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 Debate between me and my husband?
My husband and I are debating about many calories a person burns when exercising.

My stance:
A bigger person burns more calories doing the same exercises a thinner person does for the ...

 Am i fat??? (pic inside) weight problems help!?!?!?
<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/5y border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"...

 Can I lose weight with just exercise, no real diet?
Just wondering if it a realistic hope to lose weight with only exercise? I love to exercise, but can't stand dieting....

 How do I lose weight without starving myself or going on a diet?
I am 15 years old and I am five foot eight and weigh 147 lbs. I am in the entertainment industry and I think I need to lose weight. I would like to weigh 130 lbs. I have tried everything but nothing ...

 Could i have an eating disorder?
im 15, 5'7 and im 111 lbs. just 4 months ago i was 127 lbs. iv been starving myself and making myself puke up my dinners. Its like there is a voice in the back of my head telling me im fat all ...

 Im 14 and im 5ft.9in. is that normal?
Ok so everyone says im really tall nd stuff well because i am! but do u guys think ill still keep growing?? because i really hate being tall i wish i was a lilttle bit shorter like 5ft.7in. or ...

 If a woman is 5'4'' and 170 lbs, exactly how obese is she?Would she be chubby or closer to disturbingly chunky
P.S. I appreciate all sorts of body types and do not discriminate against larger ladies...I'm just wondering....

 Ok... I am 5"5 or 5"6 about and i weigh 120 lbs... is that ok?? i feel so fat.. no joke!?
All i know is that i have friends that are so skinny.. and then there is me.. i think i am fat but my friends dont.. and idk if i should trust them or not because idk if they are just saying that ...

 I'm 13 years oldand I want to lose weight??what do U think??
Should I

a)just take walks(in the the morning b/4 skool and after my HW is done in the afternoon,eat the three full(but mot oversized,I know) meals a day(healthy meals)play sports w/ my ...

 Am I fat????
im 13 years old and i weight 117 pounts
is that normal? am i overweight? pleeeezz tell me!!!
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oh and im a girl, ...

 Am I couch potato???
I spend about 4-5 hours a day watching TV, playing video games, or on the computer during the week.
On weekends I spend about 8-9 hours a day doing this.
I consume 4000-5000 calories a day.T...

 My BMI, am i over wieght?
I am about 5'1 , 32 D bra size, size 3 pants and 123 pounds..am i over weight?...

 Why is it some people are skinny even without exercising? I even see them eat more than what I eat?
I am doing exercises and eat less but still overweight?...

 Help Me loss 20 pounds?

 Ok, I NEED HELP! Please! I want someone who know facts and who can help me.?
And I don't want any crap like "Your body goes into starvation mode and you get fat."

I'm 14 years old, 5'5", and weigh 130 lbs.

How can I lose ...

 Hi, Im 14 years old and 5 foot 3 inches do you thing that is short for a 14 year old?

 I weigh 100 pounds and need to lose 50 pounds by tomorrow! what can I do?

 How many push ups a day would i have to do to add on 5 pounds of muscle to my arms in 1 month?
how many push ups would i have to do to add on 5 pounds to my arms in 1 month and how many crunches would i have to do to subtract 2 inches from my waist?...

 I just realized I gained 239 pounds in a two year period. How did it sneak up on me??

 I am 13 and i am 5foot 4 and i weigh 160. am i fat?
i just want to ...

What is the difference between fibre and protein and how do they help the human body when consumed?

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And what are some foods that are rich in fibre and other foods that are rich in protein?

Protein is from meat and fibre is for cleaning you out.

Proteins are amino acids with long-chained molecules and
are found plenty in meat and poultry. They help new cells in
the body to grow and thus strengthens the body muscles.
Whereas fibres are fillers which aid digestion in the stomach
and bowel system. They are indigestible stuff which are
found highly in fruits and vegetables and are excreted through
the digestive tract.

jay perez
fibre is matrial that helps the body break down and process, in tern expell any food consumed by humans, and protein is a vitimam that is high in iron, helps in looseing weight, rapidly, but if not monetered very carefully can cause kidney problems or damage. HI levels of protein without proper amounts of water intake and expell can cause serious problems and possible kidney damage.



has some great articles about them...

Fiber helps empty your colon, protein builds muscle

If you mean carbohydrates, those are broken down into simple sugars.
Protein becomes amino acids.
Fiber is indigestable material that are 'eliminated'. Or in other words, removed from your body as solid waste.

fiber is a carb that can't be digested
protein is what muscles and other cells are made of.
fiber can be found in many things like whole wheat, many fruits and vegetables (mostly in the skins). protein can be found in meats, beans and nuts.

I think fiber helps keep your digestive tract regular and i think protein has something to do with bone production and/or helps the bones in some way.

Fiber is the indigestable parts of plants, good for the intestines, and blood sugar regulation. Proteins are built from amino acids and in turn build muscle.
Fruit, veg, and whole grains have fiber. Soy is the only 100% complete source of protein, and easiest to digest for most people. Eggs are next. Steak has it but is slow to digest and leaves a residue.
Take acidophilus and bifidis pills to replace bacteria needed for digestion. I have no indigestion or gas.

Maria N
ok fibre is in vegtable ,bran,cereals,bread,fruit,dried fruits and when comsumed it help kick out watsed products in the gut....
and proteins such as meats,cheeses ,pulses, beans, nuts and seeds repair musles and tissue and protects red blood cells to stop blood from clotting...

Jesus S
protein makes tissue such as muscle while fiber cleans you stomage and helps you "stay regular"
for protein i eat:eggs, chiken, fish, beef, and also lots of carbs

fiber : cerieal, grains, nuts(also protein), or fiber capsules

fibre is undigestable stuff, protein is what makes our bodies grow and maintain muscle. I f you want something that contains both try brown beans. Fibre and protien all in one.

well my doctor told me that protein helps you to heal better for example I have cancer and I had radiation on my head and neck so my neck was all red the skin peeled and it hurt very badly so I guess getting more protein would help it get back to normal better

evryone who answered this is absolutely correct

Proteins are the building blocks of our bodies and are great source for long term energy needs. Fiber (water soluble are the best) does not give energy or molecules for growth but are good for helping eliminate toxins.

protein helps you build muscle. Fiber helps move stuff through your system and out the back door.

How about a simple answer? Fiber is the 'roughage' of a fruit or vegetable. It is usually the peel, but not always. Protein is for energy. It can come from plants (like nuts do) or animals (such as meat). Nuts can also be fiber, depending on what kind you eat and how processed they are. Hope this helps.

Protein helps muscle growth, and fiber is a substance that the body doesn't absorb so it just comes out your rear.

previous poster gave good description. Foods high in with protein are beef, fish, chicken, milk, eggs. Foods high in fiber are often green leafy vegatables and fruit.

Protein - filling, used for building muscle,

Fiber - carbohydrate (a good one), also filling and used by body for energy and for stimulating proper digestion.

fibre and proteins are totally different...proteins are made up of amino acids while fibers are made up of long thread like structures...proteins are usually used by the body as a building block...the body uses protein as a source of energy only when carbohydrates are insufficient in amount.fibres are used for muscle development n proper digestion because they act as a grinding machine in stomach

Hi Suzie,

Fiber is certain plant materials that are actually not digestable. One of the key components is a substance called cellulose. Due to the fact that our stomach and intestines do not break these materials down for absorbtion into the bloodstream they form what is called bulk and this exercises the digestive system so to speak.Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of fiber.

Proteins are chemicals that are found in both plant and animal products that are digestable. In other words, our bodies can break them down and absorb them. They are the building blocks of life and make up almost everything in our bodies. They are very heavily concentrated in muscle, but are everwhere withing us.

fiber is what helps you do...well i'll just say #2.protiens are for making you stronger.

I'll give you a basic overview because there is an overwhelming baseof information i could flood you with, most of which is useless

Proteins are used to rebuild torn down muscle fibers, as you use muscles they are always tearing and the rebuilding process is what makes them stronger. therefore better rebuilding means better gains in muscle strength. it can be found in eggs and meats. an average hardboiled egg has 11 grams of protein. you're body needs 0.9 to 1.5 times your weight in pounds of grams of protein daily if you are looking for the most efficient results (if you way 100 pounds, intake 90-150 grams of protein a day, protein shakes are necesary for these amounts usuall..)

Fibre is helpful in your digestive system because it cannot be digested. therefore its like a broom, it goes through pushing out bad stuff and well any stuff along the proper passages. enough fiber can significantly reduce your bodies likelihood of getting colon cancer etc. it'll make you more 'regular' towards bathroom trips. best place to find it is in your greens. wheatgrass juice has a LOT of fibre in it, and chased with a slice of orange aint so bad. for getting wheat grass you'll have to stop by your local smoothie or juice place (like a jamba juice, etc)

fiber is the part of food that does not get digested in your body. (its usually made up of glucose, normally glucose is digested in your body, but glucose in the fiber is linked together is such a way that the body cannot break down this link, or we do not have the enzymes in our body that can break these links, cows and some other herbivorous have these enzymes and thus they can digest it we cannot) its passed out un-changed. Proteins are what muscles are made up of. (Proteins are long chains of amino acids)
Their functions.
Well fibers help to keep the digestive track clean, and help prevent against constipation.
Proteins are what we are made up of, they help to build new muscles, heal wounds.

according to nutrition facts: most wheat products has vitamins
like breads also milk has vitamin protine enriched with D " orangejuce has vitamin C" : Fiber comes from whole grain cearals like Oatmeal those differe in many ways to help the body
fit and well balanced me!

fiber helps u poop ur pants

If your body is a super highway, then protein would be the semi-trailers carring good stuff from point to point.
Fiber would be the street sweeper that keeps the roads clean.

Mya Martinez
Proteins are long chain molecules that are made up of amino acids and fibre is its own molecule that helps aid digestion and keeps everything "running" as some people say.
Protein aids the growth of new cells and growth of the body itself.

Most vegetables and fruits are high in fiber.
Most meat products are high in protein.

Fiber helps waste move in the digestive tract and helps with your health.

Protein contain amino acids that are the building blocks for muscles

Fiber is cellulose, the stuff that makes up the cell linings in plants. Any plant has fiber, but processing can take it out. Fresh fruit, raw or steamed vegetables, and whole grains are full of fiber.

Protein are combinations of amino acids. You can make your own proteins from amino acids in different plants, or you can take a shortcut and eat meat, where the previous owner of the meat has done this for you.

Protein is used to build muscles are grow bones, hair, nails, and organs.

Fiber is not used by the body, and that is why we need it. It is passed out through the intestine and helps to keep fecal matter moving. Protein, sugars, and fats convert to urine, and a diet that is low in fiber will not provide enough bulk to move stuff through the intestine. This slowness is associated with colon cancer. Animals that are supposed to only eat meat have a much lower ratio of short intestine to body length than animals that are supposed to only eat plants. Humans are somewhere in between, indicating that we are supposed to be omnivores.

In addition, the body pulls cholesterol from the blood to help lubricate the fiber, so fiber helps lower serum cholesterol.

guy p
What is dietary fiber?
Dietary fiber is the term for several materials that make up the parts of plants your body can't digest. Fiber is classified as soluble or insoluble.
When eaten regularly as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, soluble fiber has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol. Oats have the highest proportion of soluble fiber of any grain. Foods high in soluble fiber include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries and apple pulp.
Insoluble fiber doesn't seem to help lower blood cholesterol. However, it's an important aid in normal bowel function. Foods high in insoluble fiber include whole-wheat breads, wheat cereals, wheat bran, rye, rice, barley, most other grains, cabbage, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin.
What is Protein?
PROTEINS - Highly complex nitrogenous compounds found in all animal and vegetable tissues. They are built up of amino acids and are essential for growth and repair of the body.
Proteins are the primary component of numerous body tissues. They are the main component of muscle tissue. Protein helps muscle development, increases strength, and improves athletic performance.
Proteins also make up the outer layers of hair, nails and skin.

So to recap, Proteins are for growth and repair of the body and Fiber fiber mainly helps lower cholesterol and aid in normal bowel function.

I hope this helps……
Guy M. Perone Jr.

ANMF & AHA provided info

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