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 I'm 15 years old...how can i get taller??
im 15 years old...and about 5'5"...i know that's not that bad. my parents are about 5'7" and 5'8" and my older brother is about 5'10". is there anything i ...

 Does pole dancing keep you fit?

 Do I need to loose wieght?
I know a lot of people ask this question, but I want to know (from a professional please) if I have too much body fat for my age and height. I am 15 years old and 5 feet and about 4 or 5 inches tall. ...

 Does starving yourself help you lose weight and excersing when your done keep weight off?
starving your self whiles exercising goelp you lose ...

 Join the Gym, or run/jog/walk?
should i join the gym

or should i just try to jog around the block once a day?

if i jog or walk around the neighbor hood, how often should i do it and how long? i grow tired ...

 I'm15 1/2 and 6' 1" and i weight 160 pounds?
I'm skinny, but i wanna gain muscle any tips?...

 What's the point in dieting?
Sure looking good is all nice and everything but you are not happy when dieting. No. Think about it, you are not happy. Wouldn't you rather eat whatever you want instead of eating in ...

 I am 40 stone and cant lose any weight - Do you think I should just stop trying and keep eating?

 Got any good weight loss tips?
I need them fast!
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I am on a diet now I need to know how to exersie....

 Is it better to be Skinny or Muscler?

 Does anyone know if you can get low calorie bread?
This probably sounds silly, but im trying to loose weight, im not far off my goal, and im starting to get cravings and hunger spells, i usually go for a bread based snack, like toast or a sandwich, i ...

 What diet worked for you?
I'm a college student and going on Spring Break in about a month. I was wanting to lose about 10 lbs before we go. What diet advice do you have? Besides eating healthy and exercising what else ...

 How can i lose weight FAST?
i need to lose weight really fast r there ne diet pills or fad diets that actually work i just cannot lose weight no matter how hard i try and its really getting me down i need help ...


 Do people just want to be thin to look good for others?
i think so. Its not about being healthy anymore but being thin that ...

 What are some foods that help increase energy?

 What is the best way to lose weight fast like 35lbs in a 3 months?

 What is the best thing to eat to lose weight?
i am 10 years ...

 Help me please?
i really want to lose weigh tbu ti don't like working out and i love junk food. what can i do?
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and i'm also 14 and in 7th grade ...

 Working out makes me so hungry, I always end up gaining weight. How can I avoid this?
I know that working out can also make you gain MUSCLE weight, and that's not what I'm talking about. But when I start working out, I am RAVENOUSLY hungry all the time. I eat way more ...

Ive been exercising since january (the gym).. and i eat soooo Well why am i not losing weight?

are you a woman??? if you are see if your pregnant

Pow Wow Dancer <3 {16}
Drink alot of water and double take your excerise make sure you sweat. also it takes time.

Well. You don't give enough information for me to give a you an answer. It could be that you are already at a good weight and that your body doesn't need to lose any more.

However, if you are over weight, then the problem may be that you are suffering from metabolic syndrome.

What this means is that your insulin is driving calories into your fat cells rather than your muscle.

As a certified Healthy for Life team leader, I help support people who want to reverse metabolic syndrome

If you would like to join my team, send me an email and I will give you the details.

are you on any medications? like zoloft? zoloft makes you gain weight

Lah Wren'
be careful your not bulking up because remember
muscle weighs more then fat.
so maybe your just gaining some lil muscle yaaa know.
or maybe your not eating as healthy as you think you are.
what kind of excercises do you do?
try interval training, cardio, pilates, swimming, yoga, & biking.

Some people just have a hard time losing weight bc its just the way your body type is.

you say you are exercising, but how long and what are you doing?

I have a heart rate monitor and its really great in helping you like keep yourself on track. Mine tells you your heart rate, how many calories you burned etc. Its very important that you burn more calories than you take in when trying to lose weight. When i get home from my work out and it says i burned 500 calories, im not going to eat 500 calories + if im trying to lose weight. Are you on a diet? Just watch your portion control because even though you may be eating healthy things, too much of one thing wont help you at all. hope that helps!

philip o
your over eating and still not exserciseing enough and may not be doing the right exercises. running is number one. weight lifting does not burn any where near the calories you may think.

There is nothing magic about weight loss. It is a simple math equation. You have to expend more calories than you take in in order to loose weight. You either have to eat less, exercise more, or do both.

If you are eating good healty food and staying away from sweets and carbs then you are on the right track. You need to make sure that you are not eating more calories than you think you are because even though you are eating healthy you can still take in more calories than you need. Keep a food journal for a couple of days and check the calories you are eating to make sure you are not taking in more the 1200 a day. Another thing to check is serving size. Almost everthing in the store has the serving size printed on it. If you are eating 8 turkey sausages at breakfast and the package says that a serving is 2 sausages then you are eating 4 times as many servings and calories as you should. Keep in mind that a serving of either chicken, turkey, pork, fish, or beef is 4-6 oz.

The best way to loose weight is to work out 5 times a week and to do a combination of cardio and weight lifting. You should be doing three days a week of weight lifting and two days of cardio. Once you can do 3 sets of 12 reps it is time to increase the weight until you can do only do 3 sets of 8 reps. Once you get to 12 reps again up the weight again.

For cardio the best way to burn the most calories is on the treadmill and use either the fat burning or calorie burning setting on most treadmills. Set the speed for a fast walk. I set the speed for 4 and the starting incline to 11% and I burn up almost 700 calories in 30 minutes. If you just run or walk on level ground it would take much longer to burn 700 calories.

Why Your Workouts Don't Work. Probably you don't know how to excercise.

How to Change Your Workout to Get the Results You Want

Did you know the average health club exerciser quits after just six months for one of the following reasons:
1. Not Enough Time
2. Not Seeing Results
Sadly, most people become frustrated and quit exercising before they see any real results. But it's not surprising given the common mistakes many people make with their training programs. Are you making these workout mistakes?
Common Reasons Your Workouts Don't Work

• All Quantity, No Quality
Take a look around the gym (if you haven't quit going yet) and see how many people are really getting a quality workout. I'm always amazed by how many people are wandering aimlessly, walking leisurely on a treadmill while reading a book, lifting weights so light that not one hair moves out of place, or simply look bored.

A lot of exercisers head to the gym out of habit, and as if on automatic pilot, put in some time and head back to work or home. If you are one of these people, ask yourself, "What do I want to get out of this?" If you want serious results, you need to do serious exercise. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it and have fun. But it does means you need to focus on what you are doing and increase the quality of every movement. Once you start exercising with a real purpose and pushing both your aerobic capacity and your strength you will find your workouts take half the time and give better results.

• Overestimating Your Exercise
Most exercisers are far too generous with estimates of exercise intensity and time, weight lifted and the frequency of their workouts. To avoid overestimating it's helpful to keep an exercise log and track these items. Additionally, many people mistakingly believe that if they exercise at a moderate pace for 30 minutes they have burned lots and lots of calories and fat. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. While exercise does burn calories over time and consistent exercise is one of the best ways to lose weight and keep it off, it's hard to lose body fat through exercise alone. Which brings us to the next mistake. . .

• Underestimating Your Eating
Many people are in denial about the foods they eat and especially the quantity consumed. If you really want to lose weight you need to be honest with yourself about what you put into your mouth and how that helps or hinders your weight loss goals. To get real with yourself, write it down. Tracking what you eat in a food diary will help you break the cycle of food denial. (Besides, you are the only one who needs to know).

• Doing the Wrong Type of Workout
Where did you learn your current exercise routine? Watching others at the gym (who are exercising incorrectly)? From your friends, coworkers, the web, tv, newspaper, the latest research findings, or perhaps your 5th grade gym teacher? What you are doing for exercise directly determines the results you will get. To learn what you should do, there is no better place to start then by writing down your goals and then working with a professional trainer to design the right workout to meet those goals. Haphazard exercise will provide haphazard results.

• Never Changing Your Workout
When you do the same thing day after day, you get very good at it. In exercise this is called the principle of adaptation. It basically means that we become very efficient by doing the same exercise over and over. This is great for sports performance, but not that great for weight lose, strength increases or physical fitness progression. If you always do the same workout for the same amount of time you will eventually hit a plateau where you fail to see any additional change. One way of overcoming this plateau is to modify your workouts every few weeks or months. You can change the type of exercise you do, the length, the amount of weight lifted or the number or reps. This is why professional athletes change their program during the off-season.

• Using Incorrect Form or Technique
Learning the right way to exercise is essential to getting results. Form does matter, especially when doing any strength training exercise. Incorrect form or technique also sets you up for potential injuries, pain and soreness. To learn proper technique, there is no better place to start than with a personal trainer or coach.

• Setting Unrealistic Goals
So, what are your goals? Are they realistic for you? If your goal is to be the next Lance Armstrong, and you only have 30 minutes a day to train, or wanting to lose 25 pounds in a month, well, how realistic is that? Again, it comes back to being honest with yourself about your abilities, your level of commitment and your lifestyle. We need to set appropriate goals that start from where we are and progress at an attainable pass or we are sure to get frustrated and quit.

• Measuring the Wrong Results
Many people think their workout isn't working because they don't measure the right things. Looking for proof in a scale is often a set-up for disappointment because some new exercisers build muscle and lose fat, but the scale doesn't provide information about body composition. Better ways to measure your fitness progress include tracking your heart rate at a given pace, measuring the distance you can cover in a certain amount of time, tracking the amount of weight you can lift, or even writing down how you feel -- physically -- at the end of each day. Many of the benefits from exercise are subtle and not visible by looking into the mirror, but things such as cholesterol level, blood pressure, and the ease with which you can do daily chores are every bit as motivating -- if you monitor them.

So check it out!

bobby d
could be you are not exercising correctly or actually eating correctly. Don't let the scale be your only source. You may be losing fat, but gaining muscle mass.

It depends on what type of exercise you are doing. Are you lifting or doing cardio. I take it that you are probably doing both and your lifting is building muscle, which adds weight and the cardio is burning fat, which reduces weight. My thought is that your cardio workouts are not intense enough to burnoff the fat that you have and your lifting is building too much muscle.

The Drat. Penny Dreadful
Do you get in cardio a few to 5 times a week? And we're talking maybe no less than 40-50 min worth at a time.

And: portion control. If you even over-eat good for you foods, this will not help things much. Over eating means having more than one serving of something in one sitting. You can't eat baby carrots or cauliflower to your stomachs over-fill max and call that good.

Did you know, that three large meals a day is harder on your body to process and get rid of properly than eating 5-6 small meals and healthy snacks a day? 5-6 small meals/some healthy snacks spaced evenly throughout the day.

And, lots of good for you foods have lots of sugar in them, even fruits. There are fruits to stay away from. At least to stay away from eating them the latter part of the day when there is no time left to burn the sugar off.

AND, check salt contents. Do not eat high sodium foods, let alone adding uncalled for salt to your meals.

And at the gym, you have to round out your routines. Don't only do weight bearing exercises, or don't do strictly cardio. You've gotta do everything. Not all in one day either. But come up with weekley plans, like: today I'm doing all cardio, and tomorrow I'm going to do upper body strength training, and soforth.

Diet sodas are a joke. Stay away from all soda altogether.
Drink lots of water.

Good luck!

Allison R
muscle wheighs morethan fat

Le B P C
It depends...how long are you exercising every day and what do you mean by eating soooo well?

Yh, firstly it really depends on your age. I think the best way to lose weight. (keep a record of how much u weigh before hand) then i think jogging is the best way to lose weight. Then maybe its either your diet. Eat fruits vegtables etc Drink alot of water to and probably milk.

You have to explain your routine. You need cardio to lose weight. Sustaining a steady heart rate is what you want to do. After about 15 min of say running is when you start buring calories. So try doing more cardio. Depending on how big you are if running takes tole on your knees try cycling to not add stress on the joints. Do several cardio machines.

You need to provide more info. Do you have a lot to lose? How many calories per day (and are you male or female)? Have you lost a lot already? Are you doing strength training (because muscle weighs more than fat)? Have you lost sizes even though you haven't lost weight? What kind of exercise do you do and how much/how often?

You may just be unlucky and naturally have a low metabolism, which means it takes you longer than some other people to lose weight. Keep it up.. it will shift eventually! x

MonaLisa Overdrive AM VT wannabe
Simple answer; you are not burning more calories than you consume. Healthy people maintain their weight with exercise and eating well. You have to do more than that to actually lose weight.

Of course, muscle weighs more than fat, so you could be getting in shape while maintaining or even gaining weight , but I don't think that is your concern.

You are probably building muscle, which weighs more than fat. You should measure yourself instead of relying only on the scale.

Brutally Honest
First of all, remember that the number on the scale is not the be-all-end-all of everything. Since you're working out, maybe you're replacing the fat with muscle...which weighs more. So even if you've been losing fat weight, you've probably been gaining muscle weight.

Secondly, just because you're "eating well" doesn't mean that you're eating RIGHT. Be sure to cut out fat, eat more dairy, fruits & veggies, and fiber, and cut your caloric intake. THAT is important. If you're not burning more calories than you're consuming, you are NOT going to lose weight.

Try talking to someone at the gym and ask them what they might recommend...and keep up the good work. Even if you don't lose any weight, you're still going to be healthier for your efforts!

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