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 Please stop me from killing my self?

 Identify two great reasons to be alive?
For me this life is just an existence. Oh sure, I know what to do to move away from grief and pain, but in addition to that, I want to know what to move TOWARDS -to have a drive, to have a reason to ...

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anything i can ...

jackie t
Do i have a problem?
I'm 28 years old and I have never had a boyfriend. I dont drink and I have a disease that makes me walk funny. I dont really have any friends and I like to stay in at night and watch the telly. My life is based on fantasies in my head, I dont know what to to. Ive been on a couple of dates that my friend set me up on but i started getting obsessed with them and they got scared. Do you think I have a problem? And is there anyone else out there like me?

Not sure if you have problems but most people do. You seem to be a bit unsure of yourself eg you say you have no friends but then say your friends set you up on dates. You say your life is based on fantasies in your head - does that matter? - NO!!! What's wrong with day dreaming. You say you get obsessive - all you need to do is find someone who is obsissive about you and you got it made. I was obsessive about a women about 12 years ago. We are now married with a son. Just cos your different to others doesn't mean you need to change to be like them. All the post that say this, that or the other is wrong with you will just worry you. Ignore them and try to make the most of your life.

see a counsler. they are pros and can help in better ways than we can.

You never mentioned if you are lonely.....cos if you are then it is a problem. If not and you're ok with things then not. You could maybe try and socialise a littlle more. I'd say that maybe you need to focus on not getting obsessed with the guys you meet and learn to take thing in your stride.

I wish you all the best!!!

Camilla the First
Oh you poor thing, try to get some advice from friends or a trusted relation. What I would do, is contact a G.P. as maybe you are clinically depressed. Even if not, you are missing so much fun which takes practice. It is easy to live in a fantasy world as it is easier than making real relationships which make you scared. Obsessing, is just another symptom and believe me we have all done it - its part of growing up and becoming mature. Try to sort it out and GET OUT even if its scary. good luck

you need to go talk to a therypist. and yes there are meny people out there like you

there are tons of people like you. You just have to relax and take life as it comes. get out there and meet people so when you finally do meet someone special you wont scare them away. and about your walking, people your age should be mature enough to accept people for who they are.

I don't think you have a problem, i think maybe you lack confidence which is why when you do find a man you think you need to hold on to him tightly to stop him from going anywhere as you do not think you are good enough for him or whatever, but i think you would be better off meeting people who are interested in the same thing's as you whether that involves going out and joining new clubs or just on the internet, you need to get to know people so they can see the real you and fall in love with you for who you are, if you are looking for a relationship they never seem to happen because you are focusing too much on it, most of the times relationships occur when you least expect them to, so get rid of your expectations and just look for somebody who enjoys the same interests as you to become friends with and take it from there, most men become frightened when a woman is to clingy especially when they have only been out a few times, i think you just need to chill out and stop looking for it and i'm sure it will happen for you. Good luck.

Huggles [mozzafan]
yeah ,you need to get a job and if u already do its obviosly not offering the social contact that you carve why dont you be a teacher or a doctor or a lwyer they are socialble jobs ,men will be crawling after you

read book about this and get some confidence ,i think you need it

im not like you, infact i walk fine, and i have a girlfriend, but before that i had it hard, not saying what or how, but i did, what u need to do, is become inderperndant, not boarding a sameless.

and wen u manage to get with someone, dont be clicngly, be a bit loving, and dont be picky, u will never be saterfied.


i think you have a problem.
you don't need to be obsessed in em (u shudnt b).
try to engage in more dates.
Good luck (to you and to them)..

You did well by asking for advise, somebody out there knows the answer. keep it up, finally good luck is coming.

no you havent got a roblem see youg gp they mwy be able to help you some way i.e with your walking etc they may send you to a councillor im with one because of my facial disfguremnt

awwwwwwwwww you are so precious, i just wanna cry.

Sherry where the hell have u been. Gary is trying to see you again

yes there are people out there who are like you but you'll never meet them because you are busy watching telly at home. You are becoming an introvert person.
The problem doesn't lie in the fact that you got disease. It lies in the fact that you are LETTING IT rule your life. There are plenty people out there who got disease, disability and what not, but they still accept it and get on with their life. What you have to do is to STOP feeling sorry for yourself. Its only gonna get worse if you don't do something about it.
You have a disease it wasn't you choice. Life is a *********. Accept it.
Try to join some clubs, find a hobby, charity work whatever it takes to get you out of the house and working with and meeting people.
You are ruining your social life because of this and just gonna end up in vicious cirle.

Get out there. Start meeting people. Forget about getting a boyfriend for now. Build a social life. Start living outside your head. Improve on your confidence and self esteem then think about your love life.

You can't run, if you don't know how to walk. Start learning to walk. Simple as that.

Maybe the people who your friends set you up with aren't really your type. Take up a hobby that you're interested in and you might meet people that you;re more compatible with

The fact that you are 28 and never had a boyfriend or that you are generally a loner is not problematic as such.

It could be a problem though if some of your behaviours stem from extremely low self esteem or other issues.

The fact that you "walk funny" I take it to mean that you don't feel comfortable with. Have you received any counselling or support on this issue? Have you examined how you feel about it and then decide how you want other people to relate to you?

Because of your age, life so far and funny walk it would perhaps be beneficial to talk to an independent specialist, someone who could perhaps help you explore all these issues.

Do not look at this as 'therapy for crazy people' or some sort of problem on your behalf. Do not be embarrassed to ask for help because all you will be doing is taking your life into your own hands and finding the best ways to get to a stage where you will be happy.

On the practical side of things, make an appointment with your GP and talk to him/her about referring you to a specialist.

Good luck.

have you ever considered the possibility that you may be bipolar?

Recognizing Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be hard to detect. Some people may go 10 years or more before being diagnosed. There are many reasons that make diagnosing bipolar disorder difficult, such as how patients describe symptoms and what types of symptoms they experience first.

When people are feeling manic or hypomanic, they are full of energy. They can feel good. They may feel "high on life" and don't always seek help. But they may seek help when they fall into depression. At that time, they may describe only symptoms of depression to their healthcare provider. Therefore, it's common for a person to be incorrectly diagnosed with depression instead of bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder also shares many of the signs and symptoms associated with other illnesses, such as anxiety disorders and schizophrenia. This can complicate the diagnosis even more.

This questionaire may help you find out


A mate of mine was born with one leg shorter than the other.
He is very paranoid about his leg, despite the fact that other people hardly notice.
A physical problem can usually cause a larger mental issue.

The key is to accept yourself first, everyone else that matters will soon follow suit.

yeah I think you might need to talk to someone one - whether they be professional or just a friend Im not sure - but you need to figure out why you get obsessed with these men.
I dont think your disease has anything to do with it though.

im sorry but i think u might need help with th obsession part, nothing else. and no im not like that.go to GP and talk to her/him. get out more and meet ppl. do volunteering and meet ppl. start a course at college and meet new ppl. u need to get out more i think and naturally you will start talking to ppl, making friends and possibly a long term parttner. who knws. good luck. go to gp for the obsessioon bit me finks.

i dont see a problem with not going out and drink yourself in a stouper and getting laid every weekend.those people have problems!!!there is def. people just like you out there...i am not one of them though.not being mean,it is a bit sad though.there's way more to life than just telly!!!get out there buddy and enjoy life and try get that special some one to sit with out when you're old and then watch telly!
and you don't have to dtink to have a good time...it just helps a little

I think you need to talk to someone who will be able to help you sort out the difference between real life and your fantasies. Men will run a mile if they think you are an obsessed stalker. Good luck to you


First, Love yourself----the inside is all that matters, no matter if u do walk funny. When we get old, we all will walk funny.
When u aint thinkin about finding a boyfriend, one will hit u right in the face and chill u all over.
Its all a chemistry thing.
U seem normal, but u need to get out into the world, go to a local bar, or theater,or find a boyfriend on the internet.
Fantasies in the head are good, but u cant let them rule your life.
It is best to turn the tube off and do some serious positive reading even if u got to go to a local library where u may meet Mr. Right.
Pray to God above and he will answer u and find u the right man.

Mary Smith
You have a problem if you think you have one. Try joining a club, or do volunteer work. You can meet many people that way who will like you for who you are, not for any disabilities.

I'm 21 and I've never had a boyfriend. Although my problem is more of a trust thing, I understand what you're going thru- sometimes you really feel like there is a void in your life that could be filled by someone else. I'm comfortable with me being single, but sometimes I do feel the loneliness. But its not problem-there are a lot of girls out there who have never had boyfriends. Instead, learn to enjoy other things in life- the company of your friends, movies, theatre, concerts. Don't pine for a guy, when the right one comes along he will accept you- faults and all. Wait for him- till then go on dates, learn to enjoy them one night at a time and then wait for them to call you. It might work.

no you dont... you just arent used to the social interaction. Try to not let yourself get too attached during the dates, i know easier said than done, but if at all possible try and just go with the flow.... good luck i am rooting for you

don't get upset by the posts that are mean
about the 'obbsessing' problem try backing off a little

sorry i wasn't a help much :(

no nonsence
well I'm glad you have a couple o f mates. so that is one great thing when i was younger about 19/20, my life was unbearable i didn't realise it then but i had bi-polar so i could very easily sit there ALL day fantasising of a different life. Unlike you i did drink alcohol (big mistake!!) now I'm not saying you have bi-polar (its manic depression case you don;t know what that means) when i first went to see a psychiatrist i was told although people "day-dream" living in a fantasy world is very dangerous so try not to sit back and enjoy your fantasy world because coming back down to earth can hit you right between the eyes you must see your G.P forget about boyfriends at the moment you know you are fixating all your problems on not having one you sound to unstable to have a relationship . your first needs are to get help learning to live with yourself and liking yourself forget your "strange walk" you cant change that can you? please make a refferal today and the very best of luck and happiness let us all know how you get on i now am a very happy person with an active life and a great bunch of kids so life does change for every one its called growing up. you are just a late "developer" im quite happy "taking the tablets" to stay stable

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