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 HOW DO YOU break you arm!?
soemone tell me how you break your arm! i dont want 2 but ...

 If you really sprained your foot would u be able to walk normally on it?
I have a girl that is staying with me who "claims" she sprained her ankle 2 days ago i never seen her limp etc now that my minivan is off the road she keeps saying she has foot problems. ...

 How would i know if i had punctured my lung?
last night i was running, i came back, and going in hte house, i sometimes press into my belly ( like 2 inches below the breasts ) , and it was pretty hard pressing, so that it hurt. i mena not a ...

 I sprained my ankle and fracture my fibula bone but just a hairline fracture.?
I was wondering I have been told by my job and other people that the docter should have either put a boot or a cast on me because of the fracture because I could injure it more. My docter sent me ...

 What Can I Do To Break/Fracture/Sprain My Wrist That Won’t Hurt A Lot When I Do Hurt It?
Thanks!!! I'm an almost 16 year old girl if that matters.
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i know it would hurt a lot, i don't really care! and i'm not stupid. i have reasons i'm ...

 Are you clumsy?
i am, i fall sometimes, i always walk into things, what is it you do that makes you clumsy....

 I got Burned on my arm?
I gor Burned on my arm at this mexican place and the plate was hot i was grabing my drink and my arm touch it so how can i treat the burned?
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I use ...

 I've got 24 bruises on my legs but don't no how I got them! They don't hurt........?? :S?

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No smudge, I wasn't drunk, i'm only 13! :P...

 I hurt my leg 6 months ago and and it still hurts. There's a GAP in my leg where muscle used to be.?
I give up. I tried everything. I went to a doctor and she told me to take 4 asprins a day for a week...nothing. I then went to physical therapy...nothing. But then I started walking on my own about 4 ...

 Can I claim personal injury compensation in case of broken leg while doing Motocross experience race?
I've broken my leg on 21st Aug while falling off the motocross bike on a muddy and slippery track. Nobody's fault, purely loosing control when landing after the jump. as far as I'm ...

 My boyfriend just came in my eye WHAT DO I DO???
Help it hurts and it is all red and i look like Quazimoto. not kidding. What do I do?...

 Have you ever had a very serious injury?
have you ver had a really serius injury? please tell me? please tell full story of wat happened? what bone did you break? did you even break a bone? did you go too the hospital?

just ...

 How long will it take for my toenail to grow back?
Okay, so heres the thing... I was playing soccer and some obese girl stomped on my foot. It hurt really bad, when I got home I took off all my stuff and my toe really hurt. In the next few days my ...

 Have you ever rode in a ambulance? If so for what?
I have a couple of times one last year when I flipped backwards over my pool trying to catch a ball and wacked my head on a rock and fence. It was a 4 foot fall. I remeber when I was in the ambulance ...

 Who cuts rings off your finger when they become too tight?

 I tore my ankle ligiments 6 months ago and im still in pain what should i do?

 Is my ankle broken?
it is swoolen and is very painful to the touch!!! help ...

 Colar Bone Break??
how long does it take for a Colar Bone to heal after being broken?...

 After sustaining a herniated disc in the lower back, how long does it take for pain to radiate down the leg?
I have 2 herniated discs in my back (L5/S1, L4). I've been injured w/o specific treatment for the discs for a year. It took 3 1/2 months for pain to go from my back to my leg (w/glute and hip ...

 How do you know?
How do you know when a puncture wound is getting infected? Be specific......

My husband was injured in a serious road accident?
My husabnd was injured in a serious road accident on 18/01/2006 while driving a works vehicle and while carrying out work duties.His van was blown over while doing 15 miles an hour and fell into a ditch (there were severe weather warnings on this day ) he was trapped and was rescued by two men who were in the vehicle behind him.He was rushed to hospital (casualty) where he suffered shock,broken leg,whiplash,cuts too hand ,back,and bad bruising . He has crutches. He is due to see his manager on monday and we want to ask him about his wages while off recoperating with his injuries and also about compensation .Never come accross this before and wondered if anyone has any advice
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We have already informed his work , obviously , that this accident has happened and police have been to see my husband at home to discuss details of the accident .

Sounds like an act of God may want to go after your insurance and or companys or talk to a lawyer.

Vet Dreamer
Wait until he get;s Better..Just pray to God he is da only one who will give you hope.

kramer lee
just keep details of every single thing that has happened since the accident. There are lawyers out there who work for No Win No Fee. Worth giving them a ring to find out what the go is.

strange...if it was a natural event, it would seem reasonable to talk to a lawyer about it.
dont sign anything for the insurance companies. they will try to force you to sign as early as possible. sometimes the injuries will arise much later, like near the end of
the statuate of limitations which is like two of three years.

What Jeanette is saying below sounds like good counsel.

well its good he had witnesses...have them sign sworn statements.

one thing that is common now is black boxes on the vehicles that can prove that he was only going 15 mph before the accident. especially if it was a GM vehicle.

Granny 1
Workman comp should apply here, if you get no where call a lawyer and make sure he deals with comp law. good luck hope all goes well for you.

Jeanette M
Well was there a police report? Are they paying for his medical bills? The united States has a No Fault Car Insurance.
Well was it the company works Vechile he was driving while he was working? They companies work vechile insurance should cover everything...including his medical bills, loss of wages, home health care..like you taking care of him...examples like bathing him,helping him get dressed. helping him get around the house., 1/2 the house hold chores, also the crutches, medications, also the insurance company should pay for any of his medical bills for the rest of his life as long as it is related to the accident and everything relating to the accident and etc.
But all insurance companies won't tell you everything.But make sure the insurance company document everything for later years. Hubby and I are learning still.
I would check into the car insurance of the companies. They sometime it can pay up to 85 percent tax free for the work wages. Workman's comp doesn't pay much and you have to claim taxes.
Mention to his manger what I have told you. Because It will save the company some money. Also Workman's comp..the case is closed and they won't opeed it up again even if he has any other problems down the road...they won't pay for it. They will blame it on something else.
My hubby and I just went Thur this.. we both were involved in a serious accident on 10/14/06 .Areomed to the hospital. Also your hubby may have some ruptured disc...get an MRI done.
My hubby has back pain. They found ruptured disc when they did the MRI. Also let the dentist know about the accident due to he might of hit his head,mouth,& face. Due to the teeth with any type of blow...in the future he may need some kind of root canal or something. But let the insurance company document that too. but don't sign off on any thing with the insurance company for the teeth or the medical bills.
Some Lawyers give free home visits and a free 1st consultation. Also they sometimes no fees until the end of the case. some get 33 percent. Its worth it.
I hope this helps you out some. I hope you don't get screwed.
But if I was you get a LAWYER involved...please.

Call your state workers compensation agency ASAP.........

They can help you, and you may want to talk to an attorney. Accepting benefits or compensation can have an effect on your rights afterward. You want don't to accept something and preclude your husband from being able to make a claim against the employer.

If he was on the job and especially if he was using a company vehicle, he should be covered under work's policy.

Be calm, and talk to his boss on Monday. Actually, you should have been in touch with his boss right after your husband was safe and resting either in the hospital or at home.

I wouldn't start to look for a lawyer until you see how his work is going to handle it. Most workman's comp is fairly decent, and there are often very strict laws as to how it can be handled.

Good luck.

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