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 Am i anorexic? Please be serious about this.?
Okay. I stopped eating so mush in july. I used to eat snacks a 3 meals a day an i was fat ! I was 5-2 and weighed 130 pounds! over the summer i stopped eating so much. about 3 oreos a day.
I now ...

 ANYONE KNOW OF A GOOD DIET PILL? that you or a friend has had results with?
ok. losing weight is impossible isnt it? can someone please give me some tips on losing weight. i just dont think excersizing and eating right will do it all. i might need some extra help. does ...

 How can I lose ten pounds in a week?
I want to be 95 pounds by monday. I'm not sure how Im going to do it, got any advice or helpful ideas?
Im thirteen and im 4'9....

 What are some good ways to loose weight?
I am a ballet dancer and i want to loose a few pounds for my upcoming show which is in casting right now & i want to get the lead role. I basically need a way to help put off some weight & ...

 Is popcorn healthy?
One hundred calorie bags of popcorn that is... Is this healthy for me? I eat one bag every night as a snack. I heard that there were some reported cases of cancer in popcorn factories... I am asking ...

 When dieting should i cut salt out of diet or just cut back alittle?

 I am 5'6" and 200lbs, am I fat?
My mother is obease (sp?) and my father is not, my brother is...heavy, I don't want to be 'fat' but when some of my friends complain of being 'overweight' or I hear about the ...

 Ok i think i'm fat..i am 5'1 i weigh 110lb and I'm 15?

 I'm 15 years old...how can i get taller??
im 15 years old...and about 5'5"...i know that's not that bad. my parents are about 5'7" and 5'8" and my older brother is about 5'10". is there anything i ...

 Does pole dancing keep you fit?

 Do I need to loose wieght?
I know a lot of people ask this question, but I want to know (from a professional please) if I have too much body fat for my age and height. I am 15 years old and 5 feet and about 4 or 5 inches tall. ...

 Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose ...

 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

 What's the point in dieting?
Sure looking good is all nice and everything but you are not happy when dieting. No. Think about it, you are not happy. Wouldn't you rather eat whatever you want instead of eating in ...

 I am 40 stone and cant lose any weight - Do you think I should just stop trying and keep eating?

 Got any good weight loss tips?
I need them fast!
Additional Details
I am on a diet now I need to know how to exersie....

 Is it better to be Skinny or Muscler?

 Does anyone know if you can get low calorie bread?
This probably sounds silly, but im trying to loose weight, im not far off my goal, and im starting to get cravings and hunger spells, i usually go for a bread based snack, like toast or a sandwich, i ...

 What diet worked for you?
I'm a college student and going on Spring Break in about a month. I was wanting to lose about 10 lbs before we go. What diet advice do you have? Besides eating healthy and exercising what else ...

How to put on weight...?
Am naturally a size 8, but recently have had a lot on my mind for various reasons. I know i've lost a bit of weight, but now i'm a bit worried cos i can pull my size 6 trousers 2 inches from my waste, and i often feel ill after eating now.

What on earth can i do to put the weight on?

your joking right?

doughnuts, doughnuts and more doughnuts for u...

Kathleen H
Well eat a lot of healthy stuff and eat junk food

The Naked Chef â„¢
Wow thats a question a girl rarely asks, it's usually the other way round.

I hope your ok and not worried about anything..you must stop worrying it's worst thing for your health.

You should take your mind of things by going out, movies, drink, meals! That should work, most of all stop worrying.

Carl xx

Talk to your doctor about your concerns. Stress can affect your diet and appetite in many different ways. When things are a bit much in my life, I always drop a few pounds.
If you're worried that about your weight, your doctor can recommend a new diet you can try to put a few pounds back on and to stay healthy.
You should maybe always discuss what is causing everything that is on your mind at the moment - even with a trusted friend. Maybe even over a bite to eat! Good luck =)

Sad..I put ON weight when stressed lol. lucky :p

well, exercise/workout a lot. Muscle happens to weigh a lot more than fat. Also eat a diet with potatoes, mangos, and pasta. It's fattening-however don't forget to just be good to your body. Eat all the nutrience you need.

buy weight gainers for bodybuilders and when you see that you fat enough stop drinking it

hardgainers need to increase calorie intake.....
train hard in order to get really hungry

LUCKY YOU!! Try living with me for a week. I only have to look at food and I put weight on!!!!

Seriously, for those of us who have to work hard to keep weight off, it’s hard to imagine that someone would actually want to put gain weight. But, like you, many people have to work very hard to keep their weight up and gaining a pound can be as difficult as losing one. Unfortunately, people are often insensitive to this plight.

It is important to gain weight in a healthy way. While hitting fast food restaurants and doubling up on dessert may help you put on some pounds – you will be adding unhealthy fat mass. Try to eat regularly throughout the day, try to eat a meal every three hours for the entire duration that you are awake. Focus on lean meats like white meat poultry without the skin and fish. You should also have a whole grain carbohydrate like brown rice, oatmeal or sweet potatoes with every meal. And don’t forget the fruits and vegetables, while not calorie dense they provide much needed nutrients. Keep added sugars and saturated fats to a minimum to prevent unwanted fat mass. You want to add bulk up by adding lean body mass, not by increasing your body fat.

You should also consider starting a weight training program, to help increase your muscle mass. Most fitness centers offer a few free personal training sessions when you join so you can learn how to safely gain increase your muscle mass.

I am having exactly the same problem..i went to the Doctor's and all i was told was i had a fast metabolism and that's why the weight wouldn't go on...i was tested for other problem's and I'm waiting back to hear if i have a Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) but i was also told to eat plenty of pasta, rice and potatoes...i have put few pounds on since eating pasta everyday but still its not much..good luck with gaining weight..xxx

eat a lot of snacks in between meals etc... milk drinks and cheese.. and eat bigger meals..

Hipolito M
milk shakes eggs rice subs fried chicken

if i was you i would go to your GP and ask to be refered to a dietcian

John & Stephanie
Eat krispy kreme donuts, and watch tv all day.

simi j
your problem for weight loss was your stress or tension. first cure that and then come to a regular diet. If your problem is solved than you will slowly come back to your original weight again.

Eat lots of red meat and carbs

I would go and see your doctor and get help, not being able to eat is as big a problem as not being able to stop, so if its affect your lifestyle and causing you to worry, your doctor can help or if he/she cant help, they'll know someone who can!!!

ummmmm eat

Kara Joy
Why would you want to do that? You're just stressed. If you want to put on more weight, eat more with high fat content, not with sugar.

blue dolphin
Try these pages http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=how+to+gain+weight&btnG=Google+Search&meta=

Get a grip of yourself and sort out your diet

Its stress causing you to lose yur appetite. Try to relax more, worry less, and don't fret about your weight (or lack of it)..

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