It's doesn't really matter how many meals you have in a day. It's how nutritious they are and how many calories you consume. It all depends what your goals are. If you basically sit around and watch tv all day caloric intake won't be the same for a person hikes three times week or person who goes to the gym four times week. Your activity level such determine how much calories you should consume in a day. So you should find out what your caloric intake for your body weight is. Then from there you can determine how many calories you need to maintain current body weight and if you either want to lose or gain weight how many calories need in other to achieve either goal. Good Luck |

your brain was somewhere else It depends on the day.. |

because of my past work i only eat no red meat no solid foods vitamins & herbs. |

3 squares for me & a couple of snacks |

more meals smaller portions |

Mostly 2 meals with a few short snacks in between. |

like 3 and 2 snacks |

Karmically Screwed
I usually just snack, I don't like that feeling of beeing really full or stuffed- its uncomftorable. |

Iam more of a 1 squre meals a day, two at the maximum. I know it's not healthy, but I usually dont know what to eat until it's time to go to bed. |

3 square meals (one in the morning, one around twelve, and the other around 4:30) |

I eat at least three a day. Some days I am more hungrier than others so I go with the five. Snacks are good too. |

Three now but I am heavier... if I eat five smaller I tend to drop weight actually. |

Ms. S
I eat when i am hungry i don't do the 3meal 5 meal crap |

I usually eat one meal a day....the rest of the day its random things to keep me going but I don't really have time to eat with work and all. |

4-5 small meals, it keeps my metabolism up and my stomach has since shrunk since i started to eat this way so now only little things fill me up |

Muy Buena
i never eat full meals just graze all day |

I eat 4 to 6 small meals a day.
and nothing past 8pm. |

Abigail Rose
I just eat when I am hungry, I find that keeps me less focussed on food and i lose weight |

most of the time its 3 large and 5 small meals. It takes a lot of calories to maintain my body weight. |

MR. Clean
Well I work all night so I will eat something before turning in to bed at 9:30 to 10:00 am then around 4:30 pm get up and eat again. When I am at work I mostly snack ever so often I will eat a salad. |

i just eat whenever im hungry |

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