is it strange to want to try weed? |
Yes I know its illegal and bad, but Im just curious about it.... |
is it bad if your 15 and cant sleep with out a stuffed animal? |
i am 15 almost 16 and i was given i stuffed dog from my girlfriend for christmas. alot of stuff has been going on and now i cant sleep unless im holding the stuffed dog, is that a bad thing?... |
I am worried that I might have schizophrenia? |
I sometimes get these really random thoughts popping into my head. Like random phrases or words. I also often have to reread things in books 3 or more times because my mind starts drifting off to ... |
please I need help give me ideas of how I can get to sleep? |
without feeling paranoid or anything the reason why i go on my ipod and stuff it keeps me from not thinking about the bad stuff I think about.
lol Im only 17 I cant drink or anything
and I also have ... |
hospital admittance for depression? |
I have been dealing with depression for about 5 months now. It has started to get worse and I have been thinking of suicide and death. I have been cutting myself. I am not eating much anymore, maybe ... |
is this a good idea???????? |
because its just been the winter break and iver been staying up like 3am and waking up 12-3pm wich is really bad, i wondered if i should stay up all night one night and it will make me reallly tired ... |
can you go this and tell me honestly what you think of it..? |
i made a youtube video on self injury heres the link
please go and watch
leave a comment here or on the video and tell me waht you think!
:)... |
Teens: How can I stop being so stressed? |
I cant get to sleep, and i am back to school tomorrow. Main reasons are:
Tests this week.
Exams soon.
My birthday (what to do?)
Studying for my drivers test (turning 16!)
Trying to forget ... |
I cant tell if my nephew is either on drugs which i know he did them in the recent past.? |
Or if he is some what mental ill. He was hit in the head a few times but i know for a fact he did drugs. He is in his 20's .Ihave drug test him and some tests are clean and some are positive. He ... |
Im 26 and my lifes a mess (well its not even started!)? |
My lifes a mess, Im 26, female, still live with parents, never had a bf, don't drive etc, have no social life and am doing something that i don't really want to. I had anxiety when i was 18... |
Does my best friend have depression? |
well my best mate says she puts a front of being happy on, but deep down shes actually really down.
she does music at college and she loves music a lot, but is very upset that she has to go back ... |
Why am i extremely eating alot on seroquel, again? could it be cuz im on vacation from school or alchol drinkn? |
Or because of not taking piracetam & choline citrate (nootropics) anymore
i ate 3 bowls of posole (humus corn?), big bag of lays & jays potatoe chips & half icecream
oh these nootropics ... |
Ways to help me sleep? |
I'm anxious because I can't sleep and I can hear my heart beat through the pillow which I hate. I have school tomorrow aswell which is adding to the anxiety. What can I do to help me sleep? ... |
Help I think I am crazy ? |
Ok have just finshed the book bridge to Terabithia and have folen in love with leslie B... |
i need to know how to tell my brother i have been molested? |
so a couple years ago i was molested by my step-dad and it wouldn't stop so i told my mom and she called the cops and kicked him my real father knows now and so does my older sister and i need ... |
How do you maintain personal resolve? |
What does personal resolve mean? And how do you maintain it?... |
i get scared at every little thing... help? |
well recently at night time when am alone in my room and most of my family is gone (expect dad)
i well get paranoid a lot .. like if my dog starts barking (she is outside )
i well instantly ... |
Symptoms of neuron transmitter imbalance? |
Could these:
1: Constant Strange Thoughts
2: Constant Axiety
3: Depression
4: Little or too much sleep
5: Feeling of about to loose control
6: Paranoid
Be symptoms of Neuron Transmitter I... |
one of my room mates just got out of rehab so im trying to figure out how to deal with his problem? |
growing up in baltimore ive delt with drug addicts more times then i care for and there isnt much that a drug addicts do that surprises me. i myself never did anything like crack heroine or anything ... |
Does an overactive imagination exist? |
I feel like I have an overactive imagination so I looked it up online but I didn't really find much. I tend to make up stories and I daydream a lot, more than what's probably normal. At ... |
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gryffindor girl ♥ | Is it possible to be "thinking too much"? |
I really feel like I think way too much and my mind can't slow down. I seem to over-analyze everything, even little things, and it seems like my mind is always on full speed. It's not really anxiety, or problems causing this, it's just that.. I simply think too much. It's really annoying, and even as I type this I'm thinking I'm obsessing over it and this is a useless question. :P |

Use the relaxation methods at or
or and/or Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or yoga. Also where there are several to choose from.
Some people are still dismissive of them, but scientific testing has demonstrated conclusively that they increase activity in the left prefrontal cortex, when practised regularly, and will enable you to find a way of being; awareness, without suffering, when you need it, and is a valuable means of helping you through the worst parts of life.
Learn them at least a few hours apart, and preferably on different days, in the morning, or early afternoon. Use the one you find most effective.
They are the only techniques that I am aware of which can combat it. |

You sound like meee! Hahah. But anyways, I used to think it was just a girl thing (your name makes me assume you're a girl, I'm really sorry if you're not!), but I later found that not ALL girls think this way. I just guess that over-analyzing is a characteristic many have & I'm not quite sure if there's a cure.. If you can, you can try going to a therapist (I found mine on yelp. XD), then tell him or her about your concerns & I'm sure they'll be able to help you. &Your question isn't useless! I always think that, too, or just put that so people won't think I'm hella dramatic. XD But your question could help another person who has the same problem, just think about that when someone tries to tell you your question is stupid. (: |

Yes. However, if it doesn't impact the quality of your life or cause undesirable consequences (sleep disturbances, etc) I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe you should look up "Hypervigilance" to learn more. |

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