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 I'm thinking of killing myself. What should I do?

 I forgot my question. I was going to ask a very profound question. Why do I forget my questions?

 Have you ever thought about suicide?
Like that was the only way to get rid of your problems, like when you are extremely stressed out. And you ask yourself, why am I here, why am I alive, and can I handle real life, and what to do....

 Would u consider this normal?
I got this new job and it's very boring. 2day was my 8th day. As soon as I get into the small store (where I work) I start looking at the clock to see how many hrs more I have 2 work.


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but over the last month i've been smoking it daily again.
now i'm trying to stop again and have not had any since last tuesday, but since then i've been feeling a bit grotty & ...

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 If I jump in front of a moving truck and died, would that be considered suicide, or just an accident?

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Okay guys, this was just a pathetic cry for help. I do want to kill myself; I just figured I'd ask since ...

 How much does it annoy you when you get told to cheer up?
This Is More Annoying When The Person Telling You To Cheer Up Knows Your Severly Depressed. It's Bad Enough When It Comes From A Stranger
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 I suffer severe depression,so does my brother and sister,do u think depression is genetic?

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Hi I am a teenage girl who has a huge self-esteem issue and isnt very good at contronling her emotions. Ever since my dad died three years ago my life has fallen apart, I mean I am currently in ...

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if u cut urself then does that mean ur emo??
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im not askingthis question becuase i wanna be emo for gosh sake!!!!!...

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If you are emotionally upset and very unhappy can it shorten your life or eventually kill you ? Like a heart attack ?

Can you die of a broken heart ?

I think you can .....

 How do I explain to my grandma why I tried to kill myself?

I'm 17, live with my grandma

Are you scared to die?
The last couple of months I have been so freaked out about dying and I don't know why, All I do is sit and think about it, I try to distract myself but nothing helps, what is wrong with me?
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I am only 23 yrs old with 2 girls ages 3 and 4

well you are not alone i feel the same way at times, My uncle is a dr I talked to him about it he said he has had that very question asked alot, he said it stems from nowdays you just see people dieing early in life..... it just makes you wunder, could i be next.

Lynda M ♥
I get that way sometimes, too. But a couple of months is too long. You should see someone.

Not pickin on ya sweetie, but ya might need to talk to someone about that. Sounds like a modified paranoia. ... paranoia being an irrational/imaginary fear. Me: I'm less afraid of death than most. A big part of me would consider it an angel of mercy.

Yes, I am, but only because I haven't really done much living in my lifetime. A person who is living life to the fullest shouldn't be afraid of dying. Maybe you just need to examine the way in which you're living your life.

I guess I can't say I am scared to die- I can say I hope it isn't painful or violent- you don't mention your age but I am in my late 40's so I sort of think it is normal for a person my age to think about dying- I worry that my kids will not be able to cope with life w/out me that sort of thing- but if your a younger person thinking about death isn't what I call normal so you may want to talk to someone like a counselor or parent or a preacher/priest. Have you recently had someone die that was close to you? That tends to make people get scared about it. My mother died when I was 10 and I know I had nightmares and fears forever it seemed like! But as I got older I grew away from the fears and realizes that God takes only the best because He has a plan for us! Pray evryday to your God and you will be allright! Peace!

no............ it's gonna happen...........nothing wrong with you....it's just the way life is

It OK to be afraid or have a fear of dying, but I dont thing it is normal to obsessed with it. I think you need to talk to someone about your feelings. Seek out a counselor.

What exactly do you fear about dying?

I had a similar problem recently, fearing I would cease to exist. But I just believed in my catholic religion, been pretty easy going. Think of it this way too, if we cease to exist after death, in a place of no existence there is no such thing as time and you would not suffer at all. Even if there is no after life there's no harm in believing in a religion, what damage does it do, if there is a heaven i'm prepared to enter it either way.

Just take up a religion and enjoy what you have. I'm 15 and overcame death, if your this old you should be able to overcome it too.

Moxie Crimefighter
You shouldn't worry about something that you really can't control(unless you are contemplating taking your own life). Sounds like some anxiety issues...since it seems to be consuming your life, maybe you should see a doctor.

♥Cute Angel♥
Yes, coz I won't see my frends and family
No, coz I'll be w/ God and Jesus :D


Call Me Miss Doctor James
I think that you need God in your life. "Never will I leave you never will I forsake you" as God says in the Bible. I believe in God and know that I will go to heaven. so i am not afraid

i am the same way sometimes...but you know what? i dont think i am scared so much of being dead than as to how I am going to die and how it will effect people around me. i think it is normal, but honestly, try your hardest not to worry about it..this is something everyone thinks and worries about..you are not alone

Don't worry. What religion are you? I recommend you to go to chruch and be a Christian. Jesus Christ the lord will give you eternal life.

Dr Know It All
We're all dying. It's part of life. I'm not scared of dying, I just don't want it to happen, because I enjoy living too much.

Nope, not afraid at all, looking forward to the answers it will provide. But not eager to learn either. It all depends on what you think death brings. Personally, I don't think there is a heaven or hell. I think when your body dies your soul stays here. You continue to exist in spirit, but guess what, no more bills! No more sickness, no more of any of the limitations created by a material body. It does have it's drawbacks, not being able to communicate with the living without scaring the crap out of them for example. So stop and think, what's the worst that could happen? The afterlife can be a blast if you want it to be, just believe.

The only aspect of death I am afraid of is not being remembered for great things when it happens. I'd like to think that between now and then I can make a postive impact on society, or at least my community. More than anything, I fear of being with out my family if any of them shall go before me.

No, Not at all. I do not think I'll live forever, Do not want to die, but I am not at all afraid to die.

I'm not scared to die, it's part of life but i'm scared and worried about the people I love that i'm gonna leave behind.

never have been, looking forward to finding out what else there is after this.

you should talk to someone about your fear, someone professional, maybe it's just an anxiety problem that can be addressed or treated before you have the chance and time for it to maybe become something much more

I know exactly what you are going through. My fear of dying has been so intense lately and I haven't a clue why this is happening to me either. I have been thinking about it a lot, and the fact is...every one dies at one point. And to make myself feel better about that dark fate I try to live life better. Living life to its fullest so that when my day comes I won't have any regrets and will (hopefully) be less scared. I was once told (I'm not highly religious) that this was God's way of calling me to him, like this fear was a way to tell me that I need to reconnect to him again. I don't know if you are religious or not, but this also helped me a lot as well.

I still get scared, and sometimes I get little panic attacks when I think about it. But I take great comfort in the fact that if I just live life in the best way that I can than dying doesn't seem so bad anymore.

I hope you can find that same peace. You're not alone with this fear.

I am not scared to die. However, there was a time when I was scared. I did the same thing...I would try to go to sleep at night and then this fear would just grip me and I would lay there all night thinking about all the possiblities. What was going to happen after I died? What if I was a ghost and could see everyone I loved suffering and I could not do anything about it? What if I went to hell? What if I was reincarnated and came back to really awful parents? What if I just simply ceased to exist? That was the scariest possibility of all...like everything in life was for nothing at all, to be gone forever in an instant.

I don't know exactly how I did it, but I remember this point when I finally said, "I believe in God and I believe I am going to Heaven. If that is not how it happens, there is really nothing more I can do about it." I just realized that death is a natural occurance that we cannot do anything about, so I just simply cannot worry about. I will deal with it when it comes and until then, I will just think about all the positive things it could be.

i do think about death but i wouldn't say i'm scared to die. I think death itself isn't that scary at all. It's the notion of death that's what scares people. I think you should talk to your close friends and family, not about death, but about other interesting things, hire some good dvds and watch, watch your favourite sports, watch comedy shows and laugh out loud (lol). If you are not working, then get a job. If you can't get a job, join a college and study. You can even try selling stuff on ebay, sell your second-hand clothes, furnitures, etc. That's just a short list of what you can do in life. Life's too short to do all that you want, let alone thinking about death. If nothing works, send me a message... ;) lol... just kidding.. get busy and u should be fine.

First of all, how old are you? People are only afraid of things that they don't understand. Once you understand it, you are not afraid anymore. Most people are afraid of death, but remember that if you let yourself be so preoccupied with death, you forget to live. So go out there and live, remember that life is a gift from God and don't waste a day of it. Also,( Big Tip) Pray!

I am 72 years of age and I am not particularly worried about dying. I see it just as another adventure such as when I migrated from Holland to Australia on my own and no money. I can regret that I have to die because there is still so much I want to learn. But I am already past my use-by date so that's it. But make sure that you have a life especially spiritually. The Creator of this Universe is in charge.

No. It's all part of the cycle. I don't believe we cease to exist, so perhaps that's why I don't fear death.

Anna H.
No, I'm not. I've had leukemia for ten years now. I've watched many people, including my twin sister Jasmine, die from cancer. I've had too many close calls to count. I know it will be my time when it's my time, and I'll be ready.

Anthony P
I'm not afraid and I am a soldier - Basically I have faith and when its my time to go then its my time to go. Just live each day as if it were your last

I would say nothing is wrong with you. Look you are young , and you have two young childern, and the way the world is today, you want to make sure you are there for your childern to keep them safe. So i would say it would be normal to be scared of dieing at this time. Right now your childern proably is the most important thing in your life, and that is a good thing. My answers would have to be yes and no. Yes in the fact i worry about my last living child, and her little ones, and my animals, no, because i have been ready for a long time, and i have died several times in my life, and the ERs brought me back. At that time i hated them for doing that. But i guess my work here was not done, and there was some really important young childern in my life that really needed me to still be around to keep them safe, and i finally learned that. That i was not a burden, and that i just could not leave my childern, or my grandchildern.

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