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 Im soooo deppressed!!! i cut myself and dont know wat to do!!!?
im seriously depressed im on the larger side of things and im 13 !!!! people make fun of me! plz help b 4 i do sumtin i regret!...

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 If you cut yourself does that mean you have a mental illness?
Okay well I do cut myself, and people are always talking about like all these "mental illnesses" you most liikely have if you cut? Cant you just do it with out having to be "messed up&...

 Why do some people kill others before comitting suicide?
like well it's really sad if they wanna kill themselves, not saying that they should but even if they decide to commit suicide they should just suicide themselves, not kill others, especially ...

 Have you ever been depressed?

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Surely we all make the odd mistake. I spelt fourty instead of forty. try checking it on spell check does not show as an ...

 I am desperate?
She took the breath right out of me.She left a hole where my heart should be.
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I love her so much.....I lost her....

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 Does anyone else have this problem? Please help. No rude answers please!?
Whenever I try to go to sleep I am constantly bothered by the thought racing through my head. It will keep me up for hours. I think about the bad things that have happened in my life, how i could ...

 Anyone want to cheer me up?
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Yes Or No!!...

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i recently found a bottle of vodka underneath my daughters bed... when i confronted her she said she didnt know where it came from...then i got a call from my sister (my daughter babysits their ...

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Party Balloons, Hot Air Balloons, Helium Balloons, any sort even balloons made of condoms!!!!

I don't know what it's called - it's bound to have a medical term for it.......

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It's not a trick question it's not in the Games & Recreation section....

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No, my eyes didnt ...

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In Italy,we really HATE hamsters!!...

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How come people kill cats for the fun of it?
I knew someone who killed 5 cats, JUST FOR FUN!
I know he was getting pretty physcotic, but i didn't think he would go to the extent of killing cats.....

Is this an early sign of someone whos going to become extremely violent?
Can someone give me a website, where i could do some research on this?
He's really scaring me....
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Not to sound completely unlogical, but he honestly seems like he's becoming that Micheal Myers character.
He is only 16 and has stabbed somone, He has anger black outs.

I just want help for him!

If you don't report him to the authorities, you are sending the message to him that you stand by this behavior. The sign of a serial killer is always cruelty to animals. If he has moved on to stabbing one person, he is well on his way to being destructive for the rest of his life! I'm not saying all people who kill animals will become serial killers, but if you want to do any research, (after you call the cops) look up serial killers and you will see their pattern. Cats are helpless, and people have such a misunderstanding of them due to history. Own a cat and your views will change!
PS. get away from him!

Phycological Relapse..? I mean has something bad happened to him in his life.. I mean nobody should be doing stuff like that, There's a line and he's crossed it. He needs to see someone and quickly at that!

What you've described IS against the law in most states, and ranges from a misdemeanor to a felony. I'd report him to the authorities. Perhaps if he gets help soon before it's too late, he won't hurt someone else.

That´s really sick.
Im sure that violence towards non-human animals it´s the first step to human violence.

Anyway, did you know about some people that pays other people to kill animals, just for the pleasure they feel eating their corpses? I heard something about it...


POOR CATS!!!!!!! i am like this at him: >:(
Call the cops. Animal Abuse. Against the law.
(i hate when people hurt animals so i hate that person)

They're just little punks who need to feel like bad-asses. I heard a wise man say that deep down people behave like this because they desire these destructive acts performed on themselves.

You cannot help this guy. Yes, he could become extremely violent. People with this history end up having Antisocial Personality Disorder. You need to stay away from him.

ÏabyloÏiaÏ Î²aЯbaЯiaÏ°
this person desperatly needs the help of the psychiatric services or a good therapist

Many times when people treat animals cruelly it stems from some sort of childhood abuse or neglet. This isnt the case for every person that has been a victim but for those who do not know how to deal with there anger or sick demented thoughts of hate. They resort to acting them out. It is really dangerous because you never know what they might do next this person needs counseling and love ASAP.

Warren Bennett
Do better. Go to the police dept and see the police dept
shrink. Tell them or him or her what is going on. They will take it from there. Just have some proof!

Forget bothering to research call the police and get the Psycho locked up!!! YOU MUST DO THIS!!! He could move on to children next!!!!!

Anyone that gets pleasure out of hurting and torturing animals and killing them are really sick disturbed individuals.

He may need some help but he also deserves tpo be punished!!! If that was my cat he did that to then he's have no legs!

And if it's you doing this then get yourself some help NOW!!!!

Emsey Pop
yea, thats sick, even though i personally hate cats

Sonny B.
i would say you desperatly need to call a phsyciatric hospital and get him tested right away he seems violent not only to others but to himself as well there is seriously something wrong with him even though it isnt his fault, he need help!

good luck!

Betty B
i think you need to repot him... i think he could turn violent anytime towards humans

suzy home maker
They are evil!, normal people don't do these acts. Jeffery Dalmer started out killing animals. Stay away from him. Do not have any contact whatsoever with this person if your a smart girl. You may want to report him if you know he won't find out it's you.

♥☺ bratiskimâˆ! ☺♥
Go to webmd.com. Maybe that'll help. He sounds psychotic and sadistic to me!!

Airborne Ranger :D
This is a good sign that they are violent/sadistic.

I think this is a crime, so contact local police and report this.

they are sick freaks who would love do to sick things just for the entertainment.
ehh i hate those people...

Yes that is psychotic and illegal. You should call the police. This will eventually lead to worst crimes from him when he gets bored with cats.

This person is a sicko. He is already extremely violent. Report it to authorities.

He's becoming a psychopath. He'll most likely end up continuing this path. Call the police and report him for animal abuse. They might force him into a psychiatric evaluation.

do what sparkles said
turn him in

This is an early sign of a disturbed mind. Killing and abusing small animals is usually a warning sign for an adult that may kill or abuse humans. Seek help for this person by talking to their parent, teacher, etc. This person needs therapy.

See That TWiNkLe in My Eye?

Sox=2005 champs Cubs=hmm when?
that's horrible!

I read somewhere that people will kill animals to kreep from killing other people.

What do you want to do research on exactly? How many cats are killed by psychos or how to deal with pyscho friends? I knew a boy who did that 30 years ago- he was a head case- just steer clear of him and report him to the RSPCA because what he is doing is illegal.

Nerdy Loser, seriously
Um yeah, thats pretty sick. I actually talked to someone about this very thing once. I know someone who likes to hurt animals so I talked to my boss about it, who has a masters in psychology. She said that could be early warning signs of psychotic behaviors.

Instead of researching it, you should turn him in because this is against the law.

You should call the cops. This is totally animal abuse. I hate it when people are so cruel to animals. They have feelings, too. Argh.....

This could be the early signs of extreme violence, have him taken to the therapist ASAP!

Sounds like Conduct Disorder to me.

It's a disorder of childhood where some common symptoms are torturing animals, hurting people, destroying property, setting fires, disregard for authority, breaking the law, getting into fights, etc.

If the same behavior continues after the age of 18 it's called Antisocial Personality Disorder or Sociopathy. People like that are likely to spend time in prison.

You could try putting some of these key words on a search engine like Google: "conduct disorder antisocial personality dsm-iv." (DSM-IV is the manual of mental disorders created by the American Psychiatric Association)

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