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 I'm 14 years old and I'm 5'5" and weigh 116,will I get taller?
I am 14 years old and weigh between 114-117. i'm wondering if i'll get any taller because i don't really want to. do you think 5'5" is way too tall for being 14?

 Im 14 yrs old, 5'7, and i weigh 195 pounds what should i do?

 Im dieting and have been getting less than 1,000 calories per day - is that healthy?
It isn't like I'm not eating food - I just am eating food without many calories or fat grams. My boyfriend keeps saying that my body is starving since I've only been eating 400-500 ...

 Am i fat??
im 15 yrs i weigth 180 and im 5'5

i was 188 in september
in december i was 186
and now im 180

i dont even know how i lost 6 pounds from december to january

 How should I get fatter, I'm really skinny but eat all my food groups (including junk) ?
I'm not ...

i like to snack more then eat meals. i still make sure i eat enough calories to stay healthy but not gain weight ect.ect..any good snacks and desserts other then the usual fruit, yogurt, and jello?...

 What is the best way to get rid of stomach, side and back fat around the middle section?

 I am 300 pounds and I really want to lose at least 50 pounds by December.?
I am 18 and 300 pounds and I really want to lose 50 pounds before the end of the year. I am a naturally big build and athletic, although I am do have quite a lot of fat on my frame. My main goal is ...

 I hate to run, what is a different cardio exercise that will keep me motivated and lose pounds ?

 Im a big girl and want to lose weight?
im a bout 250 i dont eat alot i been the same size for a bout 4 years now what can i do to lose a ...

 Is this healthy weight for a 7th grader?
well im in 7th grade and i weigh 111 pounds. i used to wiegh like 107 and that was 3 days ago. but when i wieghed mself. it was in the night time and i ate 10 to 15 minutes before i wieghed myself. ...

 Do you lose weight by drinking lots of water?
............if so, how much water shoul i drink and how much weight could i lose?...

 What is the funnest way to lose weight for girls???

 What is an easy way to stop smoking?

 If i drink lots of water, regularly, will i get used to it and not go the toilet as much?

 If someone starves themselves, not eating but drinking, how long is it before they start to lose weight?

Additional Details
I just want to add that this is a general question and I am not planning to do anything like this!...

 I'm getting BIG!!!!i'm 32 y.o.,5'3'' in height and im beginning to gain weight...(130lbs)OH my GOD!
What would be the best exercise fo a married woman like me w/ 3 kids???im a 24/7 fulltime mom......

 How to put on weight...?
Am naturally a size 8, but recently have had a lot on my mind for various reasons. I know i've lost a bit of weight, but now i'm a bit worried cos i can pull my size 6 trousers 2 inches ...

 13 y.o girl wants to lose weight for the summer :] (PLEASE ANSWER!)?
i'm 13 years old & in 7th grade. i'm 5'2" and 106 lbs. i want to weigh about 100 lbs by june 19.

-i would like to know what type of foods i should eat [like for ...

 Is my stomach fit enough to wear a bikini? [W. PICTURE]?
i'm not overweight (5'3½'' & 127lbs), and i posted a question earlier asking if overweight people should wear a bikini, and most said it depends on how overweight, and this ...

moving on
Should I do situps?
I am fat. I am 30 pounds overweight and most of my fat is on my belly. If I do situps will it just make my fat pop out more. I just started going to the gym 3 days ago and I have been doing the step machine, tredmil, the rower, and two different bikes. Should I lose some weight before doing situps?

you're right. The body doesn't decide where to pull fat from when converting it to muscle or energy. But, it's quite apparent that when you exercise a muscle, that's the one that will increase in size. So, your stomach might appear to get bigger if sit-ups were all you did.

And remember that adage that muscle is heavier than fat, so don't get discouraged if you gain weight at first. Keep it up, sounds like you're on the fast track to healthiness!

SoCcEr RoX mY sOx!!!
You probably arent that fat if your working out in the gym but if you think you need to lose some wait you should do situps it wouldnt hurt to try

yes, sit-ups are more for toning the 'belly' so you need to lose the weight first just taking a simple run every mornign and doing what you already do at the gym will work wonders, but remember it takes time, losing too much too fast is very unhealthy.
once your at a weight your near enough happy with, you may have a bit of flab so thats when you should do your sit-ups, push-ups or whatever.

Eating a healthy diet with regular exercise will help you lose weight. You can start doing situps now, just start out slow. Be persistent with your exercises and you will lose weight. Make sure to drink plenty of water.

well just keep up with the situps while going to the gym keep it at a level where u wont stop doing them...if u lose the wieght first then it would just make ur stomach hang out more

Try doing some jogging around the street and stuff like that. Then you can try sit ups.

yes....you should do situps along with your cardio. It won't push your fat out!! It should pull it in.

Anon omus
no, situps will help.

By all means add the sit ups to your work out routine, but until you lose weight & the fat stores around your midsection you will not be able to see any definition to your abs.

Iris the Librarian
Since you are going to the gym, ask one of the trainers. When I went to the gym I was 50 lbs. overweight. They had me doing modified sit-ups (crunches?) to strengthen my back. There was some benefit for the stomach as well.

Just remember, now that you are exercising, don't eat more. A few years ago I lost 75 lbs. just by walking. I walked 2 miles in the morning and 2 miles at night. (Took the dog; he loved it.) For other reasons, I didn't have an appetite, so I wasn't overeating to make up the expended calories. It made a big difference. The exercise you are getting at the gym can do the same for you.

Art M
It's a mistake to believe that exercise of any kind will help you lose weight by itself.

Weight loss requires a dedication to eating less. Exercise only helps if you maintain or reduce your eating habits at the same time that you increase your exercise, then you can lose weight.

When you gain muscle, you gain fat at the same time. This is unavoidable. Doing situps will cause you to gain muscle, not lose weight. Since the muscles are in your abs, this will create the appearance of a larger belly.

Combine a sensible and moderate program of light daily exercise with a dedicated diet program of eating less foods, and avoiding those foods that cause you to gain weight more quickly (you probably already know what those are).

Drinking water (some people suggest ice water), finding a new and engrossing hobby (to replace eating as a hobby), and spending time away from home (where the refrigerator is) are good ways to help you manage your new diet.

Never eat out of boredom or loneliness,.
Remove everything from your kitchen that is not part of your diet

Yahoo Man
Try doing excercises that are not very strenuous but still good enough for you to do to lose weight. Try one of those excercise machines.

Alcohol not a factor
Don't do sit ups, your fat will pop out and ooze over your pants even more

Einstein was a LIBERAL.
That option is up to you.

Congratulations on the weight-loss plan. You can do your sit ups now since you are in a total work out plan. If you were do do them without working out, they would have little to no effect.

You should start now. So the result will come in early. Also be careful, because sit up may not be the best abs work out. Try crunches, they're easier on your back.

Whether you feel it or not when you are doing situps it DOES HELP! Try doing crunchers (halfway situps) they work the stomach area and abs more.

ol' t-bone
doing different types of cardio is best and sit-up can't hurt.

Yes, you should lose some weight before doing situps. Situps only tighten/harden your abdomen. If you do the situps now before you get to your goal weight, then all they are going to do is make the fat on your stomache hard. Which will in turn make the fat 10 times harder to lose. So, if you plan on losing weight, and have a flat tone belly, lose the weight first, then do situps to tighten your new belly. Best of luck to you!!

Do crunches, they are alot easier on your back. Lie on your back, hands behind your head, feet arched. Slowly raise your head and at the same time, raise your knees toward your head. Repeat and go slow. Also, try leg lifts. Lie flat on the ground, legs straight. Lift legs slowly to 90 degree angle and then slowly lower down. These will work your lower abs which crunches do not hit. Good luck!

Anything you do at all will help. Once you feel comfortable with the situps try focusing on crumches on an incline bench as well. Do situps every other day and the crunches on the days you dont do the situps. That way you will be working your upper and lower abs.
Also starting now will help you feel better once you start seeing the weight come off and you see a little six pack start to show on your stomach and will motivate you to keep going! Good luck!

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