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 How can I lose ten pounds in 7 days?
How can I lose ten lbs. in 7 days without much exercise? I have recently started dating a guy and his sister is getting married in a week. I havent' had time to prepare, nor do i have time to ...

 Please tell me something horrible about soda! I want to stop drinking it.?
I am addicted to Coke (the drink, not the drug, haha) and Dr. Pepper, but I'm pretty sure they aren't good for me. Try to convince me to stop....

 What is the best thing to do to lose wieght.?

 People keep saying i am fat what should i do?

 Do u think i weigh to much?
im 13 and im 4 feet 11 and i weigh 88 pounds im to fat right? i mean my legs are big and i think im fat do u?
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im 13 years ...

 Would I loose weight doing this:?
Eating a piece of marmite and butter toast for breakfast (I have to have breakfast because of school)
Eating soup and a tinnyyyy bit of bread for lunch
skiping super, but having fruit when I...

 What will happen if i eat salad and water only and workout for 5 hours a day?
will i lose 6 pounds by august 31 please i need to know thats when school starts!!!!!!...

 I am fat what should i do should i stop eating or do some running or die what should i do can you help me say?

 What is your most invaluable weight loss tip ever? The more individual the better!?

 What is the right weight for a 15 year old 5"3 girl?

 Am i fat.. thin or somewere inbetween?
im 5 ft 2 in and im 106 lbs.... wat do u think???...

 Is taking speed dangerous?
im 16 years old and i want to lose some weight fast i heard taking speed helps to lose weight but what are the affects of the drug?would any1 suss that i was taking it?...

 How can i stay motivated to lose weight?
the only time I can really focus on excercising is around 5;30 am, so how can i get out of bed?

im having a problem staying motivated, any ideas ?...

 I'm soo fat!?
people ...this is not normal...i'm 13 five feet 1 ...and i weigh 80 pounds OMG!! I'm soo fat ..i'm not joking ! I'm going on a trip like in 2 weeks and I dont wanna be the whale ...

 What is the best way to lose 30lbs in 2 months? Serious answers please!!?
I work 10-12 hour days, so workout time is limited... and the starvation diet isn't realistic, so any serious suggestions would be great!!...

 How come Chinese people are usually slim when their food is so fattening?

 Why does ear wax taste so horrid?

 Is 95 lbs too skinny?!?
Is 95 lbs for a 19 yr old girl too skinny regardless of size frame?
Additional Details
by the way, im 5'7"...

 Am I fat? Please tell me the truth?
I just need to know becuase my friends call me skinny but all of my siblings and cousins call me fat I am 13 5'5'' and 69 lbs I don't think I am fat but it's just all of the ...

 Is 27 too old to start a personal or gym instructor course!?
I sort of started a course last year and then stopped due too lack or funds! Do u think 27 is too old to become a fitness instructor or perosnal trainer? ...

Lisa S
Does walking around campus everyday help you lose weight?
Does walking around campus everyday help you lose weight?

DEFINITELY!!! My friend does it and she has lost like twenty pounds! She looks and feels so great now.

absolutely. Incidental movement helps. Try a pedometer and you can see exactly how far you go.

apryl l
walking burns calories.. in order to lose weight you have to burnmore calories than you take in so it depends on the ratio of food you eat to the energy you put out walking

Not alot


Kayron D
yes but little by little
and it does depend on how far u walk

depends on so many more factors. Diet, for one.

Yes, unless you stop at Dunkin' Doughnuts midway.

go huskers!
it doesn't make you gain weight.

As long as you are dieting too. If you are pigging out and think walking is going to take off what you just ate sorry but that wont happen. you need to delete some calories from your diet first then it will work. If you are just eating your normal amount of food and walking it won't happen.You might want to lose something from your diet and then walk around
that's a good way to burn them off more quickly.

how far is it? if it is big yes you will (if you eat healthy though) probably 1-5lbs a month

yes, and brisk walking is better results

Locked & Loaded
It's better for you than riding the scooter.

yes it can....u could take the stair instead of the elevator. or take a longer way (if u have time) instead of short-cuts...and sometimes if u don't have any classes, just walk around a little bit.....every little bit helps

lol i hope so its my daily source of exercise.

ummm yha kinday

Madd Hatter
Not really. Walking isn't too much work and you shouldn't rely on it as an exercise or a way to lose weight.

it should, unless you then go eat more than you should

joe f

Monse C
yes.its a good thing you're doing that it is really healthful

Yes. More then if you didn't do it at all! Fact: Did you know the average person burns about 2000 calories a day just do regular routines! So just imagine if you added a little exercise, you wou adventually lose weight!

Pavlov's Daughter
It's not immediate weight loss, but it's exercise. Try speed walking :)

ya...why not?

Ethan A
it really depends how far u walk

Only if you walk at a steady pace and you walk so much that you work up a sweat. Then and only then could you end up losing a pound or two or more. Look at it this way you have to walk miles and miles, for it to be effective as a weight loss exercise.

It will only help you if you are on a good diet and you are burning more calories than you are consuming. You could walk around campus all day long but if you go home and eat a gallon of ice cream, you're not going to see positive results.

Check out the following links for more insight. Good luck!

tony f
no i think you think your losing weight but its not

absolutely, but only if you r on a healthful diet.

it could if you do enough of it and eat right. but it is better to do some dedicated exercise.

sure.. well i mean, it should, since walking does burn calories and all

Yes. Wlaking is great cardio that targets the body in its entirety

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