Go to the doctor |

Sounds like a concussion ('knock' on the skull). Stop all exercising & see your school nurse or call your doctor's office NOW. You should not ride a bike or drive at this time. Tell your folks; nurse or doctor cam't do anything without permission from one of your folks. Good luck! |

Dan D
SEE A DOCTOR, it might be serious you might have injured your brain it could be permanent damage GO SEE A DOCTOR |

go to the doctor immediately. the longer you wait, the worse it could become. |

simply tiff
go to the doctor and quick! |

Get one of your parents or a friend to take you to your doctor or the hospital right away. Head injuries aren't something to ignore. |

you have concussion you just need to go lie down and go to sleep you will be fine after that
or thats what its like with me !!!
hope u feel better |

don't worry about it, every time i hit my head on the something i feel the same way, it'll only last for a little while. take some ibuprofen, that should help. If it doesn't go to the doctor just to be safe. |

You probably have a concussion. Go to the Doctor. |

you may have a concussion, tell parent and go to dr immed. |

One time that happened to me after getting hit really hard in the head. You might have a concussion!
You should just rest up, and try not to eat too much.. I ended up vomitting after I ate.
You should be fine tomorrow or the next day, just try to rest, okay? |

Becky E
it might be really serious! You should tell your parents or a friend and have them take you to a doctor to get you checked. |

There's no magic pill. Take a nap and give it some time. You're either just disoriented or... disoriented. Minor head trauma can leave effects just like major, but it shouldn't be anything to worry about. Now, if you start to lose your vision or stumble over your own feet for days, you might want to visit the doctor! : ) |

Natti Rockr
You more than likely suffered a concussion. There's nothing really you can do to alleviate it. If you feel like you're about to fall asleep, black out, or just suddenly pass out - try to resist this urge. The reason being (and I don't mean to scare you) is that if something is seriously wrong, its often difficult to catch if the person who's suffered a concussion just 'looks like they're sleeping'. Be sure to drink water, eat some white bread for carbs, and try reading a magazine or a book for concentration. Before you go to a hospital or call in an emergency, have somebody flash a light into your eyes to make sure your pupils are reacting properly (if they dilate slowly or not at all, then something might be wrong)... but if you can follow the light and your eyes are working, then its a good sign the rest of you is working too.
It sounds like this is nothing to worry about though on account of your being able to get up and walk around. Any time you experience minor trauma you start to feel uneasy and lose some motor function... Its the same thing with breaking a bone, getting the wind knocked out of you, tripping down some stairs, or even in the most classically overlooked scenario, the common flu - your body will feel disoriented. |

You could have suffered some kind of concussion and should probably visit a doctor. |

i would advise going to the doctors. it looks like you have concussion. you risk blacking out and loss of memory as you get into the later stages. i would stongly advise going to the doctors right away |

Tolula G
You most likely have a minor concussion. Go to the doctor.
Whatever you do, DO NOT fall asleep |

sounds like you may have a concussion, check it out on wikipedia.com. you should go to the doc just incase.
it could be worse. if you go to sleep someone should wake you every 2 hours.
my son had a concussion about 4 years ago, he was running to the house and tripped on the porch steps, busted his head on our metal door....he felt the same way. oh! we had to replace our metal door because his hard head dented the front so bad that it would not close or lock.
get help!!
from whatlogincaniuse... |

cobhc fucers
go to see the docter odveusly if its somthing to do with ur head go staright away |

Concussion. See a doctor |

you might have a concussion ... i'd see a doctor if i were you ... you might even have cracked your skull |

sounds like you suffered a concussion.... go seek medical attention right away........ |

patricia j
I would definately go to the hospital.
The nausea is a sign of head injury. Whatever you do .... do not take a nap or go to bed.
Another note..........when you hit your head, usually you get a knot........that is normal, but if you dont have a knot prodruding out that means that it is protruding in. That is the worst kind to have.
Go to the doctor and have them check you out quickly. before you pass out |

Concussion, go see a Dr, |

Go to the doctor. They could check for a concusion. |

Go to your doctor. It might be a minor concussion. You may black out later so ask someone to drive you there. |

sounds like a slight concusion! go to the ER or tell your mom or someone! |

see a doctor immediately. i would go to the ER right now |

I ♥ spongbob squarepants
you should go out to the hospital they will do a cat scan of your head to make sure everythings ok |

Birdie birdie birdie
You probably have a concussion. You need to go to the doctor and DON'T fall asleep! Don't listen to these people who are telling you to take a nap. That's the last thing you want to do if its a concussion. |

I believe you are suffering from over exposure to edward cullen... i am currently suffering from this as well so i can relate :) oh, and im sure whoever may or may not have caused this injury, i am sure they are VERY, VERY sorry!!!! |

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