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 How do I deal with sinus headaches?
Lately, I would wake up with sinus headaches and pressure around the eyes and cheeks in the morning. Then sometimes I'll sneeze a lot lately and get a funny feeling in my throat and I'll ...

 Help! My famiy has a cold or flu (IDK), and I can't catch it or else I'll have to go to the hospital. How do
you keep from catching someone elses cold?

I have asthma and everytime i catch a cold/flu, i end up staying in the hospital for 3-4 days.......

 I have a soar throat?
I have had it for one week now...when should I seek medical help, if at all? I can't stop coughing all night, I wake up coughing at 3am and at 7am coughing and spluttering, when I finally manage ...

 Smoking marijuana?
hey, about 2 weeks ago I have smoked as I do everyday and about 30 minutes later I had this terrible pain in my chest. I cudn't breath and it started to get worse. so i got outside to get some ...

 People smoke next door and it's affecting my breathing?
i live in an apartment complex that isn't non-smoking, but the person next door, i can smell the smoke in my kitchen, and this crap is bothering my breathing to the point where its affecting my ...

 Snorers, how do you put up with them?
I mean, how do you sleep or cope with them at night with those who sleep in the same room as you, snoring really badly..!!...

 14 hour car ride with to smokers!!?!?!?
i have major athsma and allergic to ...

 Cough question?
Okay so about a week ago I had the flu. runny nose, core thorat, the works. So now my nose is still stuffy and I seem to only cough like crazy at night. During th day i dont cough nearly as much but ...

 Why won't this cough go away?
had a cough for a while now and starting to get worried about it symptoms are i'm coughing up greeny/white phlegm in the morning,but during the day i am fine no coughing then at night it seems ...

 I have chronic asthma. My co-worker loves to wear perfume & scented lotions. How do I ask her to stop?
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 What r some ways to stop smoking?

 Waking up with dry/sore throat and stuffy nose?
so it really only seems to happen during the winter or cooler months.

but every morning i wake up with this dryish-sore throat, and my nose is stuffy, and it feels like i have something ...

 How do i stop my partner from snoring?

 Why cant you smoke in a hospital?
can you not smoke in a hospital because youll blow something up or just because they say you cant for the other patients?
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 I'm having an asthma attack and all I need is an albuteral inhaler and I'll be fine but no stores are open...
Is it overly dramatic to go to the ER?...

 Waht is a TB test?
i had a shot in school today. and it is still red. will it be still red for a while?...

 Why do symptoms of the common cold seem to get worse at night?

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This question may go to vote because i have a lot of very good

 Wat are the symptoms of anxiety attacks?

 My son and his asthma???
how many asthma attacks are too many that i would need to take him to the Emergency Room he is 19 mths ??...

 What is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!?
please help me !!
what is Ulcerative Colitis ØŸ!ØŸ!...

How can I build up my immune system?
I get head colds regularly... is there a way to reduce my chances of catching them?

Mike Sanders
Start taking vitimins...

Vitimin C and A are very good at building and enhancing your natural immune system.

Andromeda Newtonâ„¢
My mum always takes vitamin supplements and swears by them and hasn't had a cold in years!

Personally i have a head cold right now but its my first in ages. i don't take supplements but i do have a diet high in fresh fruit and veg. lots of vitamins sure seems to be the way to go!

i take something called "wellness tablets" which are really good.

Global Geezer
Get more vitamins into your system, preferably by eating more fresh fruit and vegetables rather than taking vitamin tablets. Drink more water (about 8 glasses a day) as this strengthens just about everything in your body, and also keeps you hydrated. Spend more time outdoors; this will get your body used to all the 'elements' including pollution and cold weather.

Breathing in fresh air 'cleans' your lungs, sea air (if you live on the coast) is also excellent for this. Take a cod-liver oil tablet each day; these are helpful in producing red blood cells for healthy blood. It might also help if you become a blood donor. You can only do this about three times a year, but it means that a pint of 'old' blood is taken out of your system, and your body has to replace it with fresh new blood.

Cut down on your alcohol and caffeine intake; these strip your body of essential nutrients needed to fight disease (though about 4 cups of tea a day has been known to increase anti-oxidants in your body). If you smoke, stop now!

Plenty of fruite and yogurts but if you cant stand them lik your boy said vitamin tablets

A good dose of eccinachae ( don't know the right spelling ) go to a healthshop they will know what it is ! Take it regularly and you will not suffer this winter ! When you are with a lot of people put some " Tigerbalm " ( also healthshop ) around your nose to ward of the germs !

Lots of fruit and vegetables,they are great for your bodies immune system.!!!

Hiya well you can build your system up slowly @ first to be safe you can start by eating more fruit, yogurt etc, then work your way up to carbs, also you could start to take some vitamins i would suggest herbal vitamins as there great for the body. best of luck Becky :)

I use echinacea and vit c and also zinc

taking vitamins,plus something called ecenasia from the health shops

Alice C
remember, eat well like a balanced diet... lots of vitamins, exercise and maybe go to the sauna to sweat out all the toxins from your body. Also rap up warm!

So do I re the colds but I have been advised on certain things whether it will work for you I do not know.
Think positive,drink plenty of water, eat fresh food when possible, exercise frequently,& do not allow your self to become too involved in other peoples problems,so far for me it is working,& being on here helps as I find it interesting.Good Luck.

John X.
There is a number of things you can do:
1)Vitamins; escpecially C, in a high dosis; when you are not ill: 1000mg per day ; when you catch a cold take up to 8000mg a day. The good thing is that you can't overdose on this one. The eventual surplus leaves your body.
2)A homeopathic treatment: when you visit a homeopat he/she can determine which treatment is good for taking into account your whole body and charachter
3)Echinacea, is a very strong plant extract which helps your immune system
4) If you have infections every month it is possible that you suffer from Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder (PIDD) which means your body doens;t have enough means to fight diseases; Your Doctor can help you find out (bloodtest) if this is so. It is not so rare 1 in 800 has PIDD.

Good Luck

Eat lots of fruit and veg to boost your vitamin levels - or failing that, take vitamin c and zinc. Also get plenty of exercise.

drink vitamin c everyday. 2 glasses of orange juice - one in the morning and 1 in the evening is good enough

if you dont like orange juice, have the vitamin c effervesent tablets from boots - again twice a day is good

another great way to support your immune system is eating 2 teaspoons of DABUR CHWAYANPRASH everyday morning with milk - its like jam so you can spread it on your toast too. you get this in any indian shop. its really good herbal stuff.

i rarely catch colds, but you have do above REGULARLY !

good sleep, good exercise and good healthy diet are also important

Waylon R
I don't know about colds but to build up your immune system you should eat yogurt and plain yogurt if you can stomach it. This is advice I received from a doctor but it wasn't for colds so I am not sure if it will work but good luck.

Eat plenty of fruit and veg for vitamin c, garlic, liver (great source of iron) - if you don't like pig liver - try chicken liver, oh and drinking plenty of water / some herbal teas can help. I always used to swear by blackcurrant juice too.

Pill popping is never the answer.

Pink Princess
take vitamin c it will boost your immune system and helpo prevent cold and flu in the winter months.

There are lots of ways to build up your immune system:-

Get lots of rest/sleep
Avoid stress
Take regular exercise
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

With regards catching the cold an important tip is to wash and dry your hands properly before you eat, touch your face etc.

taxed till i die,
Vtamin c,good diet,fresh air,keep away from people that are sneezing

iron tablets r supposed to b gd

also eat kiwi or oranges i think there better than vitamins cos they are natural and dont hav added caffiene or anything!!

That sounds familiar! I used to get colds every month, was the weakest person anyone has ever known....

Then I discovered a solution - exercise. I started running to keep fit, but it built up my immune system and general fitness level, and i've not had even a sniff of a cold for ages!!

I'm not a fan of taking supplements/tablets, and don't really watch my diet, although i think eating well and resting of course helps too.

What i'm suggesting is a lifestyle change, give it a try for a month, and you'll definately see the difference!!

Paddy B
Eat yoghurt every day...

Read your Bible.

Start taking echinacea asap, you might find that it brings some cold out of you (similar ti the flu jab) but in the long run its very effective, take it for two weeks then have a break for a week. also increase your vit c by eating more fruit and veg, rather than just popping a tablet. The vit c enriched foods will also encourage you to be healthier in your food intake which will also add to helping fight a cold. Stay warm also. take paracetamols only once a day if you feel the symptoms are coming out. Avoid high fat foods and unhealthy drinking as this can sometime add to the resistance to fight off an infection. Also something i find helps me lots is drinking black current juice heated up!! an old favourite of my moms which is probably more psychological!! also if you do have a cold, take a day to recover trying to "work through it" often inhibits the body to have chance to repair the body, rest and warmth really is the best option if you already have the cold.

Eat thing off the ground

There is not any cure for the common cold. We can only treat the symptoms. You can build up the immune system by only eating and drinking the foods that contain the balance of vitamin that we need. Taking vitamin C regularly only ensures that you are topped up with it as the body cannot store it against future needs, Exercise helps as it gets the whole body working in harmony.
Then all you have to do is stay away from others in the cold season especially children that bring all infections from schools.

Some of the best way to boost your immune system is by eating right (lots of antioxidant foods), taking a mulitvitamin, NOT smoking, get plenty of rest, and lowering your stress level. There are no guarantees, but these things can help. See the below links for more inofrmation. Good luck!

Mike M.
Get your vitamins, drink fruit juices, follow a sensible diet plan, and get sensible amounts of excercise and rest. Also, you should keep your caffeine intake to an absolute minimum and avoid all artificial sweeteners.

Colds are caused by viruses. There are approximately 120 cold viruses. Once you have one...you are immune. 120 colds and you won't have to worry about them anymore.

Wash your hands always and if you know somebody around you has a cold make sure you stay away from them.
Especialy at work make sure you don't touch your eyes ears nose or mouth if you have been near or touched door handles, pens, keyboards etc when sick people are in work.

This works for me, I used to get colds and flu every 2 - 3 months then I started bieng more careful and I had my first cold in 3 years just 2 weeks ago.

Vitamins are not the answer, I eat fruit maybe once a month and I pretty much live off microwave meals, toast, biscuits and takeaways.

Oh and don't take drugs, these make it very easy to get a cold in the weeks after taking them.

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