yes, to save the electric. |

The Big B
No! |

No I could not. It has been my experience that when man says no...GOD says yes. It's not over till God says so. I would try my best to keep the faith and believe God for his recovery. |

Yes, but not right away. I would need them to have time to think to make sure they are certain. But if I knew they were sure, I would do it, even if it meant murder charges. |

Anonymous™ ©2008 !!
I don't think i could do it unless my partner had previuosly stated that he did not want to be kept alive like this if this should happen to him... otherwise, i would have to keep the machines on i'm affraid.. i would go every day and read to him and watch for any flicker of hope and pray that he would be one that did awake one day. I really hope you are not in this predicamant though and pray that if you are you do find the strength the make the decision that is right for YOU. And please make it for you and not based on what a bunch of strangers who may well not have been in your shoes dvise you. Take care,blessings and good luck. xx |

i would have to be in that situation to answer this Q |

busty bertha
this is a hard one if i knew they was in alot of pain i think i would as i would want them to do the same for me i don't want to be a burden on anyone and i have told my b/f that if anything happens to me and i can't talk or my body and life is dead that i don't want to live so yep think i would even though it would break my heart but if they could have some life then no way would i... |

Hard one, one that needs to be discussed long before it happens. If I was the paralysed person and I would never be able to communicate nor have any form of real life , as a contributing member of my family, I have already filled out the papers to pull the plug. It's part of my living will. |

Yes, I could I'm afraid. In fact I KINDA did by phone with my Father in-law ....... he had a living will and Belgium does not recognize those, and they keep them alive forever I guess. I called them up, and I said, It's what the family wants, it's what his living will states, and even though you are a different country, you must respect someone's decision like that no matter what. A few hours later (without any family speaking with them), the machines were turned off and he passed away. |

Difficult question. There are two answers in my mind. The first is do you do what is right for you. The second is, do you do what is right for them?
Ultimately, you should do what is best for them I would think! |

If you were maried only...
:) |


I know how my partner feels about that....and vice-versa. Neither one of us want to be kept alive like that.....so....
YES. |

well i had simular situation except the doctors told my mum if they should turn of the life machine off when my dad was in hospital. it was hard but we said yes so that my dad didn't have to suffer anymore. |

Lynn C
my husband has always said i must do it, but i dont honestly know if i could. |

for them yes, but selfishly i wouldnt want to be without them |

Without a second's hesitation if I knew it to be her wish. There are worse things that dying, and being in that awful situation is one of them; God forbid that my partner would hesitate if the roles were reversed. |

I can only answer this because we have talked about it. My husband would want me to switch off the machine, as the life he once had would not be the one I was trying to keep him alive for.
If you are in this position my heart goes out to you, talking about it and doing it - very different.
Good Luck |

not only could I do it, I did do it. have never regretted it either. |

kelly b
Yes cause i would not want my partner to suffer and I would want the same thing done to me. |

rock star
yea we already spoke about this scenario |

Yes It would be very hard but I would have to do it out of LOVE for her. (Believe me it would hurt). |

what a heartbreaking situation for anybody to be in! :( |

My partner and I have actually had this conversation and the answer is yes absolutely, because they are not really living, and not able to enjoy life. It is one of our requests, so neither of us could torcher the other by keeping them alive in that state. |

very hard situation |

I could not personally do it and I am a nurse. If he was BRAIN DEAD TOO and they could show me in black and white aka via the x-rays or test results I could have someone else pull the plug in a heartbeat. I don't think it would be me pulling the plug though as I am not that strong..............let the nurses or docs do it. Hubby and I both have an agreement that if we end up in a brain dead situation they have to show us the proven test results and then go ahead and have the plug pulled. |

yes. to be honest.
i wouldnt want to see someone i love suffer like that. |

I would as he himself wouldnt want to be like that. He would want to go with dignity. |

this is a hard one yes and no
yes because then they wouldn't be suffering any more
and no because they are a loved one and doing it would kill me |

if it was me paralysed from the neck down I'd want my partner to turn off the machine, but I honestly don't know if I could do it for him. I just hope I'm never in that situation |

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