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 I was strangled yesterday and?
today there is this swelling in my neck and when i touch it, it hurts!
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well, he strangled me because he was angry ...

 What do you think is wrong with my leg?
I do cheerleading. I can do splits and jumps and everything. Lately, as in the last month or so, My inner thigh has REALLY been bothering me when I do a split or a jump or stretch. About 5 days ago, ...

 Why do I do it if it hurts?
I have had a bike crash and a few cuts and bruises...which I tend to rub and press to feel the pain. I surprised myself enjoying the pain!! Is it normal?
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 Its all fun and games until??
And please don't say any of that "someone gets hurt" or "loses an eye" BS

Think ...

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 What are easy ways to break my ankle?

 Help OMG please someone help me !!!!??? =[?
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 How do I break my arm?
I need to break my arm to get out of P.E. I need to do 72 hours of physical activity for school, and I don't want to do it. How do I get out of it by breaking my arm?...

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 What is eye doctor called?
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 How do i know if my hand is broken?
it hurts, i cant move it very well, its very swollen but i didnt hear a crack when it happened
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im at school and i ...

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June of 2006 I fell off a roof and broke my right shoulder, left arm resulting in surgery and multiable broken ribs. Salina Regional Health, a hospital in Salina, Ks never wrapped or administered any ...

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I fell on a wine bottle, it went up my butt.(it hurt this is not funny) Now the cork is stuck up there. What do I do?
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the 5-yr old girl got fractured and was in extreme pain - the hospital in town couldn't treat her, so they asked her to be taken to another town 1 hour from here. In that hospital the doctor ...

If you break your nose will it be smaller?
i hate my nose and im think in i break it it will be smaller.

nope! But it could be crooked or bigger...

nooooo! are you out of your mind??

Probably not, but it may be crooked. Which will be worse.

Do all things with l♡ve
no, just unporportional

It probably wont get smaller, but it might bet crooked or uneven if you break it.

There are a lot of people saying no... I'm not gonna say it, I'm just gonna say, HOLY CRAP THAT WOULD HURT!!!

no, it would be crooked. why don't you wait until you can afford rhinoplasty? the doctor will break your nose for you.

No, it won't. It'll actually become a little bit bigger, and possibly crooked.

-,- seriously its ver painful it wil not be bigger or smaller all though it will swell up obviously it will heal and be either th same or croked, esiest thing for you to do is have a nose job ?

ofcourse not. It will become bigger. Have you ever seen Owen Wilson's nose. Well i bet his nose was smaller then he broke it and it got bigger.

SusanS, Incognito
I should think NOT! Breaking it will cause it to swell, plus you might get a deviated septum which will cause a lot more troubles. Talk to your parents about your concerns.

Ray's Wifey
do you want to look like michael ?

Will probably be bigger

angel1^[]^1 baby
no it will be crooked.


Susan T
No. If you break your nose, it will be bigger due to swelling and then you wil have to get it set to fix it. If you break it and don't get it fixed, then you will have a deformity.
The only way to get a nose reduction is through rhinoplasty.

If it is random break, then it will only get bigger and misshapened. If a doctor is doing it, then he will
be able to reshape it and make it smaller. My sister
broke her nose 6 times, through sports and it only got
bigger and uglier each time. After she quit sports, she
had to have a doctor rebreak it and reshape it. It now
looks great and normal. Good luck :)

make it bigger n kinda not straight

Nope! It will only cause the bone in your nose to move so that it will stick out more. If anything, it will look bigger and worse. I would reccomend surgery if you really want to change your nose.

Nope, mabie crooked, swollen, hurting, and even bigger

Kelly B
actullay no. Look at owen wilson. he has broken his nose. did his get smaller, no.
if you break your nose it will be even worse because it will be crooked and the way you dont like it, so its double the trouble of you not liking it.
dont even get plastic sugerey on your nose either, im telling you its a peice of crap and it never works.
some one out there is just like you and hate it to but if this is because of your beauty and you want a guy to like you. a guy should like you for you.

not likely and the cartilage doesn't always heal in the most aesthetically pleasing manner... and your septum will likely be deviated afterwards, which might cause you to actually NEED rhinoplasty...

no, most likely it will heal with a bump on the ridge making it larger... or it could heal nicely and look the same.

L A U R A !
it might be crooked.
i actaully knew a girl and it looked bigger after it was broken.
don't do itttttt.

no it will swell up big time

It will probably swell up and look crooked.
Not a good way to change your looks.

Rachel Rae
NO thats crazy don't do that

nooooo all you are going to to is make it worse...plus you should love yourself don't change for anyone..your big nose its what makes you unique...its youy identity...trust me if you change your nose you'll change your whole face....don't do it

C Ttam
there is no chance that that will make your nose smaller...the only thing you will accomplish is causing yourself a lot of pain, blood, and your nose may heal crooked

are you crazy? you will mis-shape your nose permanently. you will most likely have a large bump wherever the nose breaks. and you could damage your sinus cavities and make permanent black bags under your eyes. so do not break your nose, it is probably not as bad as you think. and if youre still an adolesent you'll likely grow out of this thought process. good luck, please dont break your nose.

ty t
no its will just be broken, and crooked.

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