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 Is 107lbs ok for someone who is 5'8 ?
your opinion please....

 Does smoking weed make you lose weight?
just wondering cuz a lot of my friends r drugies and skinny...they never workout or anything of that nature and well me im in lykee every sport imaginable and cant lose weight...just curious does ...

 Am I fat/overweight?
I'm a teenager and I'm about..meh..4"11 to 5"0 tall. I weigh (my weight changes often) to 102-106 pounds.
I feel fat =( honestly.
Am I fat or overweight or anything?...

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so yea can u give me some ideas on how i can loose 90 lbs.<...

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 I'm 13 and weigh about 125 pounds. I'm 5'4'' and 1/2. Do I weigh too much?
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How do they starve themselves? 3:S...

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 Do I look anorexic? How much do you think I weigh?

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 Is it possible to drink so much water that you die?

Additional Details
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 Poll: Do you like your body?
what do/don't you like about it?

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 Am i considered overweight?
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My teacher called me fat..?
today at school my health teacher was talking to us about eating disorders and like then when he got to talking about annorexia hes like i used to think lexi was borderline annorexic because last year she was a twig but now she gained alot of weight.

i know im not that fat, (like 102 pounds and about 5'5 and i used to be 90) but it still bothered me that he basically was saying i was fat, wasnt it wrong of him to make a comment like that?

your not fat

your not fat. with your weight & height your probably hot, so don't worry about what that jacka** said. or then again he might have meant it as a compliment seeing as he thought you were a twig of a girl before he might just mean you look alot better with some meat on those bones.

don't worry & hold your head up high.

dc's angel
he did not mean u were fat at all. He was very rude and insensitive though. To me you are under weight. I'm not trying to be rude honest, I'm not 13 and I'm close to a hundred, so 102 is a Little light so Ur not fat at all he just used u as an example which was rude because he did not ask u first. you should tell Ur parents the tomorrow go to Ur principles office and make a complaint. Things like that should be taken very seriously.

He was not saying you are fat. You are not fat. His comment was out of line, though. You should probably report him. If you DID have an eating disorder, imagine how horrible that would be of him to say in front of the class? He needs to be more considerate.

Tell your parents and the principal at your school. If you don't get satisfaction, go to the superintendent. It's bad enough to deal with teasing from students, but from a teacher is just horrible. Also, I'm a few inches shorter than you and at least 20 pounds heavier than you and most people tell me I'm skinny. You are not fat at all! Don't listen to him!

He didn't call you fat at all, he pretty much just called you healthier looking then you were last year, I could see if he was all"Lexi is a good example of obesity. I mean seriously he didn;t say you were fat at all, but it was a bit wrong of him to make that comment, teachers should never use their students as examples.


It was completely inappropriate for him to bring this up and single you out. Bringing up anyone's name when discussing a serious problem like Anorexia is a serious problem. You need to discuss this with a school official and let them know exactly what happened.

yes it is wrong if they say anything where they pull out names then yes its totally wrong

I don't think he meant to call you fat, but it still was an inappropriate comment for a teacher to make to a student. And no, you are not fat at all. If you are 5'5" it actually wouldn't hurt you to GAIN weight, because dear you are underweight. I am 5'5" and 122, and people still call me skinny, so trust me you have nothing to worry about. And if the comment your teacher said bothered you, you might want to talk to him about it or tell an adult you trust about it.

Alana ♥PeAcE♥
If it really offended you, tell your parents about it or go to the school's guidance counselor about the issue.

hahah maybe he like the way you look healthy and strong he is just jealous of you...

Oh, he's definitely wrong to say that and not qualified to diagnose any sort of disorder.

Joey K
No, dont get sad over this. 102 pounds is skinny. He was probably trying to give you a compliment because you used to be 90 which is aneorexic. Im sure you look fine. Dont ever let your physical appereance bother you.

starfiredi j
yes he was wrong he shoud of never said that the frist place!what a d***!

Edward J
Although the context might have been different I think that all your health teacher was really saying was that you were healthy now, as opposed to being too thin. Yes, he is saying that you gained weight but I don't think he meant offense by it.

ruben p

Ask Me
Yes it was wrong of him. You are not fat your are fine. I would talk to your parents or your principal about it. He should not have singled you out that way. You may have put on some weight but that is just part of becoming a woman not a child. Don't listen to him he is crazy.

now ur livin my world! i weigh 100 and my friend called me fat!! i am 14 but i weigh less than most of the gurls in me grade!!!!

silly billy
you are nowhere near fat!!! I am the same height as you and weigh 118, and people give me crap ALL the time for being so skinny....so don't worry about it. You are just growing up!!

that wasn't right of him to say that, you should tell your parents or contact your principal.

Semaj S
Damn right it was wrong! Take it from a real
man's point of view. You're just about perfect
at 102 for 5'.5". I don't know if you can take a
beverage in class with you but if you can, do this.
Go up to him while he's sitting and ask him a question,
then by accident, spill your beverage in his lap or trip
and splash it on him.
If you can't or don't want to do that, go to your parents,
your guidance counselor. Whatever is appropriate for
your age.

First L
It is not that bad.
Normally, "just the phrase gain a lot of weight" sounds bad. But she said that you were a twig. So when you were a twig and gain weight. Then you are not fat.

I think you are fine.

For this one, just give her a little slack and forgive her once.


You really need to report her to the principal and inform your parents of what happened. Never let anyone bother you about your appearance. God loves you no matter what.

I think he meant you are at a better weight, than when he saw you last, It was not meant as derogatory

dont be so sensitive...

or do

maybe there is a lawsuit for you

yes it is very wrong. i think u ned to report him

His comment was rude, insensitive, and inappropriate... ESPECIALLY for a teacher.

You should go either to another teacher you trust, or the Principal, and tell them what the teacher said and how it made you feel. They will help you out.

And BTW, 102 lbs for someone who is 5'5" is NOT fat!!

It doesnt sound like he was calling you fat It sounds like he was worried about you being too thin and that he was commenting on you gaining weight. 5'5" and 102 is still very small I wouldnt worry too much.

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