anxiety.
I also have anxiety attacks if I am forced into a claustrophobic situation-elevators,enclosed cat-scan machines,etc. I have found with that I need medication AND someone to hold my hand and talk with me while I stand/lie down with my eyes closed.
try out Reiki , i helped alot of people to reduce their anxiety with Reiki treatment .. just get ur self a session and see the differance.
peace and light,
try to count backwards 5-4-3-2-1 breath then count forward 1-2-3-4-5 breath , do that for 5 mins . then go take a hot bubble bath with candles all around you put a hot wash cloth over your face and just relax and take your mind to a happy place !
i hope this works for you !
Try green tea and chamomile tea. The b complex of vitamins are great too. Also try massage- Good luck!
kava kava is a great herb
I know its probably not what you want to hear, but sometimes what you do not want to hear is actually what you need to hear.
Start by finding a doctrinally sound church. That is a church that teaches directly from the bible, no watch tower magazines or other such stuff, bible and bible only.
Listen to what is taught in the church, start reading the bible for yourself, ask questions of the pastor that you have about what you have read.
The more you lean on GODS word , the calmer you will become about things on this earth. Doctors are now starting to report that patients that have a strong bible background (not just church affiliation) heal faster and have less stress or anxiety over their condition.
You are right breathing techs can work but takes a lot of mental concentration. I think it is hard to concentrate when a person is full of anxiety. I think better then that is exercise. If you feel anxiety coming on run, lift weights or do what you can do...beat the anxiety out of your body. This takes less mental fortitude and will help you get ride of the anxiety by beating it at its on game...your body!
Inquisitive Macho
The Lord will surely fill the hole in your heart! I know it filled mine! I was once in a mental institution for post traumatic syndrome disorder (after my combat experience in the desert, I was diagnosed from PTSD).
I have taken almost every pill under the rainbow, following the advice of many doctors. Today, the only medicine I use is the bible. I read it every day. No more pills and I don't have the flashbacks or attacks anymore. Just pray to him and ask for answers in your live. There is one have to believe!
The hole in your heart needs to be filled; no doubt about that. The Lord has given us free will, so whether you fill that hole with things from this world, or with things from our celestial father, it is up to you! The best part is that this medicine is already paid for with the blood of Christ! It's free for you and me.
I will pray for you tonight! God bless.
Matt M
Breathing in and out for as long as ong as you can. Putting on some music you like, and thinking of happy times in your lifr. Also Do consider acupuncture, look at your diet, and consider reducing stress in you life> remember hun you are NO 1.
you can't look after others if you can't look after yourself.
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, and red wine with dinner is good for your heart. Good luck. I am on tranquilizers ,and they are good for sleep but they are the easy way out. If worse comes to worse consider a small dose of Restoril (very helpful) but this is a last resort thing okay?