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 Have I failed at life? (honest answers only)?
Please be honest, have I failed at life? Here's some info about me:
1. I'm extremely shy and have bad social anxiety, it makes it hard to talk to any people at all, order food at ...

 Do You Think About Suicide ?
Do you think about suicide on a daily basis ? Are they Idle thoughts of escape or more ?...

 What's the quickest way to off yourself?
what i have been doing isn't working or is not fast enough. please help me someone quick and easy. i don't own a gun yet....

 What are you addicted to, not necessarily drugs, that you think you can't live without?
For me, it's books. When I run out of books to read I'll read anything. Also, my computer and internet. Just thinking about not having it is terrifying!
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 My best best best friend died. Please read.?
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 I have a very strange, kind of sick secret. is this realy a bad thing?
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 What or who made you laugh this week?

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I love Extras with Ricky Gervais, he makes me laugh out ...

 14 and depressed?
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Have you ever tried to commit suicide?

Was it a real and failed attempt or a cry for help? And do you get p****d off with people who say it's selfish? (For those who dont know it is ...

 Am i crazy?
i talk to myself. i dont do any thing bad. i'm depressed and hate life. i've had eating disorders. i cant trust any one. thats why i'm asking you, cause you dont know who i really am....

Do you agree that alcoohol is more dangerous than marijuana?

yes if hooked it destroys all
yes it is it destroys yourself and the people around you not just mentally but over time physically and accidentally. Alcohol related death is more common than is actually realised.

Larry R
Yes. When drunk I've done things/ got into situations that would never have occured if I'd been stoned, which is why I hardly drink anymore, but still have the odd smoke.

Both substances are dangerous if abused. The level of abuse dictates the level of danger.

Statistically, neither are as dangerous as crossing the street.

And to correct one of the misinformed answers above; there has been one recorded death from overdose of marijuana in Britain.

Hell, yeah!

rusty red
totally agree alcoohal it should be banned,peace and harmony should be the way of life not violence and misary long life the smoke end off....................


Yes I agree with that alcohol cause many more problems. It amazes me how the governments keep harping on about the mental side affects when alcohol cause twice as many. Cannabis is safer than alcohol I would rather be dependant on that than alcohol.
Because of the side affects of alcohol the government should be looking at reclassing that instead.
The BBC had a news story last week stating that every 6 hours in Scotland someone dies which is alcohol related

both as bad..
alcohol has a lot to answer for and is legal!
cannabis is terrible for you too, i should know i smoked very strong skunk for years before realising just how bad it is for your head

of course not.
both can end up very dangerous.

Yes IT IS. Now can you please pass the bowl?

iain xx
Yes I do agree with you.
I know from experience, Drinking harms your body long term and can cause a lot of family and relationship problems as well.

Yes I do.

Nothing to say?
They have different effects so depends on your priorities as to which one can be more dangerous. Ban both of them.

I think alcohol is more readily available than marijuana, alcohol comes in different strengths and is probably a lot more addictive and dangerous too, I have never done marijuana and drink very little, I am hopeless with one glass of wine and know that if I got in a car to drive I would more than likely kill or maim someone, I guess in their own ways they are both very addictive but I still think alcohol has a worse effect on you than marijuana does.

kit kat

Both are dangerous. Alcohol probably moreso because it is legal and easily obtainable

I think it's ridiculous to even care.

It should all be legal. I don't drink or smoke and do drugs or anything, but seriously - who the f**k cares if it's more dangerous, people are going to do it anyway.. and if you make it illegal, they'll do it more!

Hell yes! (Pardon my French)
The worst thing of all is that alcohol is a HARD DRUG and little kids sometimes actually are able to buy it.
Marijuana I guess is actually rated as a soft drug and in my opinion not as bad as alcohol.
I've been using both of them for a while and I can tell you;
The alcohol will get you up for just a little while and then it will **** you up, by making you aggressive for example and you can get a very bad hangover of it.
While with the grass, you'll get a buzz which sometimes also doesn't take too long, but (atleast in my case) it'll get you relaxed and lateron sleepy, so you haven't got the energy to get aggressive and fight or break stuff.
Alcohol much more dangerous..

Emma B
Both are bad....A friend developed Epilepsey through subsance abuse !!

no. depends on if you like jail.

Sandra C
totally more dangerous than marijuana

yes i do actually..

100% agree, but the government cant make as much money if they tax the weed

depends on how much you smoke at one time! the only time i was to incapacitated to drive i was stoned out of my mind i actually had to pull over for a little while!

YEPPERS! I sure do! It's true, the only reason marijuanna is illegal is because #1- they didn't know how to classify it and decide to label it a narcotic, which was a tremendous mistake and as a result #2- government can't control taxes on it. Personally I believe marijuanna should be legalized but held with the same laws as alcohol. No driving while under the influence, must be 21 or older to use, etc. While I am a big advocate for it, I also believe it should be taken very seriously because many times it DOES become a gateway drug.

Absolutely! You'll never damage your liver smoking pot. You rarely find people smoking pot getting violent or aggressive, and lets face it; who would you rather come in contact with on a dark street, an angry drunk or a giggling pot head? The laws are all messed up. I think if they want to lower the crime and accident rate, they should take booze off the market and start selling weed instead.

Dr Dee

Chris H
Yes, I agree that alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana.

mark p

yes, i smoked for years and never did anything as stupid as when i was drunk

The Findleys
Yes, I do and it was also proved on a recent report that showed 'dangerous' drugs. Both alcohol and smoking are considered more dangerous than marijuana. Unfortunately the Government will not legalise marijuana and ban smoking and alcohol as they get too much money from the taxes on both these items!

The british government should take a leaf out of the Netherlands book and legalise marijuana - there are even medicinal benefits to it and, unlike alcohol, there are far fewer side effects such as aggression and hangovers.

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