Q cumber
I would take the ring out, it is probably going gangrenous and your ear is going to fall off. |

Your going to have to remove it and let the infection drain. I'm guessing you have infection trapped in the ear with scabbing not letting it drain. Clean ear as earring well with hydrogen peroxide and place neo-sporin salve on post of earring before putting it back in ear hole.
If you can't get it to drain you need to seek a doctor. |

it's infected. your body is rejecting the piercing. if you want to save the look of your ear, take out the earring. |

Sabrina Devareoux
ice it now! then get to the doctor!!! thats severe. |

Thousands of people have lost their ears to piercing !
You tried it didn't work so take it out .
Use cream intended for piles such as anusol ,
sounds ridiculous i know but it is the best antiseptic you can buy (think about where its usually used , it has to be good) |

Put a small hoop earring in it and keep cleaning it. I had the same problem . It needs air through the hole. the hoop earring won't bother you so much. |

well u might have an allergy to whatever metal the earring is made of. i got my ears pierced for the firs ttime ever(with a gun) last march and it was totally fine but the next day it beagn hurting, 3 days later i realized the back was on too close to my ear so i losened it and the pain went away. if the backing is right against ur ear, try losening it...hope i can help. feel better
i didnt have any other problems though, no swelling or discharge |

krissy s
i think you need to take it out trust me i had the same thing happen like two weeks ago i took it out and the swelling went down then i gave it a day or so after that and put it back in and its been fine so i hope i could help you plz return the favor and answer some of my questions |

Get it Clean and dry and keep it clean and dry.
You have had the metal in your body for 3 weeks so I would not thing it was the type of metal the earring was made of.
So if cleaning it - not so much to irritate it - just clean and dry two to three times a day. If it does not calm down in a couple of days see a doctor. |

kenzies mum
ice in a wet flannel. go to docs if it gets any worse, that is if you like your ears. |

Joanne D
Remove the earring as you obviously have an infection and as you have realised no amount of cleaning has worked.
I had my nose pierced once and it swelled up and was incredibly sore. A few months later I had it pierced again and the same thing happened again - only the 2nd time I didnt take it out, it shot out when I sneezed. I had to accept that it wasnt to be. |

I can't wear earrings in the tops of my ears but the bottoms are fine.
have you tried changing the earring as you could be allergic to the ones you have in |

Happy- Go
you need antibiotics |

Go to the doctor, you may have an infection and may need anti-biotics. |

please tell me you didn't get it done with a gun? If so then you have more then likely shattered your cartilage. If you did get it done with a gun take the piercing out ASAP, let it heal, and then get it done CORRECTLY. If you didn't then I would suggest cleaning it with sea salt soaks and having your piercer look at it. DO NOT TAKE IT OUT. If you do and it is infected then it can spread. Also any smart real piercer would not let you get all of those piercings done all at once. So, that has lead me to believe you have gotten it done at some little place with a gun. If you have TAKE IT OUT! |

I have sensitive ears so I know what that is like. It might be that your ears are allergic to the type of material your earings are made of. This is only a suggestion though. |

after getting your ears pierced you need to wear hoops so you can turn them round often |

You may be allergic to earrings that are made with nickel in them. Try trading out those posts for nickel-free earrings instead. My daughter has that problem and her ears had a bad reaction until we switched her to nickel-free earrings. Also do consider going to the doctor...not anything to mess around with. |

I think you should see a doctor. It sounds like the piercings may be infected. You should have it checked out. |

sad to say but that happened to me too what i did was just take it out and let it heal on its own just let it close mine swelled up because i have thick earlobes |

first, only use what they give yu. the stuff is made for these situations, and you dont wanna put nething on thts only gonna make it worse.
so give it a day or two, using wt you were given, and if it doesnt go down, go see a doc, as you may have an infection.
but it ould just be ur body's reaction to having a bit of metal rammed through ur ear...
also it depends where you had it doen. if it was done at a salon, it might just be a normal infection, hts easy to clear up. if it was done at a dodgy shop, or a market, or by a friend with a needle and ice cube, it'll be more likely to be infected as the gun they will have used will not be cleaned between clients, so theres a higher risk of infection.
if it doesnt clear itself up, go to the doc. |

Kit Kat
Make sure you're earring isn't too tight. If it is then it will swell and begin to look like it's dissappearing inside your ear. Also, I pierced my ears 3 weeks ago and the lady told me that if any itching or swelling occurs NOT to use alchole but Nion. I belive that's what it's called.
God luck and I hope the pain goes away. |

betadine ointment.. helped my belly piercing.. took a while.
alcohol when I was young on my ears. |

. SpaceAlien(NoSpaces)
the posts arent too tight are they? what are the ear rings made of? |

You have an infection. Go to the place that you had your earlobes pierced and ask them to pay for the doctor bill. Show them the receipt that you had your ear pierced and talk to management, not the sales people.
Let them know that you are going to emergency to cure your infection. As soon as the bill comes in, have them pay.
If they refuse to pay the bill, take them to court. |

go back 2 the place u got them done @ and ask what is rong |

Elke B
I for example am allergic to nickle( as many people are, u2?) and gold(lucky lucky man that ends up with me), copper and palladium.... some silver earings are also not pure enough
Titanium studs are great, not as expensive as I first assumed.
Get some and try:)) |

It is normal to experience some soreness and perhaps a very very small amount of swelling after getting them pierced. But it sounds to me like you may be experiencing infections. Usually, the piercer will give you some special solution to apply to your piercing holes 3 times a day for the next 6-8 weeks. Remember that you must turn your earings several times a day as much as possible!!! This will help the new holes stay open so that they do not close up on your earing! It is very important that you turn them! I cannot emphasize enough!!!
However, if you are following all of these steps, then perhaps you should return to the piercer to discuss any of your issues!
Good luck! |

SusanS, Incognito
It sounds like you have an infection or an allergic reaction. See your doctor. Good luck. |

You're probably allergic to the silver studs. Silver is not completely clean when placed against an open wound. Until the ear heals, you should use gold or surgical steel. The person who did the piercing should have advised you of this. Also, make sure the size of the stud is not too large for the hole that piercing needle produced. Use bacitracin ointment as a lubricant for the stud and turn it often during the day to keep it from sticking. |

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