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 Can my friend use my inhaler a few times, although he does have astma (read more detail to see what for)?
he wants to use it to make smoke, i know really wierd but yeah, is it ok for him to?...

 How to stop Snoring Please Help?
I snore loud at night even when I am on my side. How to stope ...

 I have TB, how long do i have to live? Average time(TB is in my lungs).?
And what if i choose to be emo and not to take the medicine? how long then?...

 my cat is breathing heavy and not eating?

 meth any tips on quiting?
My buddy is struggling with cravings, what can he do to stop them? hes been sober for 5 months or ...

 How Long Can a Human Survive without Breathing?

 why would both lungs fill with blood?
I am asking this because someone i cared about died in a hospital and nobody even knew her lungs were filling with blood, i am just curious if anyone know what could cause ...

 Chest so painful it woke me up. -Please help me, hurry.?
My chest is hurting so badly it woke me up. I walked slowly downstairs to get my inhaler, and felt I could barely walk. I'm not wheezing, just experiencing EXTREME pain. I took 2 puffs of my ...

 Should an idividual with schizoprenia drink alcohol ?
My friend is on 3 different medications for schizoprenia and he still drinks alcohol. he says its okay. I think that it isn't because he acts real weird every time that he drinks. Should he or ...

 i just had a mild chest pain...?
im 14, and i was laying down watching disaster movie, i know that doesnt matter, but it sorta felt like i could breath better, but it was hard to breath at the same time.my brother died of a hart ...

 Is this bronchitis/pneumonia/something else? Should I go see a doctor?
It started 5 days ago, when I woke up with postnasal drip (i think it's called) and a sore throat. The next day, the sore throat went away, but I couldn't breathe through my nose. The ...

 do i have the swine flu if i have a stuffy nose?

 How long can you breathe on your own if you have no brain function ?

 I am having strange sensations in my chest...?
I am having these srtange sensations on my chest, like someones tikkling my heart or something. I keep thinking i'm afraid of something. What could it be? I think i'm going insane, my mom ...

 Do cardiologists also deal with the lungs?
I am doing research on cardiologists and i have found that they mainly deal with the heart. But i have also found that they deal with the cardiovascular system. So do they deal with the lungs also?...

 Can I join the Army if I have asthma?

 new to using a oxygen machine, i am home and need to use it and have no distilled water, can i use tap water?
i was just diagnosed with hypoxia and they gave me a oxygen machine. They told me that the bubbler need distilled water. I am home and cant leave, can i use just regular tap water for just one ...

 I'm 17 years old with colds hands constantly...is there something wrong?
I'm 17 and I have constant cold hands and I was wondering is ithere something medically wrong with this I often notice this when I'm on the computer laying down and even when I'm under ...

 how hard is it to stop smoking?

 Nose septum surgery? have you had one?
Have you ever had a nose surgery? what does it feel after the surgery? does it hurt? is it normal of it bleeds? what cares do you have to take? thanks :)...

Blood Clot in Lung and Pregnant?
Ok,So my sister is Pregnant and she was having trouble breathing so she just thought she was out of breath because of the baby but then her throat swelled up and her and stuff did and she went to the hospital for it and they gave her medicine but all she did was threw it up and it didnt work. So last night she had to go to the hospital because she couldnt breath and when she got there her heart rate was way up higher than normal and the doctors couldnt figure out why So they had a choice of running two test one being a cat scan and I think the other was a MRI But They said that they are both harmful for the baby because of the radiation. But they had to do one so they did a Cat scan. Any ways They havent got the results back and Im very worried about my sister and the baby. So my question is what are the risk of having a blood clot in the lungs?I heard if not taken care of it could get to her heart and is it deadly? Thanks in advance.

ginger h
Don't worry too much, I doubt she has a blood clot in the lungs. As mentioned it would be very acute stabbing pain. Usually a person gets a blood clot in the lung because they had a blood clot in the body, and when that breaks off it goes to the lung. If she had a DVT (deep vein thrombosis/ blood clot) that are sometimes caused by pregnancy she would have know it absolutely. It is extremely painful. Usually in the leg, it causes edema so bad that the leg balloons out like the person has elephantitis. Along with the edema, the nerves in the leg are so sensitive, a person will scream in pain at a slight touch. Pulmonary Embolisms occur when these blood clots break off and travel to the lung. I don't know what the risk of having a blood clot in the lungs is, but blood clots get to the lung from a cause and that cause is usually DVT and she doesnt have that you would know. But its good that she is getting checked out, one can never be too careful when it comes to health. But try not to worry. There are lots of things that cause trouble breathing. Also, if I couldnt breathe , I would be worried. That can cause the heartrate to go up.

Sounds like she has had PE. A pulmonary embolism, it is a blood clot that breaks off and does to the lungs. About 25 percent of all PE are fatal. My father had one five years ago. Actually he had several, but thankfully they were all very small. He survived and today he is doing fine. I had a DVT when I was 26 weeks along with my first child. Thankfully I got to the hospital in time before the clot broke off and went to the lung. I was on complete bed rest for a week. Then I went home and had twice daily Lovenox injections. They then switched me to Heparin at 36 weeks and I delivered at 38 weeks. My baby was perfectly healthy is is 4 now. I stayed on coumadin for 6 months. Now I am on daily baby aspirin. The good new is if you sister survived the night then that is a good sign. More than likely she got to the hospital in time. With my situation I was having signs of clot (swollen thigh, redness, pain etc) and my on-call doctor told me to go to sleep as it was late and night and not to worry. Thankfully I ignored her advice and went to the ER. There they told me that I had gone to bed I might never have woken up.

Pregnancy increases the risk of blood clots in the legs and the lungs. Shortness of breath, chest pain, increased heart rate, cough are all symptoms. They need immediate treatment with blood thinners/Heparin/Coumadin. Left untreated could be deadly. But if treated early and was not a very large clot then she should be fine with blood thinners for months or for life depending on risk factors. CT scan is very accurate but has radiation. Shield the fetus should be adequate specially after the first trimester.

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