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 Do you walk around while you brush your teeth?
Can you help resolve a question between my spouse and me? Do you stay in the bathroom the whole time while you are brushing your teeth or do you walk around the house?...

 Does getting your teeth pulled hurt?

 COLOR IDEAS 4 braces?!? help!!?
wut colors should i get 4 my braces 2morrow ant ideas!?!
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wut colors should i get 4 my braces colors!! I'm a ...

 In 45 minutes im getting braces?
well im 14,
and in 45 minutes iom getting braces :(
can anyone give me some tips for what to expect, stuff for the pain, etc?
im really scared.
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 Help! I am getting braces!
I am getting braces, and I need some advice on how to deal with them. Help me out?...

 What do you do if you drop your tooth brush in the toilet?

 How many times did you brush your teeth today?

 Yikes! Will it hurt?
does it hurt to get teeth pulled out? Only answer if you have this experience. And if it hurts, what is the anesthetics for? I'm a bit nervous, so if u have ways to overcome fear, help!!...

 Is it possible to pull out my wisdom teeth myself. and of so what tools do i need? thxs?

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well some numing stuff, a razer and pilers right?...

 Every body wants me to get braces but i dont and i admit that i have crocked teeth what should i do?

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well the 5th tooth from the left on bottom jaw is growin behind my 4th and 6th tooth and my bottom teeth are ...

 I’m having a wisdom tooth pulled out tomorrow, anything I can do to make the pain bearable?
Apart from enjoying a good meal before having the procedure because I might not be able to eat anything else for the whole day....

 Need tips keeping braces clean on long school days?
when i have afternoon studies i pack lunch to school but i always have food stuff in my braces which i cant get out.what can i do (other than bring a toothbrush ) to get the food out .something ...

 Grrrr i get braces on march 3rd?
what color do u think i should get because ...

 How often do you brush your teeth??

 My breath smells like fart?
ive been told my breath sometimes smells like fart
i brush twice a day for about 5 mins and gargle with listerine
i visit the dentist every 6 months
please help!
sometimes i never ...

 What is good for a toothache? I've used oragel and mouth wash, doen't work..any ideas?

 My DENTIST kissed me, "What should I do"?
I went to see my dentist because my wisdom tooth was bothering me. He told me that he would extract the tooth.
He froze my mouth and I was apprenhensive as to whether or not I would feel the ...

 Is it hard to talk with braces?
I'm just wondering whether it is hard to talk with braces on?

Like... will I talk funny? :S...

 I have a very bad tooth ace , i can not afford to go to the dentist right now, what can i use for the pain?
I took Motrin 800 .It kind of help....

 I accidentally swallowed the wax for my braces! HELP!!! I NEED ANSWERS QUICK!!?
I just swallowed a pinch of wax a while ago. Is the wax safe if swallowed? Is it something to worry about?? I don't wanna get poisoned. =(...

A True Gentleman
Have you had a wisdom tooth removed? Did it hurt much?

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I'm not a big fan of blood... or pain for that matter. I get the feeling I'll have a lot of both.

If your health is good and you can afford it go to sleep while they do it. Then it's a piece of cake. You will usually have some swelling and discomfort about 3-4 days after surgery. They normally give you a narcotic pain reliever to get filled at the pharmacy. Follow all of your post operative instructions and you should do fine.

hey... i had my wisdom tooth yanked last year. i also contracted a bad infection before i got it yanked. i know how the pain is. waking up with a sore mouth everyday isnt the best feeling .
my dentist told me it would bleed a lot, but it didnt for me as im already anaemic and it didnt cuase me much discomfort. the first day i had a throbbing pain from wher emy tooth had been extracted but it subsided over the next few dayss. and i was prescribed a very strong pain killer. which i eventually got hooked onto. so be craeful
and yes youw antt o get it extracted coz even if the pain and swellinggoes away for a while it is bound to reurn sooner or later

The dentist dislocated my jaw. That was painful.

it was the worst day of my life! the cracking noise is still with me

I was put to sleep to have mine removed 2 top ones, people said i would be really sore when i came round it wasn't that sore, i was really swollen and rather sick with the anaesthetic

Mine didn't hurt very bad but they were all straight. I hear the ones that give you problems are the ones that are impacted, sideways against other teeth. These have to be cut out.
Don't mess with the packing they put in and don't drink through a straw. If you remove the plug where the tooth was you will have what is called a dry socket. They say this is really painful.

Thanks for posting this, I'm waiting to go in hospital to have one removed, and after reading what's been posted, I'll tell you I'm not looking forward to it one little bit

I had mine removed Wednesday. All four. I had IV sedation and I can't remember a thing of it. I just lay down, they put a line in, and then said okay get up it's over. Sweet as. The bleeding was worst straight after and I had to stuff my mouth with gauze but it stops eventually. Just keep your mouth still. It will bleed the first time you eat too. I'm still in a bit of pain but it's just a dull throb. Smiling hurts. My face was still numb the first night and the bruises and swelling have only come up today. It's not pleasant but it's not as bad as all the horror stories, you'll be fine. Better to have them out and avoid infection in the future.

i had mine taking out it wasnt painful at the time but after few hours it was really painful had to take pain killer.

It's best to find a good oral surgeon. It does hurt but it's best if you have plenty of ice packs and soft stuff to eat. The biggest thing the oral surgeon will tell you is to watch out and don't end up with dry socket (where the tooth is extracted). Good luck!

yeah it hurt like hell. but don't let that scare you. It hurt so bad I refused to go back to the dentist for a very very long time, I had to be drug there kick and screaming, Super bad idea I ended up needing all my teeth pulled.
That was 4 months ago and my gums still aren't healed.
but hey i don't ever have to go back, course I have to gum everything I eat.
So I'd say getting the wisdom teeth removed was a piece of cake.

i had mine out last year. no it didnt hurt had it done in my local dentist. was over in seconds. good luck if you are having it removed it will be worth it when it is gone.

"*♥*عید مبار*♥*"
my wisdom teeth came in i couldn't hard foods for two days, but it got better slowly. the thing i wondered was that all that pain and such a small damned tooth!

I had one out last year - it took around 30 seconds of actual dental work not counting applying the local anesthetic. It did not hurt and I was eating notmally within a couple of hours and I did not need any pain killers.

I had 3 removed at once. I do not remember it hurting very bad at all. Make sure an oral surgeon does the procedure though, not just a dentist.

I've had two out and no it didnt hurt at all, the one in my lower jaw was really easy, pliers, grab, push down, jiggle, straight out, 10 second job, on the upper jaw it was harder, had to be almost levered out, no pain afterwards with either though.

pat.rob00 Chef U.K.
Yes i had two out at the same time. I got home and lay down. When the cocaine wore off i hit the roof with pain, i was up all night rolling on the floor. I was at the dentist door for them opening the next day, i have forgotten what the name of my problem was but when the tooth is pulled the gum stays the same shape as when my tooth was in and does not heal over. It is pain i will never forget......


kim bajema
i had 3 removed in the same day i use iv sedation i didnt remember a thing if you get iv sedation .i tell about my experience they put gas on my nose then iv in my arm. the last thing i could feel is them putting the banaid on my arm then i was out. i woke back up seing people who like doctores around me.i didnt even know what they were doing lol. then i woke back up i see the dentist assistant walking away from me and im like what shes doing then i seen my mom. and it was all over with its took actually 30 minutes to get 3 wisdoms out. but since i had got iv sedation which is twilight sleep it seem like 10 minutes to me because i was out of it.then they will me to the car.

debbie w
Mine wasn't too bad, it took 1 1/2 hours! Mine were also impacted and I had to have some bone removed ~ ouch! The crunching sound is the worst.



bit of fluff
didnt hurt at all ..... worst part was a drink they gave cos id not eaten anything all day

I have a good relationship wi my orthodontist - I just grab him where it hurts if I want it to and ask if he is gonna hurt me?! lol!

No seriously if u already had some nasty pain then get rid of the source but get knocked out first. The swelling is awesome but wi good drugs u don't care! The hamster effect wears off after a few days but milk it for lots o sympathy. Hope u like soup n ice cream cos its all u can eat 4 about a fortnight?!

Warning if you go to teaching hospital then defo get knocked out cos u don't wanna see the mess the students make o the job (broken teeth, gouged tongues, slashed gums and stitches u did not need!)

It did hurt a little bit, but if I had gone to the dentist sooner the tooth could have been saved.
Always be true to your teeth, and they will never be false to you.

lets put it this way, after the effects of the anaesthetic wore off....I had to go to emergency ward and personally ask them if they could knock me out or sumthing...it was jus UNBEARABLE!

only 1!!! that's nothing! I had 4 removed last year and it hurt like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel i couldn't eat anything, i couldn't sleep, i couldn't talk....
but you should be fine!

it wont hurt cause u will be numb!! but u may hear some noises cause its the root separting from the socket area!! my hurt but only after because i smoked so dont do that x

i have had three wisdom teeth removed and only one gave me any trouble and that was just because there was complications with if you get the tooth removed then you wont have the pain anymore isnt that worth it all else the pain is just going to keep coming back

Jane S
my mouth was tender for about 3 days but paracetamol and codeine helped

Yes I have........and I have to say I AM wiser for it 'cause I'll never have another one out! S**t did it hurt!

Clyde Banks
Got all mine out in one go. Never felt a thing. Then again, they put me to sleep for it. Hope you suffer badly.

Simon K
Had all 4 removed at once under general anaesthetic. It hurt for about three days but was OK if I took painkillers. It's not that bad. The worst part of it was looking like the elephant man for a while.

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