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 I getting braces but they have to take out 2 of my teeth Will it hurt and how do they do it?

 Tooth Question?
Ok...this question may seem weird, but since dentists took off my braces, one of my front tooth is kind of damaged, some part of the tooth broke and it keeps breaking more I think. My tooth seems ...

 Adult Braces..Why do i look so dumb now?
It was my choice and $$ to get braces. I couldnt get the ones you take out cause my teeth are just a bit to bad for thoes. I didnt look to bad with no braces and messed up teeth. Now i have the clear ...

 ~i want while teeth~?
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 Will having 5 teeth removed under sedation hurt?And also will the needle hurt much?
Im pertrified of needles and need these teeth removed due to braces . Please please be honest.
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Aww I didn't realise how polite and kind people are.. You have all ...

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 Wisdom tooth removed?
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 For the past week or so ive had this thing on my gum and i need help with it?
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frenchy 316
Why am I born with bad breath!?
every time I talk to someone they ask me if I want a peice of gum or a mint or a tic-tac, I take one but as soon as I finish the one mint they ask me if I want two or three more. I brush my teeth like once a day for like 1 min. I wake up at like 5 so I end brushing my teeth like 5:01. When I go out it's usually at 10:00 am right after my breakfast and black coffee.

It really offends me when people say I'll never have a boyfriend because of the dead thing thats in my mouth. And I try to just laugh it off cause I honostly think my breath smells just fine and Dandy. So if you could help me that would be great.

Oh and don't say try using mouth wash cause I do. I use it for 10 seconds a day just like the label says.

Sounds like you have a medical condition for bad breath: Halitosis. Some people are born with it! It's a condition where you have an excess buildup of bacteria in your mouth and constantly expands. You can go see a doctor about that.

In the meantime, try using mouthwash for 30 seconds. Buy a tongue scraper and use that every time you brush your teeth. Also, carry some Listerine pocket pack breath strips. You just set one on your tongue and it kills the bacteria in your mouth. You can just slip one of these in your mouth without anyone knowing.

Jill B
The link below is to a good article '5 Tips to Combat Bad Breath':

Consult a dentist

Well there might be a medical reason why your breath is like this,tell your Dentist what is going on and see what he suggests you to do.

Rockin Ages
Go to the throat doctor- us users have no idea what's beyond the tongue!

Do you still have your tonsils? If you do, cavities develop in them and create tonsil stones. They are particles of skin and bacteria that can create terrible breath. You can actually take a popsicle stick and push at the bottom of your tonsil and have them pop out.

If you only brush your teeth once a day, it is no mystery why you are having bad breath. Try brushing after every meal and definitely floss! AND do not use mouthwash because it will only dry out your mouth which can lead to worse bad breath. GOOD LUCK.

actually unless the mouth wash is alcohol free, most are not, it may be causing it to worsen. alcohol in moth washes dries the mouth out giving the bacteria a happy place to thrive, saliva and water help clear it. be sure you use a tongue scraper to remove debris from the hairs on the tongue, go as far back on tongue as you can without gagging. you may have hairy tongue where the hairs grow longer than average and catch more debris than normal. you may also have digestive problems , often stomach issues will cause bad breath, speak to dr about trying previcid for 2 weeks see if you feel and smell better. brush teeth and tongue at least twice a day and drink lots of water. avoid sweet things that bacteria love to munch on.

u should really be brushing two to three times a day and chew gum after every meal....

Have you ever cleansed your colon?maybe that is all you need.try something like drnaturas cleansing system.

I have a whole lecture on "The EVILS of Mouth Wash" They don't work, and can hurt.

First - brush & Floss (really improtant!!!). Brush & floss morning, after meals and before bed. Lightly brush your tongue also. Bad breath is most likely due to gum disease - you need to get your teeth cleaned.

Sinus problems (post nasal drip, etc) will cause bad breathe - it gives me camel breath (herd of camel with athlete's feet tramp through my mouth). So I take a decongestant.

That brings up another cause - one of the side effects of some drugs - including decongestants is ---- you guessed it, bad breath.

The third cause (less likely) is stomach problems which would need an Internal Medicine specialist to diagnose.

Brush your teeth AFTER breakfast, especially if you had coffee, and try do it right before you leave your house. Also, brush longer. My dentist told me to put on a radio and brush for the length of one full song. Brush after lunch too, get a small travel brush and paste you can take to work or school. Use mouthwash for more than 10 seconds. You should use it for at least 30 seconds, but aim for 60 if you can (even if the bottle says 10, a little longer won't hurt). If it's too strong to do more than 30 seconds, add a little bit of water (but not too much)! Make sure you go to the dentist at least once every year (but you should go every 6 months) so they can do a thorough cleaning. Sometimes when food and plaque build up between teeth, it can lead to bad breath. Also why you should floss every day as well.

By the way, gum and mints can actually make your breath worse sometimes because it draws more saliva to your mouth. And you think your breath smells fine just because you're used to it. When someone smells the same smell every day all day, the brain starts to ignore that smell and focus on the other smells around you.

Good luck, everything will be fine.

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