water |

Drink juices naturally. Get a juicer. Drink plenty of water. Remember to eat protein three times a day or you will lose muscle. Go to a health or nutrition store to get good vitamins. |

Water is always the most important liquid, diet or no diet. Soda, even diet soda can slow down the weight loss process. Tea is great without sugar. Stay away from too much sweetener, even artificial because the body behaves as if it has taken in sugar. EmergenC is available at walgreens, mix it with water for a vitamin and energy boost. Warm water with lemon juice first thing in the morning is a great start to the day when you are trying to lose weight. Be sure and take vitamins with food to avoid elimination. Talk to a salesperson at a vitamin store to address your specific needs. |

water, and some energy drinks but not too much of them |

Giselle V
the best liquids to drink on a diet would be water and grapefruit juice. water cleanses you and the acidity in the grapefruit helps to eat away at the fat. it would also help to eat a grapefruit half every morning while you're on your diet. taking vitamin c would be good to take as well |

tons of water |

Jane D
Lots and lots of water. Then more water, and when you're done, drink a glass of water! It's really hard if you're not used to it or you don't like it, but it helps tremendously if you put a big splash of lemon or lime juice in it. I HATED water my whole life, but I started drinking it this way a couple years ago, now it's mostly all I drink!
As far as vitamins, go with a good multi-vitamin. There are even some that have a little extra ingredient in them for various things (energy, weight loss, memory, etc.), but the most important thing is to get a multi. |

Barbara C
Centrum preformance, and vitamin water. The Centrum preformance has a lot more B vitamins to give you energy for exercise and to replace the lost energy from not enough food and the vitamin water is low in calories, but is hydrating and just that many more vitamins. |

mike s
WATER and a good multi vitamin |

water, water mixed with cherry or cranberry juice, lemon juice, green tea. |

1 muti vitamin. distill water half a gallon a day.
and vitamin c. |

Water, water is always the best thing you could drink, as far as the vitamins go I'll tell you stright up I have no idea... |

Water is best. A lot of it.
Fruit juices are next, to get your vitamins.
Take a good multi. I take GNC. |

Drink a minimum of 64 oz of water a day. Diet green tea is also a good idea, due to the antioxidants.
As far as supplements, you should be taking Omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in fish. You can take flax, fish, or borage oil capsules if you don't want to eat fish all the time. |

WATER, WATER AND WATER! Your body really needs it when working out hard. Other drinks include healthy, no sugar, natural fruit juices. Vegetable juices also work.
Vitamin C, D and Niacin are good vitamins to take but don't take too many. |

Water and if your diet is healthy you shouldn't need vitamins |

a good multi-vitamin and b-complex .lots of water,also. |

money man
milk and water |

Sorry to say....it's as simple as this..
water and a multi-vitamin |

i drink a ton of water |

Me ♥
Water, water, and water!
Also, try Iced Tea (Unsweetend with or without lemon) as well as gatorade (especially if you are working out). I also heard that one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar can aide in weight loss so you might consider trying that. Milk is also great to drink for breakfast and with your meals, as well as orange juice which raises your blood sugar, making you less likely to want sweets.
Also, vitamins are crucial, so you should take lots of Vitamin D, C, and lots of Calcium. Don't overdo it though. |

Pedialyte is the best drink for you. It assures you have the electrolytes you need and isn't a significant source of calories.
It's sort of like gatorade with no sugar. |

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