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 Any advice on how I can STOP BITING MY NAILS??

 If a king is gay and marries another guy what is that guy to the royal family?

 Im getting my all 4 wisdom teeth took out next week. Im scared to death. Does it hurt? What can i eat?

 What else can i use for bad breath other then mouthwash, mints and toothpaste?

 Please anser: how much does it hurt to get a tooth pulled?(see details)?
As in a not loose tooth, getting numbing shots injected in your gums, pulling it out and stitching it up? (no tooth growing in under it) awake but numb... please! any pain comparisons?...

 What is the best way to cure my bad breath?
My girlfriend is moaning at me and I think I need to do something about it.

I am only 26 and it has just started in the past few months!

Simply brushing my teeth does not work ...

 Suggest a trendy name for a dental clinic?
Planning to open a complete oral rehab clinic. searching for trendy name. plshelp me ...

 Any tips for a person being scared of the dentist?

 How painful is wisdom teeth extraction?
So I went to the oral surgeon today, and I'm going in on the 23rd to get my 4 wisdom teeth removed. I am doing local anestetic, and not getting knocked out for it.

My question is, how ...

 Is there a polite way to let someone know about bad breath?
A really nice guy that I just met has terrible bad breath. He seems interested in a relantionship but his bad breath is the only thing turning me off. What options are out there to diminish this? How ...

 Do Braces Hurt?

 Why my teeths are yellow?
I brush daily but my tooth remain yellow in colour,what is the ...

 What is the best painkillers for toothache?

Howl ong does your Stride gum last
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how long not how l ...

 On a scale of 1-10 how bad does a filling hurt?
1 being less pain full and 10 being the most pain full

Is it true that put a shot in your mouth?

I haven't had a filling in forever and i was wondering how it felt...

 How can I make my teeth more yellow? Are there strips that can help me do that?
Ive tried to make my teeth white but after not brushing my teeth for 9 years it seems that I cant.

I figured the best thing to do is to have dark yellow teeth. What is the best way to do ...

 What is the best method to whiten teeth without having to pay stupid money?
ive heard somoe peoples teeth are naturally yellow. mine are fine i wanna whiten em up a ...

 I have a really bad tootth ache and i cant see my dentist until wed what can i do for pain? no oral pain meds.

 Does everyone have to get braces on the bottom?
Because my bottom teeth is already straight. Are you do need them because they are gonna shift your jaw in the right spot right..???
But it would look kinda silly without bottom braces lol

 Does getting teeth pulled hurt?
I am slow at getting my teeth to come out, and I still have 2 left and I need to get them pulled. I am terrified of the thought of things going in my mouth and I even thought it hurt when I got my ...

Why does my breathe always smell worst after i brush my teeth?

Nutty Girl
it shouldn't try flossing and mouthwash

Quiet one
Before you brush your teeth, pour a tablespoon or two of mouthwash in a container, swish it through and between your teeth for 2 minutes before you brush your teeth. After your brush use dental floss.

Buy a new tooth brush.

tara t
NO CLUE, should smell better. Change toothpaste and use some STRONG mouth wash!

wow..i have no clue..thats an odd question..use mouth wash

Pretty Lady
I dont know. Are you brushing with a year old toothbrush? You should change it every 3 months. Your toothbrush not ur teeth.

Jordan S
the same thing happens to me. i dont know why, but this helps.

usually, if its in the morning, eat something right after you brush your teeth. have some breakfast. it helps, ALOT!!

try stronger toothpaste n a new firmer brush after u brush drink a glass of milk if that does nt work c ur dentist if u smoke get smokers toothpaste as it is the nicotine from the night b 4

what do you brush them with?

j man
hi there,when brushing your teeth in the morning or at night always brush your tongue this is where the bacteria accumilates in the mouth which then produces the bad smells!!try using a piece of cotton to hold the tongue out so u can reach the very back!!x

Because you should also be flossing at least once and gargling at least twice a day! See a dentist, it might something serious if you do the above, and brush twice daily as well... but still have that um .... stank. : )

robert S
There are a number of reasons for bad breath and is not always the teeth. Gum disease, as someone just pointed out is one of them. Brushing is not going to help. Chronic sinus infection is also a big reason.

Acid reflex is another big one. Everybody tries hard with dental hygiene but few realize that inside our stomach and our intestines, we have what resembles a septic tank. Occasionally, when not all the valves are working probably, the foul smell comes out from the wrong end. In addition, strong digestive acid can come up on you and corrode the esophagus, thus giving out some pretty horrible odor too. Some may have heart burn, others with acid reflux may not have any symptom other than persistent bad breath. If this is important to you, see your family doctor.You may end up seeing your dentist, an eye,ear and throat specialist and or someone specialized in acid reflux. But before you do that, try reading up on the Net by searching under "Bad Breath, acid reflux".

First try floss them and use moustwhash if this doesn't help you go to dentist mabye you have some problem with teeth and you don't know. If they are OK it means that problem is not with teeth but with your stomach.

maybe its the toothpaste you use.
is it a funky flavor?
stick to minty flavs.
and use mouth wash, gum, and tic tacs!!

Cuz you are brushing with something that isnt toothpaste...? Ask your dentist...you could have a bad case of halitosis. Other things are causes of bad breath like diabetes and throat infections.

Maybe you need one of those tongue shavers that scrapes bacteria (i.e. bad breath causers) off your tongue.

Boudica Warrior Queen
Try drinking fresh lemon in hot water first thing ...cleans the palate and the digestive tract.

cause you didn't brush long enough! or get a tough cleaner! the stuff on your your tough gives you bad breath!

janine s
have you had a tummy upset recently?
cut down on coffe and tea if you drink this a lot..what else can i say..use a mouthwash perhaps.

Nikki C
Brush your tounge and the roof of your mouth it may tickle real bad but like food and other grim gets stuck up there and it like rotes which makes a really nasty smell.

It is a sign that you may have diabetes..Check with your Doctor

U will know if u ask
Have you had your teeth cleaned recently at all? maybe you have a gum problem even? Do you brush your tongue? Doing that helps a lot of the times and flossing and using mouthwash help tremendously.

because you need a hygienist now too!

It could be because there is an underlying cause like gingivitis. Also do you make you gums bleed when brushing them? This can cause a metalic taste in your mouth and they may smell. Go to the dentist, a hygenist may help. You could find that you have acold and it is the cattarh at the back of the throat which is causing the smell. However, start with the dentist and this will help, if it is something serious they will be able to catch it and treat it. Best of luck

baby girl
because you speak ****!!!!!!!!!!

Possiblity of opening up gums and decaded food smells

go to the dentist. u might hav a gum disease such as gingervitus.if that doesnt work try changing ur diet

Don't know

Be sure to brush your tongue. That's important. Also, if you don't eat any breakfast or if your losing weight then you will have bad breath. Or could be gingivitis

brush your tounge!!

Quit using turd toothpaste

Try using mouth wash... That happened to my brother. Listerine should help...Do you brush your tongue also?

Brushing too hard can make infected gum pus and that stuff stinks (literally and figuratively). Mmmmm...yummy. Try usimg an ADA recommended mouthwash like Listerine a couple times a day to help treat the infection, and floss regularly. Gee, I sound just like my dentist...great.

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