smoke crack |

uhmm ok idk if you kno this but a 115 pounds is skinny already and how tall are you??? |

Miz Understood
If you eat and look skinnier - - - then eat something and stop starving yourself, thats very uhealthy... Everyone knows Nicole sticks her finger down her throat... if you want her as a role model, then do what she does... |

Chop your head off! Idiot! |

nicole richie is really unhealthy looking. starving yourself will not do any good. it just slows your metabloism, which makes you gain the weight back and MORE as soon as you eat again. weight loss is a whole lifestyle change. you have to exercise doing aerobics or cardio to burn more calories than you consume and lift weights or do some kind of resistance training to boost your metabolism and tone your muscles. you should cut out refined sugars and solid fats from your diet or at least limit them. do a search for a calorie needs calculator and figure out how many calories your body needs a day, then subtract 200 from that number and eat about that many calories. itll go slow but your efforts will pay off. anyway good luck :] |

You dont need to lose weight! I would love to weigh that much. You dont need to look like aceleb. You need to look like you. Dont lose weight. maintain your weight now. :) |

Shira D
If you starve yourself, you'll just slow down your metabolism. Nicole Ritchie looks sick. I hope you're not anorexic. |

when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.
When you lose you look fatter and when you eat you look skinnier.
I better bite my tongue....WTF???

Oh God. Nicole Richie looks extremely, extremely gross. Please do not try and look like her. 115 is skinny enough, you should gain some more weight if you ask me. |

anorexic! |

Just log on to my blog,to get simple yet effective on losing weight.
www.lookingbeautiful.blogspot.com |

go see a doctor, you have problems...... |

Irma N
If you drink a lot of pops/sodas stop and limit your intake of juices. Even though they are supposed to be good for you they contain more sugar than pops/soda's . drink lots of water. and take your time and chew your food up good. It may seem like a lot but this really works. I've lost 30 pounds, and eat whatever I want |

nurse Jenni
well the reason you look fatter when u starve yourself is because your body will go into a starvation mode......remember those children in other countries starving and how their bellies stick out real far??? So the best way to lose weight is to eat lots of green veggies and fruits nuts seeds and fish lean meats too and drink water lots of water - it helps flush the toxins out of your body. Try walking for 30 to 60 min a day as well to tighten up. Good luck!!
oh and I think nicole ritchie is sick looking - she even admits that she has a problem and is trying to gain more weight. BE CAREFUL!!! |

Natasha B
Ok first of all Nicole Richie doesn't look healthy! So don't starve yourself, b/c what happens is when you start eating again, you'll gain even more weight. So start exercising if you want to drop some pounds. |

You could always just stop eating all togther, I mean no living person looks as slim and trim as a corpse. |

Why not try looking like yourself! |

un*hard><c0re..cutiepie **
why in the hell would you wanna look like nicole richie? |

whoa so your saying you wanna like skin and bones basicaly you need to get some help.If you not your gonna not gonna be happy with yourself |

You don't need to loose weight. Nicole Ritchie looks so unhealthy why would you want to look like you are ill? Keep that 15 lbs on and find a professional to help you with your outlook on yourself. Good Luck |

.Just. Me.
Ewe nichole richie. she needs to gain 15 pounds |

Don't loose 15 more lbs. You're putting you health at risk wanting to look like someone who has admitted to having an eating problem. |

Devil Women
chill out girl....you cant see pounds like that..... most of the time its water, salt , and stress level that do that thing |

If you lose any more weight you're gonna disappear. |

damn 115, thats light. why lose wieght. get help |

You have got to be kidding! |

u know how nasty nicole richie looks to us normal people.
go see a doctor, you're anorexic |

Nicole Richie looks anorexia, she does not look good at all |

ewww nicole is wayyyyy too thin . just excerise and u will lose all the weight u want. GOOD LUCK! |

Eat Real Food: Avoid fast food and frozen stuff that you microwave. Try your best to eat whole food that doesn't have a long shelf life. Watch your portion sizes: Eat three small meals (don't skip on breakfast) and a couple of healthy snacks. A bagel is not a snack. Try something like a turkey and cheese roll up. Easy. You take the piece of meat and slice of cheese and roll them up together. Voila. Protein and fat. Functional and satisfying.
Drink Water: You want that skin to glow? Skip the flavored drinks and stick to the H2O. Boring? Add a lemon or a splash of your favorite juice. It's just a habit. Sweat 4 days a week minimum (I don't mean by sunbathing either). I'm not going to tell you what kind of exercise to do-I'm just saying sweat 30-45 minutes per day, 4 days a week if you want to have a flat tummy and toned butt. I didn't even mention it giving you clarity or more energy. Just a better butt and tummy.
Keep Stress to a Minimum: Back to the flat tummy. Wanna get those washboard abs? Chill out. Stress contributes to the body holding on to fat. It's not about the quality of your life or healthy living, it's just about giving yourself the best chance possible for being thin, so relax on the reactions.
Do Resistance Training: Twice a week, do some resistance training. This could count as one of your 4 sweat days, but if you want to get that hard hot body, then you have to do some resistance training.
Stretch or Do Yoga: Keep that body pliable. It helps avoid injury, and if that's not motivation enough, the breathing is helpful in staying young looking. Oxygen.
Find Some Happiness, Laugh and Smile Regularly: This is connected to what I wrote about stress. Happiness keeps your thighs thin.
Go to the Restroom Regularly: This is a big deal. A lot of people have issues with this. A good diet and water will help you keep things moving. Going to the bathroom is especially good for flattening the lower ab area. Not to mention (I'm committing the ultimate sacrifice here) it will lower the number on the scale. It's been said that we walk around with 8 to 10 pounds of crap (literally) in our system. Move it on out. |

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