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 How can I make bruising disapear quicker - I have a black eye!!! :-(?

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I had a little clubbing incident for all of you that want to know!!! Thanks for the help by the way!!!...

 What is your belly button?
I know your belly button is where the umbilical cord broke off, but what is the point of it? Can it be surgically removed without harm? Why are people so squeemish about them? Just for fun!...

 Swollen newly peirced ears?
i had my ears peirced 3 weeks ago, 2 on my ear lobes and one at the top. a few days after getting them done the left bottom one swelled up. went down, with some extra cleaning and was no problem. ...

 I have had water in my ear for 2 days?
will it come out by itself or will i need to go to doctor

can it do any lasting damage if i don't go to the ...

 Help my dad might die?
my dad was riding his bike and sopemone backed out and hit him and he has to go to the emer room my mom just called to say i have to give the dog food and stuff and please tell me somethign i can do ...

 I have cutting scars on my arm, and they are too noticable...?
I've stopped cutting and now regret that I ever did so much.
I really want the scars to fade but they wont I have about 6 of the most noticable scars on ym arm. Thats wht ppl see instead of ...

 My Hand hurts, should I go to the ER?
I have a really sore, swollen and kind of bruised hand. Parts are black and blue.

It hurts to move so badly that i have resorted to just sitting and crying. It functions properly, so my ...

 He's killing himself HELP!!!?
my best friend has a bloodclot on the bottom of his back. It hurts him so bad that all he does is sleep. Now is exspelled from school. I told him all he's doing is making it stronger by staying ...

 Does it hurt worse to be stung by a jellyfish or a wasp?

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I'm not talking irakundji (the deadly jellyfish), but I mean the sting in general, size of the sting being proportionate....

 I this is weried but in surgery do the let you wear underwear?

 Do I need a tetnus shot? drill bit injury...?
Okay, nice one -- I was drilling a hole and the drill bit wasn't in tight, the bit went at an angle into my finger. Traumatic, lots of blood and quite a hole, but I didn't hit bone, it ...

 I cut myself for the first time...?
I did it for the first time ever today...and when i did it, i blacked out. I dont remember anything except looking at my bloody wrist...im scarred because i dont want to do it again....

 Ouch! right between the legs!?
we had a big game of basketball today after school. I went for a pass and hit another girl from the other team right in the face causing her to tumble over. I came over and stood above her to see if ...

 What's wrong with me..?
I was sitting on my couch, and began to walk across the room. All the sudden, I blacked out.. I grabbed the entertainment center, and next thing I knew I was laying on the floor.. my hands were ...

 How soon after stepping on a rusty nail do you need to get a tetanus shot? Can you wait a couple of weeks?
My wife is on vacation in Florida and stepped on a rusty nail. It pierced her shoe and left a mark on her foot, but her foot did not bleed. She's wondering if she needs to get a tetanus shot ASAP...

 Do I need to go to the Emergency Room?
I was out in the sun all week long and I still feel nauseous and dizzy. I got really badly sunburned to. I dont want to go into the ER only for them to tell me that nothing is wrong but I feel like ...

 How Do You Know If A Bone Is Broken??
Foot went completely under leg, ankle is swollen severely, black, blue extremely painful...not able to fully weight bare, though can hobble.

Sprain or break?...

 Big toe stuck in a bowling ball?
I asked this yesterday and its still stuck. What happen was yesterday morning I was sitting in the chair. I was rolling a bowling ball around with my feet and toes. I put my big toe in the thumb hole ...

 My principle choked me and i dont know what to do?
my principle choked me slammed med down to the ground and i pulled his tie and then he picked me up and then he twisted my arm back and he tried to break it what to do the police wont lock him up ...

 Help with a burn?
i was curling my hair the other night and i burnt my cheek with my curling tongs...the skin actually bubbled and im left with a big mark on my cheek...it will definitely scab...i just need help on ...

Ive burnt my little finger how do i stop it hurtin so much?
its in a cup of iced water at the moment but wen i take it out it kills

jim b

For starters, yoghurt, if full fat even better. If it's a heavy burn though (2nd or 3rd degree) you need to seek immediate medical attention.
Hope you get well soon!Cheers

amy w
keep it in water for aout 20-30 mins

put it in Hot water as hot as you can stand it NOT Cold water

KJ Gracie
Lavender oil. You could put some ice in it to cool it, so it is soothing.
Lavender will prevent infection, aid healing and stop scarring.

Funky Munky´s back
Keep it in ice water and get someone to take you to casualty

Try some antiseptic cream like germoline

keep it in the cold water for an hour or so. DO NOT put any fat of any kind on it if it still hurts badly after an hour get to a hospital.

If the skin broke when the burn happened - get yourself to the hospital now and take your cold water with you!

run it under the cold water tap for at least ten minutes to stop it cooking.

Keep up that treatment for up to 30 min. Do not apply butter, oils will increase the burn time. Air dry and apply a burn or aloe vera gel.

Burn your thumb, that will take your mind off your little finger!

Kate O
well i once did the same thing and i soaked in hot water then iced and kept switching it worked well for me

Keep it there. It will stop hurting after about four hours, usually. You could take Paracetamol to help it along, but nature has to take its course.

try cutting the finger off .. it might just help

Ice it down and do it often. That's your best bet. If you can get yourself to the drug store you can pick up some burn cream over the counter. It's not expensive and it works.

Indigo's Mum
Do not use butter, as it will heat up and burn it more. I know it's too late now, but always keep a small potato in the freezer. They take ages to melt when you bring them out so would provide longer pain relief than ordinary ice. Take it from someone so clumsy she burns herself on the iron, grill, straightners etc at least once a week.

The ONLY things that will help are burn spray (which I recommend), ice or cold water. Whatever you do, don't use butter or oil of any kind, it will make the burn deeper and cause it to keep burning.

Terry O
Germolene, cnt beat it!

If you burnt the skin, make sure you keep it cool (not frozen like with ice, but just cool like under running water) coat it in some kind of petrolium jelly or ointment to prevent infection, and anti-bacterial is good, or even hemmoroid cream relieves the topical pain, reduces swelling, and coats the skin. Aloe also helps soothe the pain some. Take some Tylenol or Motrin, it will help relieve pain from the inside. And then distract yourself (no whining allowed). Pretty soon you'll forget about it hurting and be all good to go again.

best thing to do is keep it in water for aout 10 mins then you could try some savlon on it to keep the skin moist

Don't put next to ice but put it under a running cold tap.

aloe vera gel

leave it in there, it has to stay in for a while. you could use a burn cream to reduce the throbbing

If the burn is small ( less than 5 P in diameter ) and superficial, use the cold water/ice to cool it down, then wrap the finger in clean cling film. This keeps the air out and often the pain goes away.If its larger or deeper keep the cling film an and go to you nearest A&E dept.Its important to have a professional examine it to make sure you havent damaged the nerves. If it blisters do not perforate the blister as this needs to be done with a sterile instrument to stop infection.
Do not use any fat, butter oil etc . These are useless and may infect the wound.
Hot water is just plain daft. you want to cool a burn to prevent any further damage!

Dixie Dingo
If the skin is not broken...keep it in the ice bath. Put nothing on it. Ice will keep the injury from getting worse. Take Tylenol or Motrin for the pain.

Mike N
stick it in cold water - quick.

run it under cold water

Keep it right on ice all day. and when you go to sleep keep an ice pack on your finger. If you keep it on ice all day and sleep with an ice pack on ur finger, it will be fine tommorow. how did you burn it? juss curiouse.

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