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 POLL: What do you prefer to wear Glasses or eye contacts ???
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 Contacts or Glasses?
I have been using glasses for 5 years now. Im starting to think of contacts. Which one do u like better? How long does it take to get contacts (from time u asked for contacts to time u got them) ?<...

 What happens when you close your eyes too long while wearing contacts?
I started wearing contacts about a month ago. I know that you're not supposed to sleep with them on, but what really happens? Do they roll into the back of your head? Because that is my biggest ...

 What color are your eyes?

 At what age did you first need glasses?
Do you like wearing them or do you hate it?
I've needed them for long-sightedness since I was 15, which is 5 years. I don't mind them as mine are really comfy so I forget I've got ...

 What eye color do you guys prefer?
Anyone can answer.
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mine are blue...with like felcks of yellow and green.what color would you call that?...

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well can it.
good answers ...

 What is this annoying thing i'm seeing?
Just a couple months, I noticed that sometimes i can see lil thing floating around in my vision. It's very tiny looks like lint but it's not. I'm on the computer a lot so I don't ...

 Should I wear my contacts on a airplane??
The flight is 2 hours and 30 min. I know airplanes are dry. I will be flying Jet Blue so does the type of airplane effect the dryness of the air????...

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So whats ur fave eye colour?...

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 Glasses vs contacts?
I have astigmatism and slight nearsightdness. I have both glasses and contacts, but was wondering why I see better through my glasses. With my contacts, it sometimes is blurry especially up close, ...

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 Glasses or contacs?
which is more expensive: prescription glasses or ...

Emmarrr :]
Is it okay to sleep with contact lenses in?
i have soft lenses tht i change monthly.

would it be okay to sleep in them for a few hours?

i may be on a long flight soon and i wondered wether i could have a nap without damaging my eyes?
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thanks everyone :)

i dont think so cause your eyes move around when u sleep it could get stuck behind ur eye! i wouldnt

♥Catherine P♥
not normally because it's bad for your contacts and bad for your eyes.

life is good
I suggest you take your contacts OUT before or directly after boarding the plane and then put them back in after disembarking or directly before getting off the plane.

First of all, the air in planes is recirculated and VERY dry. Your eyes/contacts will feel tired and dry even if you don't sleep in your contacts. Second of all, if you do fall asleep, it won't be a big deal because they will already be out!

Have a good trip. :)

no its definitely not ok to sleep with ur contacts on as it blocks the oxygen needed by the cornea and can cause damage ...however nowadays some contact lens companies have come up with a solution to this problem with the launch of porous contact lenses with some permeability feature ...

Depends on your eye fluid makeup. But generally, yes.

A few hours yes, all night isn't recommended though, but my friends do all the time and they are fine. Also depends a lot on what kind of contacts you have- my friend has some that are ok to sleep in, so it depends also, but you should be fine. I sleep during class all the time with mine, and I'm ok.

My eye doctor who happens to be an amazing doctor said it is NEVER good to sleep with them in, even the ones that say you can! Take them out. It is so much more comfortable anyway and lets face it, these are your eyes. You really want to take every precaution to keep them safe and healthy.

you can. i slept all night long before and nothing happened.

you can sleep with your contacts in your eyes and no problem should occur,my eye doctor says its just fine to do so,just make sure that you have no problems if you do take them out immediately.

Weeelllll. . .yes, it is probably okay to nap in your contacts for a couple of hours, provided you don't leave them in longer than you normally do. Remember that flights are drying and you may find that your contacts get painful or dry after a couple of hours anyway.

Also remember that wearing your contacts for an extended period of time increases your risk of infections!

its fine unless there in for too long because they will stick to your eye ball and its hard to get off and it may hurt or rip. but a few hours is ok i do it all the time.

I used to sleep with mine in all the time. However I ended up with an eye disease due to my eyes not getting enough oxygen. I'm sure once in a while is fine but please don't do it long term, trust me, my eyes have suffered from my doing it.

ask you doctor,i think it depends,funny story:my uncle slept with his on all night and in the morning they were stuck to his eyes lol!he's fine now

A few hours will be okay but make sure to get some drops so you can freshen up your eyes when you wake up. It's very drying, and never do it for more than a few hours! You could get a corneal ulcer. Bad news.

Edward Cullen
my eye doctor told me that if it is just for a few hours, it will be fine. just dont sleep in them overnight!!!

you can - you just need to blink alot the next morning...

there are special ones you can get now that allow you to wear them for 30 days at a time... maybe ask your eye doc about trying a pair ?

at times I have taken naps for a while..it's ok !

its not advised, but i think once in a while is ok....your contacts will be a bit dry, use some drops, and they will be tough to take out when you do.

Titus M
My mom's friend slept with her contacts in all the time, she eventually went blind in one eye.

But there are some contacts were they are specially made to sleep with if you want to. If you don't have that kind I suggest you don't sleep with yours in. Talk to your eye doctor and see what he/she says.

You're not supposed to. It dries out your eyes. But I do it all the time. It depends if you're comfortable wearing it after you sleep. If not, just use a re-wet drop. If you're still not comfortable, then you shouldn't sleep with them on.

People do it, but it isn't recommended. I'd go with glasses just to be safe.

Sultan Cartman
yeah sure
i used to have contacts and i slept in them, no problemo

You need to ask your eye dr.

A nap is fine. Make sure you have some eyedrops specifically for contacts with you. They'll be a bit dry when you wake up.

Michelle Zalbo
Technically and medically, it's best not to sleep with contacts in. Your eye is not able to 'breathe' when your eye is shut - it can dry out your eye and cause an eye infection. However, I have been in situations where I have not a choice but to sleep in my contacts and I have done okay.

I would ask your eye doctor if he has any suggestions.

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