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 Do you think emos need metal help??
the ones who cut and hurt them selfs...
plz i wana know if my friend will get over this or if i should take action....

 Is suicide the biggest sin?
just wondering will you go to hell for it
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i'm bathist (i can't spell good)...

 Need Answers !!?
I'm really close to this teacher in my school, I could trust her wth anything. She's helping me quit self harming, but I'm worried that it's putting her job at risk cause I know ...

 What do you do to help relieve stress?
im always stress.. so can u guys give me an idea how u relieve it?...

 How to not be gay???
Please help! And please don't just tell me to accept myself because ive tried,i cant and i wont,i cant be this way and need as much advice as possible. And if this is any help,im 14 and i dont ...

 What do you do to help with stress?

 Is this Normal thinking for a teen?
I know how dramatic this sounds but I feel as though no one understands me. I mean..for a teenager I'm very emotional and think about things in depth so much more then others and no one seems to ...

 I am dying.?
I just hyperventilated and felt like i was dying...i could see the light....I'm dying inside and no one cares. Is this normal?
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I just feel like giving up and ...

 I dont want to grow up :(?
i feel like i haven thad a childhood and i was stripped opf my innocence at a very young age. now that i'm 19 and found someone who is like the mom i always wanted - just someone who would love ...

 Can i get SSI checks for mental issues?
I'm 17 years old and I'm in Austin,Texas. I live with my 19 year old cousin, I was kicked out the house shortly after my 17th birthday, so I moved from Mississippi to Texas. I have a few ...

I'm a 17 years old girl. I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't seem to do anything right. I have a few friends, I also have horrible grades. I'm failing almost all of ...

 I hate myself?
What should I do?...

 How to be able to forgive yourself, especially when others won't? PSYCHOLOGICAL ONLY, NO RELIGION PLEASE!!!!!
I have some friends who came from abusive households, and had to endure abuse throughout their growing up years and carried it out throughout, social and work life, unfortunately such people are not ...

I've been prescribed with Citalopram by my Doc for my social anxiety. Has anyone had this work for them?

Jamesey - Reinvented!!!
No. I had a panic attack because of the medicine and I ended up being molested . Don't be like me-stay away from Michael Jackson!!!!!

I took it for 3 days and passed out at work. Haven't taken one since and been fine. Try to get by without, talk to him again. Once you start it's for life you know. You don't want to take anything that long.

Sorry to have to say this,but hearing other people's successes/failures on any given medication isn't going to help you at all.The only way you'll know whether it's going to help you or not is to give the medication a fair trial yourself.What I can tell you though,is that SSRI antidepressants such as Citalopram have been shown to reduce the symptoms of social anxiety.

the 1st time i went on them i was fine, bit high at 1st but then evened out. But the 2nd time they did no good infact they made me worse, let someone u can trust to monitor u, if u get worse they r not for u, but be careful and go straight back to docs, if not working within 2 weeeks.

Yes, and i am still on them. 20g helped loads with the panick attacks, more or less stopped them, had to go up to 40g though to help with my depression. They make me tierd and i yawn all the time (two side effects) apart from that they worked (and still do) for me, been taking them for years now.

I've been on them for just over 2yrs, 20mg. They take the edge off things, and keep me on an even keel

I'm a psychiatric nurse, and many of my patients take Citalopram

I was prescribed citalopram about a year ago and i found it didn't work for me so now I'm on escitalopram and it is sort of working but it's hard to say cos I've only been on it for a couple of weeks .
But everybody's different and it will either do you some good or not so i would try it and see what happens.

Fee G
my hubby takes citalopram for anxiety/stress, and it seems to work just fine.
what you should remember is that the citalopram will help initially, but you may have to make lifestyle changes for the effects to be more longterm.
good luck

Hedge Witch
Yes - I had them a few years ago - they worked well then although I have been prescribed them more recently too and they didn't work this time :-(

Vicky Up
yes they work for me

dark girl
I have taken these for many years. I think they are a very good anti-depressant - definatley worth a try. I think you will be pleased and perhaps even surpised with the results.

my wife was prescribed this last year, she said it worked for her. best of luck!

Fallen Angel
This question is irrelevant really because what works for one person will not necessarily work for another. You need to take it and see if it works for you.

We are all "different" and some drugs have a wonderful and beneficial effect on some people, when the same drug at the same dose doesn't work on someone else....

I hope your Dr hasn't JUST handed out a prescription? Has he / she referred you to the CMHT for counselling, support? The medication may help, but that in itself isn't the solution. You need to learn how to cope / deal with anxiety. You need to learn CBT techniques and anxiety management.

Good luck!

I've been taking it for nearly six years, and it works pretty well for me. It just takes the edge off my anxiety without making me a zombie.

They worked for my husband. They seem to keep him calm and relaxed. He took them whilst he was suffering from panic attacks and he's stopped them now.

Jan S
My husband takes this for anxiety and depression - they work very well for him. Give it a go and good luck

I've been on 40mg of citalopram since April, and it's the best thing since ever!

I was a bit high at first, but i've come back down to earth now, and i'm coping with distressing situations much more rationally now than i used to.

Citalopram is an excellent drug used for social anxiety.

Hi! In addition to your meds, can I recommend a course of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. CBT is proven to be the most effective thing for anxiety (including social anxiety) and totally helped me. It takes a bit of work, but if you put the effort in it’s super effective. You can speak to your doctor about doing a course, or you can take a course for free online at: http://www.livinglifetothefull.com/elear...

Good luck to you.

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